View Full Version : You know you're obsessed with Zombies when...

The Alive Man
15-Nov-2006, 02:53 PM
1- ... can't or won't spell the word "zombie" because it is incorrect from a Romero stand-point. You prefer something else, generally 'DEAD'.

2- ... you sing (or whistle) the goblin main theme of 'ZOMBI' under the shower, with a dumb smile stamped all over your face.

3- ... the walls of your room are covered with gigantic BUB movie stills, as he would be the big thing of the moment (well, he was that in 1985).

4- ... you name your dog 'Romero', and your cat 'Simon Baker'.

5- ... you make a small reproduction of Roger in full SWAT suit by your hands, using play-doh, to have something to pray at before going to sleep.

6- ... you think black people are definitely cool.

7- ... you post 100 threads per day on this board.

8- ... your license plate screams 'PITTSBURGH' or 'FLORIDA' despite you are obviously italian.

9- ... you sit down, and watch awful garbage as 'DAY OF THE DEAD 2', just because it pretends to be "zombie movie" stuff.

10- ... you go to your local theatre to see the upcoming DENNIS HOPPER movie, only because he belongs to the Dead saga actor list.

15-Nov-2006, 03:07 PM
... when you have a post count of 43.8 posts per day at HPOTD.com? :lol:

EDIT: Sorry, i missed your own number seven.

15-Nov-2006, 03:37 PM
... when you have a post count of 43.8 posts per day at HPOTD.com? :lol:

EDIT: Sorry, i missed your own number seven.

Yes his posting is very prolific. Maybe some ridalin would be in order?:skull:

Adolf Kitler
15-Nov-2006, 05:35 PM
I have framed posters of NOTLD and Dawn hanging in my office. Does that qualify me as obsessed? Lord, I hope not.

The Alive Man
15-Nov-2006, 06:17 PM
11 - ... you can't see a gas station in the same way you used to see it before 2005 anymore.

12 - ... you would start to masturbate yourself if someone says the word "reckoning", since it reminds you to the greatest vehicle ever realized in human history, but that doesn't really happen because you're italian and that word doesn't even exist in the italian vocabulary (equivalent: "SCOTTO").

13 - ... you dislike pseudo-critic people who bash my views in order to feel better with themselves (I know, it doesn't really fit with the DEAD movies, but sometimes it happens to this board, eh Philly? :D LOL Just joking)

15-Nov-2006, 09:58 PM
14 - Whenever you're in filmclass (and you're IN filmclass because you want to make zombiefilms), and the lecturer shows a clip from some film that features anything that could be interpreted as zombies, everyone looks your way to see your drooling reaction.

15 - The word "zombie" is one of the most commonly used words in your phone text messaging service.

The Alive Man
15-Nov-2006, 10:05 PM
14 - Whenever you're in filmclass (and you're IN filmclass because you want to make zombiefilms), and the lecturer shows a clip from some film that features anything that could be interpreted as zombies, everyone looks your way to see your drooling reaction.

15 - The word "zombie" is one of the most commonly used words in your phone text messaging service.

:lol: I love Zombie fanatism as heavy as mine... :lol:

16-Nov-2006, 12:32 AM
-when you make large lists of zombie movies you still havnt seen
- when you look at a biulding, and think " **** man i could fortify this place to be so sweet in a zombie invasion!" or " this would never hod up in a class 4 invasion, class3 hardly!"
- you light up at the mention of anchor bay
- you follow GAR collecting his cig butts

16-Nov-2006, 07:51 AM
6- ... you think black people are definitely cool.

Erm, I don't quite know how to take that comment. :confused:

The Alive Man
16-Nov-2006, 08:23 AM
Why Spaulding? You have to take it the way it was intended to be take: positively.

The Romero saga showed that black people - and only black people - are synched with the unknown energy called 'coolness', and can tap into it wherever they need.

16-Nov-2006, 08:59 AM
The Romero saga showed that black people - and only black people - are synched with the unknown energy called 'coolness', and can tap into it wherever they need.

I always thought Romero used black people as leads due to their acting ability and not 'coolness'. It all depends on what you mean by 'cool' as I think you are over-romanticising a little. 'Cool' as in Samuel L. Jackson? 'Cool' as in the superfly attitude and saying 'n**ger' five times in every sentence of dialogue? Blaxsploitation movies are indeed 'cool' but Duane Jones (star of NOTLD) very often turned these roles down because he expressed no desire to speak the word 'n**ger' on film. I think that sums up what a truly great actor he was. I didn't mean to bring a racial issue into the thread but it kinda went hand-in-hand with the subject matter, y'know?

As for black people being the only cool actors in the Dead series, what about Scott Reiniger or John Leguizamo?

The Alive Man
16-Nov-2006, 09:31 AM
... or Simon Baker (Riley is my hero) for instance.

No, Spaulding, don't misundertand me, please... this whole threat is a joke, so it was a joke, only a joke...

Anyway, as matter of fact, I ALSO consider 'coolness' as being the factual capability to play a character as much spontaneously as possible. ;)

(which is not Dennis Hopper's case, however. He usually overplays. Dare to contradict me.)

16-Nov-2006, 09:37 AM
When your always on the lookout for the undead when you leave your home.

*NOTE* Guys, I managed to get some pictures of Venom from the upcoming Spiderman movie! I posted them in the Spiderman 3 trailer thread, but this thread has died. Thought I'd post a note here so people can finally have a look.

16-Nov-2006, 09:40 AM
Anyway, as matter of fact, I ALSO consider 'coolness' as being the factual capability to play a character as much spontaneously as possible. ;)

(which is not Dennis Hopper's case, however. He usually overplays. Dare to contradict me.)

I wont challenge you on that but you got to agree that no-one can say 'f**k' quite the same way as Dennis does. :D

The Alive Man
16-Nov-2006, 12:00 PM
That's damn true! :lol:

16-Nov-2006, 01:44 PM
Erm, I don't quite know how to take that comment. :confused:

I was just about to post the same thing!

I understand that it wasn't meant to be ugly, but that one was WWAAYY skewed from the rest of the list.

Why point out the "black" people?

16-Nov-2006, 01:47 PM
you start a "you know youve blanked to much blank" thread cus you dont have owt better to do:shifty:

The Alive Man
16-Nov-2006, 04:29 PM
you start a "you know youve blanked to much blank" thread cus you dont have owt better to do:shifty:

Cool out, boy.:cool:

16-Nov-2006, 05:37 PM
i once got it on while Dawn of the Dead was playing!

does that count?:p

scotty Boy
16-Nov-2006, 06:14 PM
when you have a third re-occuring dream where you are the only survivour of a zombie outbreak. But in this dream you only know how to survive because you take too many tips from all the zombie movies you have seen in the past few years!

Only me?

16-Nov-2006, 07:27 PM
when you have a third re-occuring dream where you are the only survivour of a zombie outbreak. But in this dream you only know how to survive because you take too many tips from all the zombie movies you have seen in the past few years!

Only me?

Not really. I saw the trailer for Dawn at a drive in after I saw Alien. I was shellshocked from Alien (I was 10 or so) and the dawn trailer scared the crap outta me. I have had a million dreams of zombies coming in an elevator to eat me. As well as being chased around b them in bizarre scenarios. I had already had recurring dreams for months, from the trailer, before I saw Dawn for the first time and before the movie even started I almost threw up. The first Musical sting at the beginning of dawn when Gaylen Ross is against the red carpet made me jump a mile high.
I had my first Zombie dream the night I saw NOTLD when I was 6 or so. I was afraid to walk past windows without curatains at night for many months and I couldnt even watch the movie to the end, I got so terrified. I think I mad it to when Cooper locks out Ben and he can't get in.

So it's not so unusual:)

16-Nov-2006, 08:14 PM
Not really. I saw the trailer for Dawn at a drive in after I saw Alien. I was shellshocked from Alien (I was 10 or so) and the dawn trailer scared the crap outta me. I have had a million dreams of zombies coming in an elevator to eat me. As well as being chased around b them in bizarre scenarios. I had already had recurring dreams for months, from the trailer, before I saw Dawn for the first time and before the movie even started I almost threw up. The first Musical sting at the beginning of dawn when Gaylen Ross is against the red carpet made me jump a mile high.
I had my first Zombie dream the night I saw NOTLD when I was 6 or so. I was afraid to walk past windows without curatains at night for many months and I couldnt even watch the movie to the end, I got so terrified. I think I mad it to when Cooper locks out Ben and he can't get in.

So it's not so unusual:)

your lucky dude that somebody took you to see it that young i wish i was!

i first saw about a half hours worth when i was seven when it hit video,but wasnt allowed to watch it but the vision stuck in my head.
so by the time i saw the whole movie i was a teen and me being scared of a movie at that age wasn't happening!

but i will say when i saw it i was hooked from that moment on,i lost count years ago but i must be in the 300 bracket somewhere!

16-Nov-2006, 09:34 PM
your lucky dude that somebody took you to see it that young i wish i was!

i first saw about a half hours worth when i was seven when it hit video,but wasnt allowed to watch it but the vision stuck in my head.
so by the time i saw the whole movie i was a teen and me being scared of a movie at that age wasn't happening!

but i will say when i saw it i was hooked from that moment on,i lost count years ago but i must be in the 300 bracket somewhere!

I had to beg quite a bit until my brother took me.:)
I had to beg for 8 months t0 a year to see Star Wars. Yes it played about 2 years or more in its original run. It took that long for it reached the 79 cent theatre so I could go. Glad it lived up to it's reputation.:)

They didnt stop kids from going into hard movies back then.
other things you could do underage
Buy beer
buy Smokes
Smoke in the Mall (and in the theatre! It was common for a theatre to be a cloud of weed, like in Dawn Midnight shows. One ran near my house for 4 years. I went a number of times)
Drive drunk (if you had a liscence you'd only get the equal of a speeding ticket and often drive on home if you were only a little wasted)

Back then it was really unique to have a film like Dawn. If you were 50 you still never saw anything like it because it was brand new. The only hardcore horror before then was mostly schlock exploitation. Except for Texas Chainsaw, Exorcist and a few others. The 80s was the golden age of Splatter, for sure. Every movie had something new even if it really sucked. Though the Slasher movies were waay too abundant.

17-Nov-2006, 07:30 AM
They didnt stop kids from going into hard movies back then.
other things you could do underage
Buy beer
buy Smokes
Smoke in the Mall (and in the theatre! It was common for a theatre to be a cloud of weed, like in Dawn Midnight shows. One ran near my house for 4 years. I went a number of times)
Drive drunk (if you had a liscence you'd only get the equal of a speeding ticket and often drive on home if you were only a little wasted)

Yep, those were the good old days. I was 16, had a full time job pumpin' Ethyl, access to the cigarette machine so I always had smokes, older guys (18) would buy me beer when I wasn't in the mood for that 3.2% crap, owned my own car, weed, KILLER weed was $35 an ounce, and Dawn of the Dead was playing at the midnight movies every weekend.

Think I had fun?



The Alive Man
17-Nov-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh God, it looks like I'm the right man in the right place.:lol:

17-Nov-2006, 05:17 PM
Yep, those were the good old days. I was 16, had a full time job pumpin' Ethyl, access to the cigarette machine so I always had smokes, older guys (18) would buy me beer when I wasn't in the mood for that 3.2% crap, owned my own car, weed, KILLER weed was $35 an ounce, and Dawn of the Dead was playing at the midnight movies every weekend.

Think I had fun?


When I went to buy beer at a Bodega, the counter guy would shove it in a bag then charge me so noone could see I was buying Alcohol. Bud was 60 bucks a oz where I lived but a nick was 5 fatties. The man with the goods in hand was a 50 year old black guy who never talked (except for whatchuneed) and hung out on a side street behind my friends back fence. They sold it out of 5 or 6 front stores that were very close together.
One of the stores was an "antique" store with a pacman game and an old lamp or two. They had a big giant sign in front that was a painting of a man buttslamming another in black with a red circle with a slash through it and it said "No AIDS". Thats when Aids first came out.
I didn't realize how wierd that was until I went to college and met all the "beautiful people".:rolleyes: They thought they were all tough but to me they were like Brian Austin Green.

18-Nov-2006, 10:55 PM
If people give you crap over how much ammo you own, you tell them, when the dead rise, that little pile will be an afternoon or two of zombie plinking, tops!

19-Nov-2006, 06:40 PM
-Every time you see a lone/drunk person walking/stumbling toward you at night time you make a grumbling noise, insinuating a joke that they're a zombie.

-Every time you're in a building you think of ways to barricade the doors/windows/stairs incase a zombie outbreak happens.

PS - What's with the "...but you realize you're Italian" ones? I'm not Italian. I assume that Italians only make up a small percentage of this board.

20-Nov-2006, 12:30 AM
-you repeatedly GOOGLE the word zombie with different words attached to it...just in case you're missing something.

20-Nov-2006, 02:50 AM
... You use ur teachers login name at school to get on the HOTD forum to talk about Romero and zombies. lol. yeah... Apparently, that was illegal..

The Alive Man
20-Nov-2006, 05:44 PM
-you repeatedly GOOGLE the word zombie with different words attached to it...just in case you're missing something.

The greatest reply of this thread. Still laughing, and will do that in the following 32 days...

:lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

20-Nov-2006, 05:55 PM
but should he do it onthe 33rd god help him!:lol:

The Alive Man
20-Nov-2006, 06:27 PM
1- You spend your best time on this fuc*ing board wondering why this fuc*ing Outbreak DOES NOT OCCUR YET.

2- You can't stop the Goblin theme in your mind, and feverishily wish that your sister's boyfriend turns into a Zombie with that same theme as soundtrack. Of course, your sister survives, but runs away from him!

The Alive Man
24-Nov-2006, 05:16 PM
-) you prefer a GREAT and well-done Zombie movie, Romero's apart (there aren't, but let's pretend there are some) over a GREAT and well-done porn movie. Now, you're seriously obsessed, trust me... :p