View Full Version : Ug I cant believe what Im considering doing

17-Nov-2006, 06:49 PM
As many of those who post or read here regularly know I planned on getting a Wii....

I expected the Wii to be a pretty big deal on opening launch considering how fast online preorders were going... And I figured that it would be a pretty big deal in my home area considering how fast store preorders were going....

But as much as I have followed the progress of the system I never got a preorder!....

I thought since Nintendo was releasing sooo many consoles compared to the others that it still would be "relatively" easy to get one.... Like if I rolled up to a store that didnt do preorders like 4-8 hours before it opened and hung out to get a console....

It looks like though I may have grossly underestimated the demand ...or mock demand (resellers).... Seen a couple of news and theres talk of lines....(though I have yet to check if lines have already started at the store I plan on buying from: Ill update this info shortly)

So ...!...UG...!....After months of pacing saying "Come on....Come on..." (like Cartman waiting for his Wii) Is it possible that I will miss getting a system on Launch....
All the people Ive talked to about having Wii will ask for a Wii update "So Hows the Wii Terran. Is it worth getting".....Ill have to say "Ugg....I didnt manage to get one...I didnt preorder"....And theyll say "You idiot"...

So now I cant believe what Im considering...I may have to get a bunch of supplies and start camping out with the rest of goofs for a video game console....!!
oh the humiliation...!!!...the depths Ive reached....!!!

What if I see people I know just going into the store to shop(which would be likely its hard to be anywhere in public for very long without seeing someone you know.)
Parents of friends, friends, associates, Family, family friends, Teachers, acquaintances, coworkers...hell anyone who knows you then if would "get out there"....oh the humiliation...

...If I was the person I was between 15-18years old and ran into who I was now I would either make fun and tease...or maybe even kick my ass...And the 15-18 year old me could probally beat up the 25 year old me caused Id be afraid of assault charges especially because I would think the kid was a minor...

I dunno...I cant believe Im considering this but then again it all depends on the line situation which I am going to check on in an hour or two....

Hmm if it does look like its going to be rare and line filled process and I do do this I should probally bring one of my brothers if not both to get a second or third system to resell cause then at least if Im seen itll look a little better cause Ill have a good excuse....(and allow me to buy more Wii stuff with the profits :))

Does anyone know if the current Ebay selling prices of 500-700 for Wiis is accurate and if so do you think it will go down dramatically after the actual systems start selling Saturday at midnight...?

Help me out people give me advice...!!

17-Nov-2006, 07:13 PM
The Wii must be doing well in the US because I know of a few places near me that still do pre-orders for launch day.

Terran , I see it like this. If you absolutely positively cannot wait until after Xmas for a Wii then camp out. It sounds like thats the only choice you got buddy.

17-Nov-2006, 07:36 PM
Ugg....It looks like to sell either the pS3 or the Nin Wii on Ebay...you need 50 positive Feedback from your buyers....

(I bet that really pissed off some of those people who bought the PS3 to sell)

I only have 25 Ebay Buyers with positive feedback...but I have 125 total transactions with 99% approval....

I wonder if that would count...

17-Nov-2006, 10:52 PM
1. Don't post in different colors, it's annoying.
2. Nintendo shipped 1 million Wiis. Some places are getting 200+. There's no need to get to your local Target, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. any earlier than an hour before they open. Even if you miss day one you'll be able to find a second shipment probably next week.
3. I seriously, seriously doubt they'll be selling for anything more than $300 on ebay. There's more than enough to meet demand.

18-Nov-2006, 12:05 AM
1. Don't post in different colors, it's annoying.
2. Nintendo shipped 1 million Wiis. Some places are getting 200+. There's no need to get to your local Target, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. any earlier than an hour before they open. Even if you miss day one you'll be able to find a second shipment probably next week.
3. I seriously, seriously doubt they'll be selling for anything more than $300 on ebay. There's more than enough to meet demand.

Sorry about the different colors...it looked perfectly fine on my monitor and forum settings...

I had heard a couple of things that the release on the actual opening day/night of the release the numbers was more like 400,000 units availible and increasing till christmass till the amount availible was 4 million... so if the 400,000 thing is remotely true there could be immediate and short lasting shortages that people may pay more for...(Hmm maybe that 400,000 thing was about the Japanese release)

So yeah by christmas there should be plenty for everybody unless the demand was underestimated by a WHOLE lot....but in the meantime there may not be enough to meet the "I need it now demand" ...and the "I need to secure a unit ASAP for christmas presents because I dont want to have to search desperately later"

so I was going to judge hanging out for it based upon if there was a line already there and large...

For the most part I was going to hang out just to get myself one...but if the market was good I was going to get my brother to get one too for nice bonus money...Right now some of the allowed presale units on ebay were going for around 500+ so thats why I was considering it....

18-Nov-2006, 12:47 AM
No, there will be 1 million Wiis at launch, with more shipments every week. It wasn't hard for Nintendo to manufacture, considering its essentially a "Gamecube turbo".

18-Nov-2006, 12:50 AM
Update: I just checked the store and there was no line....so Ill check again sometime tomorrow afternoon and then show up like maybe a couple of hours before midnight so I can get my system....

Since theres no line I wont be purchasing an extra one to sell...

And upon further inspection the slated release numbers for the US is 1mil and for Japan 400,000 ...so thats why I was getting conflicting numbers...

18-Nov-2006, 01:37 AM
Hey, you don't need a 50 + rating on ebay to sell them. That rule was only for preorders. If you have it on hand you can sell it at your current rating. You need a digital camera to take pics, though. Ebay is being strict after what happened with the XBOX 360 last year.

18-Nov-2006, 01:42 AM
Why the hell shouldn't we post in different colours, it's a free country? :D

18-Nov-2006, 03:21 AM
Eh, maybe it depends on where you live. Here in the Detroit area there is a huge demand for the Wii and our retaliers have seemingly recived very few. One large store near me recieved 6 units and they already have 6 people sitting in their 6 chairs they set up for the sale. Another store I called, who claimed to not have taken preorders (toys r us), now claim they only recieved enough to fill their 20 preorders even though earlier in the week the same store said they were recieving a lot of systems and they did not take preorders.

I hope to get one at launch, I have a friend who is going to wait in line for me because I was unable to get the night off... because I was supposed to work the launch at my store and we didnt get any in. So, good luck to you Terran. I hope you get your Wii.

18-Nov-2006, 06:51 AM
Eh, maybe it depends on where you live. Here in the Detroit area there is a huge demand for the Wii and our retaliers have seemingly recived very few. One large store near me recieved 6 units and they already have 6 people sitting in their 6 chairs they set up for the sale. Another store I called, who claimed to not have taken preorders (toys r us), now claim they only recieved enough to fill their 20 preorders even though earlier in the week the same store said they were recieving a lot of systems and they did not take preorders.

I hope to get one at launch, I have a friend who is going to wait in line for me because I was unable to get the night off... because I was supposed to work the launch at my store and we didnt get any in. So, good luck to you Terran. I hope you get your Wii.

So are you saying that I should consider buying an extra one for sale on Ebay...?...cause it would be nice to make a bit of pocket change to buy more Wii stuff...

Im pretty sure Ill be able to get some since the store Im going to had no one in line tonight...Im going to check tomorrow morning/afternoon to see if it changes any...

Oh the agony....the place that had scheduled the midnight launch canceled it...and now plans on opening early sunday morning.....and most of the other stores I know of had already planned on doing the that instead of a Sat Midnight launch anyways...


*Cartman Voice**paces*...."Come on....Come on....:

18-Nov-2006, 10:27 PM
Hey Terran, I preordered mine and I can pick it up at midnight if I chose. Or later in the morning. I ordered Zelda with it. Wanna buy mine? You know you do. :evil: :evil: :elol: :elol: :elol: