View Full Version : A sad report from IMDB

The Alive Man
13-Nov-2006, 08:40 PM

"They shot up here in north yprk for a week. i didnt see much cool stuff. the makeup was bad. romero was in very poor health. the pool scene they shot was cool. they are filming up by the toronto zoo and casa loma nowfor two weeks now i think and then rapping. also, i think they are doing some hospital shooting. its very low budget and handi cam shots. still a very welcome change from Land of the Dead!!!

I will buy it!!!!"

What do you think about it? Bad make-up? Do you think we must trust in this "guy"?:eek: Hope the make-up is not as bad as that in 'The Zombie Diaries' (IMHO).

scotty Boy
13-Nov-2006, 08:51 PM
Well being in low budget film i dont doubt the make up wont be as good as mainstream movies. Saying that will Savini be doing the make-up again for this one? if so then i cant see it being too damn shabby.

I am going to ignore all reviews untill i see the film for myself, my judgement is the one that matters not me :)

13-Nov-2006, 10:24 PM
this sounds like when dawn of the dead 78 came out.

listen guys...

dawn was low budget and had bad make up ok.
If tom is doing makeup maybe that "bad" makeup is dawn of the dead 78 makeup.

im just saying most people that arent fans of dawn 78 think the make-up was corney.

this maybe a good thing, you never know.:|

13-Nov-2006, 11:33 PM
The make up was done by KNB, so it will be top notch.

13-Nov-2006, 11:36 PM
The make up was done by KNB, so it will be top notch.

What he said.

And besides.....why the f*ck are you believing anything that's put on IMDB, anyway?:lol:

IMDB is only correct AFTER films are completed. Sometimes they're still wrong even then.

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 01:00 AM
IMDB sucks. It's not a riable source. I hate the whole "vibe" attached to that site. Terrible parameters of judgement.

14-Nov-2006, 01:54 AM
mm but you cant deny IMDB is excellent for checking out peoples careers and hunting down old movies.

14-Nov-2006, 05:18 AM
IMDB sucks. It's not a riable source. I hate the whole "vibe" attached to that site. Terrible parameters of judgement.

Totally agree. I've been let down so my times by their bulls**t that I don't even bother to look now.

14-Nov-2006, 06:54 AM
aye in film studies its a genral thing not to use imdb for coursework or anything since its harldy ever right and has more fnaboy arguments than the "why people hate land thread":lol:

and actually i wouldnt mind seeing a return to the blue zombies from dawn, itd be a nice change of pace, and given its shot on handheld and its actually hand...err held its gonna be shaky, lets just pray big daddy dont make a cameo screaming "jooooosssshhh!":p

Moon Knight
14-Nov-2006, 07:07 AM
this sounds like when dawn of the dead 78 came out.

listen guys...

dawn was low budget and had bad make up ok.
If tom is doing makeup maybe that "bad" makeup is dawn of the dead 78 makeup.

im just saying most people that arent fans of dawn 78 think the make-up was corney.

this maybe a good thing, you never know.:|

LOL! so true. The blue face undead were very laughable:D

Doesn't get any better.

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 09:12 AM
IMDB kills people's passions. IMDB is based on bashing and destruction.

I hate the site. I hate it to death.

14-Nov-2006, 02:07 PM
IMDB kills people's passions. IMDB is based on bashing and destruction.

I hate the site. I hate it to death.

A little harsh, you think?:p

It's good for some things. Just don't believe it all. _liam_ had a very good point that it's good for searching through people's careers and hunting down old movies.

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 02:09 PM

Just that. Two functions.

14-Nov-2006, 02:11 PM
The trivia and quote sections are pretty useful, as well.:moon:

14-Nov-2006, 03:29 PM
this sounds like when dawn of the dead 78 came out.

listen guys...

dawn was low budget and had bad make up ok.
If tom is doing makeup maybe that "bad" makeup is dawn of the dead 78 makeup.

im just saying most people that arent fans of dawn 78 think the make-up was corney.

this maybe a good thing, you never know.:|
The DOTD makeup was definately NOT corny in 1978 or the years following.

You cant trust IMDB. According to my page I was in a really sh!tty Mario Van Peeples movie.:confused:

scotty Boy
14-Nov-2006, 03:49 PM
I personally find IMDB very helpful. It lists almost every film made to date, cast and information. It has quotes and trivia it even has a page of mistakes which i find humerous.

the only think i dont pay attention too are the reviews by people posted on there. there normal people who have reviewed the film. There not official.

they give good stats too. :)

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 07:10 PM
I can't still believe how much the make-up work for 'The Zombie Diaries' is bad (judging from the few movie stills they provided on the official site): Let's hope ROMERO will not follow that same path. ;)

Anyway, I admire the bald attempt to shoot a 'zombie movie', indipendently from the production values involved in the project.

14-Nov-2006, 07:58 PM
Anyway, I admire the bald attempt to shoot a 'zombie movie'...

Who's that then? Vin Diesel? Kurt Angle? Sorry bro, I couldn't resist! :D

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 10:35 PM
OOOOOoooooooooooh God. Bold.

Sorry, language barrier sometimes shows up! :dead:

16-Nov-2006, 01:40 PM
actually, even though i stood up for the IMDB a minute ago, i have to say i HATE the message boards - they are bad for my health! you can't say anything without it descending into and all out flame war!
example, i was on a board about an old video nasty called "men behind the sun". in this movie there is a scene where a cat is thrown into a room full of starving rats and eaten alive. some people say it's real, some don't, i chipped in with this;

by necroticfuzzfunk (_liam_) (Tue Oct 31 2006 19:04:37 )
Edit Reply

tell you what, i know a vet, i'll get him in and see what he thinks (although he might not talk to me again after finding i have this kind of movie!), and the second he gives me his verdict i'll post it, verbatim in quotation marks, and maybe we'll be a step closer to concluding this...

Re: i dont hink the cat died after all!!MUST READ!!!!
by bcibiblack 5 days ago (Fri Nov 10 2006 20:42:00 )
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
You "know a vet" do you, necrotic? Your own personal physician, is he? Jesus, there are some rednecks on these forums...

....er...i mean what the hell?! how does using the abbreviation "vet" make me a redneck? see what i mean?...blood pressure...*rises*...:mad:

if anyone can explain why that guy called me a redneck, i'll sleep easier...

16-Nov-2006, 01:44 PM
....er...i mean what the hell?! how does using the abbreviation "vet" make me a redneck? see what i mean?...blood pressure...*rises*...:mad:

if anyone can explain why that guy called me a redneck, i'll sleep easier...

Because most of the people using the IMDB message boards are douche bags that think they are never wrong. Don't let them get to you.

16-Nov-2006, 01:51 PM
The DOTD makeup was definately NOT corny in 1978 or the years following.

You cant trust IMDB. According to my page I was in a really sh!tty Mario Van Peeples movie.:confused:

I'm not saying it was corney, I loved the way everything was.

im just saying that casual veiwers think it may be corney or people that dont like old movies.

were romero fans we dont think the graphics were corney.. some people do i am saying.

16-Nov-2006, 01:56 PM
that imdb guy's just retarded.....being a redneck (to some extent), I'd like to add that he needs the sh*t kocked outta him. :)

16-Nov-2006, 02:46 PM
I'm not saying it was corney, I loved the way everything was.

im just saying that casual veiwers think it may be corney or people that dont like old movies.

were romero fans we dont think the graphics were corney.. some people do i am saying.

I don't even think of it as old, so maybe I am living in La La land:)

actually, even though i stood up for the IMDB a minute ago, i have to say i HATE the message boards - they are bad for my health! you can't say anything without it descending into and all out flame war!
example, i was on a board about an old video nasty called "men behind the sun". in this movie there is a scene where a cat is thrown into a room full of starving rats and eaten alive. some people say it's real, some don't, i chipped in with this;

by necroticfuzzfunk (_liam_) (Tue Oct 31 2006 19:04:37 )
Edit Reply

tell you what, i know a vet, i'll get him in and see what he thinks (although he might not talk to me again after finding i have this kind of movie!), and the second he gives me his verdict i'll post it, verbatim in quotation marks, and maybe we'll be a step closer to concluding this...

Re: i dont hink the cat died after all!!MUST READ!!!!
by bcibiblack 5 days ago (Fri Nov 10 2006 20:42:00 )
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
You "know a vet" do you, necrotic? Your own personal physician, is he? Jesus, there are some rednecks on these forums...

....er...i mean what the hell?! how does using the abbreviation "vet" make me a redneck? see what i mean?...blood pressure...*rises*...:mad:

if anyone can explain why that guy called me a redneck, i'll sleep easier...
That doesn't even make any sence.:lol:
A couple years ago on an Audio forum I dasagreed with this guy in the most tactly mild way possible.
I get this email from him to the effect of "How dare you disrespect me. You don't know my power. If you don't watch your step Im going to hurt you bad"
Pissed me off but mostly it just seemed creepy and totally loony.

The Alive Man
16-Nov-2006, 04:33 PM
that imdb guy's just retarded.....being a redneck (to some extent), I'd like to add that he needs the sh*t kocked outta him. :)

IMDB people is retarded for definition. They love to bash every movie which doesn't make their personal "favourite ones" list ... there's no hint of genuine cinematic love in that site. Sick people, pathetic.

23-Nov-2006, 07:51 AM
As long as you ignore the message boards, IMDB is a fine website. One I visit ever day.

The Alive Man
23-Nov-2006, 11:02 AM
As long as you ignore the message boards, IMDB is a fine website. One I visit ever day.


23-Nov-2006, 04:51 PM
Bad make-up or bad make-up effects? Because the zombies in this film aren't supposed to have alot of make-up seeing as they have to seem pretty humanlike. Some pale would probably do it.

And make-up effects are partially made in the editing room. So there's noway the guy can estimate from seeing the stuff from a balcony (or whatever) how it will look like on film.

The Alive Man
23-Nov-2006, 08:02 PM
Bad make-up or bad make-up effects? Because the zombies in this film aren't supposed to have alot of make-up seeing as they have to seem pretty humanlike. Some pale would probably do it.

And make-up effects are partially made in the editing room. So there's noway the guy can estimate from seeing the stuff from a balcony (or whatever) how it will look like on film.

Yeah, but the make-up has to look realistic, not prosthetical... there's a very fine line between good and bad make-up.

24-Nov-2006, 08:21 PM
It sounds like this guy saw the make-up while wathcing them film, from a distance.

One think I will say is that I think that make up looks a lot better on film than it does in person.

27-Nov-2006, 07:26 PM
Yeah, but the make-up has to look realistic, not prosthetical... there's a very fine line between good and bad make-up.

When not on film, most makeup looks prosthetic, or at least fake. Then, you can twist and turn it in your own mind and have a greater chance of studying it than you have if it's cleverly edited on a film.

09-Dec-2006, 04:06 AM
Give the movie a chance to be made and released . Fer christ-sakes , its George Romero ! Lets just wait till the movie can be seen before we decide what its' effect is ... sheesh .

09-Dec-2006, 03:59 PM
When not on film, most makeup looks prosthetic, or at least fake. Then, you can twist and turn it in your own mind and have a greater chance of studying it than you have if it's cleverly edited on a film.
It has a lot to do with angles and lighting too.

09-Dec-2006, 05:33 PM
It has a lot to do with angles and lighting too.

Yes, exactly.

In the case of Dawn's zombiemakeup, I've seen films from that same period and earlier that had better. In Dawn you can more often than not see that only the faces of the zombies are colored blue, and their necks are fairly bleak or tan.

Zombie Flesh Eaters came the next year with a much smaller budget, and it had much better zombie make-up.

09-Dec-2006, 09:34 PM
Zombie Flesh Eaters came the next year with a much smaller budget, and it had much better zombie make-up.
And far worse acting, ingenuity and a script that is in large part...Boring.:)
I saw it when it came out (Zombie), cause I was starving for zombies, and was reallly dissapointed. he beginning is cool and the last quarter. The rest is pure crapola. The zombiie from the poster is one of the best in any movie.
Tom savini has done some cool stuff (like day) but is pretty overrated to me.

Saw Gates of Hell a couple months later and thought that was a watse of $$ too.

The Alive Man
10-Dec-2006, 09:26 AM
At the release of DAWN, the zombie make-up was pretty innovative and "fresh" (no pun intended). Surely as hell, it set the standards to measure with. I don't doubt that many movies that came out after DAWN were far superior ONLY in terms of zombie make-up... but the DAWN zombie make-up was much more realistic to me. Remember, they're us...
They should resemble Living Dead, not overblown monsters.

11-Dec-2006, 12:29 AM
Zombie Flesh Eaters came the next year with a much smaller budget, and it had much better zombie make-up.

It also had far less zombies.

But still, I don't understand why the make up in ZOMBIE (FLESH EATERS) gets so much praise when the majority of the zombies look like they've got dry pale mud smeared all over their faces.


They look cool but its not exactly high tech and not particularly realistic.

16-Dec-2006, 07:56 PM
i liked the way they looked in zombie :3 the "mud" or w/e made them look rotting

08-Jan-2007, 05:01 AM
I like the whole mud zombie look.

Kinda weird.

08-Jan-2007, 06:03 AM
the resident evil ones were the worst, they were just slightly pale!?!?!:rolleyes: