View Full Version : calling Dr. Peter.....

16-Nov-2006, 04:13 PM
Maybe this was asked b4,but one thing always confused me in Dawn 78.

How the hell does Peter a swat team brut maybe ex knuckle head know how to give an abortion?

anybody please.....:shifty:

16-Nov-2006, 04:18 PM
"back-alley" abortions have been performed for a long time....the knowledge was fairly common, especially in urban areas

16-Nov-2006, 04:26 PM
Maybe this was asked b4,but one thing always confused me in Dawn 78.

How the hell does Peter a swat team brut maybe ex knuckle head know how to give an abortion?

anybody please.....:shifty:

Because whether they be zombies, fellow SWAT officers, bikers, former hideout mates, or unborn fetus's, Peter Washington was a killing machine!

16-Nov-2006, 05:25 PM
He can cook, kill and knit a very nice sweater!

17-Nov-2006, 12:00 AM
How the hell does Peter a swat team brut maybe ex knuckle head know how to give an abortion?

I suppose he meant swallow a bunch of pills and drink 2 bottles of vodka or something like that. Yet again, there's a good chance that would probably kill Frannie too so I don't know.

scotty Boy
17-Nov-2006, 08:45 AM
We were told when studying this that, people used just kick the unborn child and it would die?? Seems a bit weird and i dont know if this ever acyually happend, just something my teacher seemed to know

17-Nov-2006, 01:02 PM
We were told when studying this that, people used just kick the unborn child and it would die?? Seems a bit weird and i dont know if this ever acyually happend, just something my teacher seemed to know
Well, in theory, I suppose if you kicked, or hit, a pregnant woman just right it could cause her to have a "miscarriage", but a miscarriage is a different thing than an "abortion". Peter doesnt say "Do you want me to kick her?" or "Do you want to get her to have a miscarriage?" he says "Do you want to abort it?" He then says "there's still time, and I know how." This implies that he "knows" something a little more complex than kicking her in the stomach. I always took it to mean he knew about the "back alley" abortion, which basically involves using a coat hanger to.....well you can guess the rest. But Peter never said that he had performed one, just that he knew how. I mean, I know how to perform the Heimlick(sp?) maneuver to help someone if they are choking, but have never actually performed the thing on someone. If the time came, maybe i could do it good, maybe not. I think that was the same deal with Peter.

17-Nov-2006, 03:43 PM
Duh, Because he is Peter F'N Washington. He can do anything!