View Full Version : Grand Theft Auto Wishes....

17-Nov-2006, 10:00 PM
This was pretty much inspired in another thread...but I figured it would need a new thread since it was such a tangent from the original thread....

Things that I wish were included in a NEXT Generation Grand Theft Auto game....

I kindof have this feeling that we are all going to get ripped off with this next gen GTA....like the same engine with more polishing....(I suspect this because of the Downloadable content function)...
So I think we will have most of the annoyances and be playing mostly the same game that we've been playing since Liberty City

Nonetheless I can still hope for the things that I feel would greatly improve the next gen game.

The first mission or missions in the game should involve obtaining your first "stash" or "hideout" while giving a basic tutorial. (important later)

First couple of things are simple....Not hard to change...
Once the game is complete (like the story of the game) you should be allowed to do missions over again... So you would like pause it, go to your menu and after the game is completed you have a new option under missions where you can scroll through all the missions in the game that you have completed...when you select it activates the spot on the map where you get the mission from...So you can gear up go to the spot and see the intro to the mission all over again and play it....(this lack of feature as been a big gripe for me for all the games so far some of those missions are so fun I want to play them over again and not have to do the whole game over again just to do them)
Also once you go to mission and start it (like after the little prestory video) the GTA world reverts to the city "state" as it was during that portion of the game. More on game "state" Much further below.

More implementation of "gang land" ...or greater implementation of areas of control...

Total Removal of most if not all of the Hidden Pakage/Oyster sort of thing for unlocking weapons and Equipment....
The game is mostly a realistic free roam city...and the collection of these random "powerups" to unlock access to free weapons seems outside the feel of the game...The tagging in San Andreas was a step in the right direction but still pretty stupid....
Im not saying remove unlocking free weapons and equipment just have it in a more game style...not this ridiculously tedious searching dark corners and stuff....I have a couple of suggestions or hopes...
Like some Secret Missions would be way better...Like you activate some mission related to supplying the given weapon for your gang/cult/or whatever.... So you would have an idea where to look for these secret missions based upon the weapon...Military hardware missions would be found somewhere near Army/Navy/or whatever or related locations...Like you if you can find your way onto the base somehow maybe you could find a corrupt soldier who will help you out if you help him out. Idea: In a medical unit inside the army base theres an injured soldier who complains that they refuse to give him enough pain killers to deal with his injuries. If you can give him an endless supply of pain killers and medicine he will supply you with an endless supply of confiscated enemy weapons AK-47s or something. So then the mission starts and you have to like pull a heist on a medical supplier facility. And you could find a dirty cop...or make a cop dirty...or blackmail a cop ... that results in some sort of mission that upon completion allows you access to confiscated gang hardware like UZIs....
So these missions would be rather long and involved and of high difficulty but once completed you would then have that weapon unlocked... These weapons would appear in the appropriate place/hideout/stash as a reappearing commodity.

What i just mentioned could have been done with these past generations...the next stuff is shorter and really only possible on Next Gen hardware...

Implementation of an intricate character chosen story framework system. (now at first this may seem to huge of an endevor but most of the stuff is just reused but in different ways)
Included in this system is the following:

Story Mode Structure:

Appearance selection: Mostly just face design, scars on face/body, and height (since your size/build you can change during the game)

Select Player Type: Organized Crime.... Street Gangs... Revolutionists/Anarchists... Criminal Business Tycoon... Hmm I cant really think of any other (work in progress)... essentially this selection determines the game's End "State"...so the game story plays identically for every type except the last mission or maybe more (depending on how hard it is to implement more than just one extra level for each Type)...THe last mission is unique for each Type and the last mission revolves around obtaining your Type's goal....
For example: The Anarchists Type last mission would go something like this. The power and resources you obtained through the entire game were all designed to give your group the tools necessary to usurp government/police control now the time is right to act. The mission would be long, involved and hard... The first portion would involve the assassination of various political officials with bombs and sniper rifles... Maybe some killed during car chases. The Bombing of some key buildings... Attacking the Police Department...and Attacking the Army... etc... With various things happening at each point of the mission like star ratings increase then needing to make an escape to mount the next attack or further them...

So once this mission is completed you change the game state so that those buildings stay destroyed and the military and police numbers within the city are reduced... But what does happen is where your "minions" are throughout the city they will do various activities based upon some sort of criteria...like blow up cars, start killing civilians etc... and when they do this army and or police start showing up and fighting with your minions...if you choose to fight with them the criminal level increases to some random setting based upon the army or police responce...so like if you fight with your minions against the army itll be 4 stars or 5 stars...

"Minion Design" : You design the look of your gang members from designing 1-5 characters. Clothes/Faces maybe even choosing their common phrases that they yellout. These members will then be generated in teh game with random heights and fatness.

And my biggest gripe or biggest thing I would like to see changed....
Less pop up of cars/people/and police....

I hated getting like a strongold with 5 cops on me...and suddenly a bunch would spawn up on top of me... So have like some sort of large sphere of influence where if something is going on things spawn up at the edge of this sphere so enemies and vehicals just dont seem to appear out of no where!

17-Nov-2006, 10:21 PM
You make a lot of sense from what you're saying and I'd like to see a lot of that too. I think the next GTA is going to be a new engine though, I remember reading somewhere that they said that they're were building a new GTA from the ground up - so hopefully it'll be a new engine, I don't see it being possible to make a game that competes on a graphics level with next gen games.

The past GTA games are very current gen, I really wanna see a new looking GTA and I think they've realised it's about time as they've run that engine into the ground (especially with Liberty City Stories and now Vice City Stories) with three main games on that old engine.

I'd like to see more environment interactivity - like breaking shop windows, buildings that can catch fire and eventually get rebuilt over time (complete with scaffolding, builders actually re-building the structure). Being able to go into a lot more buildings as well as see into a lot of buildings would be really cool.

A better range of vehicles (San Andreas had a lot of dull-looking, rather slow vehicles, at least that's what I felt). Greater weather variety, areas prone to flooding in storms complete with swelling rivers and storm drains that fill. A tornado that rips up a mobile home park or whatever.

It'd be cool if new buildings cropped up with retail development or whatever, or shops changed from one business to another if they go out of business.

That'd be some kick ass stuff.

18-Nov-2006, 01:49 AM
How about a few mini-maps as opposed to one big map? I would like to see GTA cross many countries throughout the course of a game. New York, London and Tokyo would be great for a start.

18-Nov-2006, 07:34 AM
i know that the next GTA will use the engine built for rockstar table tennis as a foundation.

i want the respect system from GTA2 to come back! it kicked arse.

general graphical improvements like gunshot wounds.

totally agree with the mission replay thing, i ended up making a new file just before a decent mission so i could do it again.

have you ever noticed there are no animals or kids in GTA(apart from 2d seagulls you cant touch)? i agree there should be no kids...but...well...maybe i'm just sick but i'd love to blow away a cat in some dark alley and hear a comedy "mwwoooaaaaw" sound effect.

more ability to customise your character.

ability to go inside all buildings, be able to blow holes in walls.

a population cap of like, 4 million, so theoretically you'd be able to kill everyone in the city - imagine killing everyone and blowing up every building :evil:

weapons of mass destruction - plant a nuke in the centre of town and drive away as fast as you can, with a time limit ticking down. that would be cool.


a zombie plague cheat.

that's about all i can think of now...

18-Nov-2006, 07:50 AM
a zombie plague cheat...

Nice touch, bravo!

18-Nov-2006, 11:12 AM
Indeed, I like the zombie plague idea. I also really liked the idea of the nuclear bomb thing, I'd thought about that earlier but forgot to mention. Perhaps it could be part of a side mode, like "destruction mode" where you have to go around and destroy the whole city.

I like the idea of a population that decreases, it'd be kinda funny to see a guy re-painting a sign with a town's population on it. :lol:

18-Nov-2006, 11:23 AM
hehe, well i was messing about with the cheats one day, and if you turn on chaos mode, all pedestrians attack you, and go on foot about the city, it does kinda have a zombie plague vibe to it...

i'm sure there's a mod for the pc version somewhere...

18-Nov-2006, 09:58 PM
I, too, have always dreamed of a zombie cheat for the GTA games.

I'd love to see earthquakes.

Destructible enviroments.

A more complex transit system: more buses on routes; more trains and an intertwining track system; more airports.

A skateboard as a vehicle.

More/bigger desert! I loved roaming the desert in San Andreas!

Bigfoot. UFO's. Ghosts.

A map (the world) that takes 15-20 minutes to drive from one end to the other; and takes a little over an hour to drive the circumfrence of the map. If people didn't feel like doing that, this is where my complex transit system comes in.

Tons more stuff that I can't think of right now.

18-Nov-2006, 10:05 PM
How about a few mini-maps as opposed to one big map? I would like to see GTA cross many countries throughout the course of a game. New York, London and Tokyo would be great for a start.

considering the size of san andreas and that england can fit into texas like 17 times, apparently, i think they could do a british game set in the entire country in the next few years, if they did knowing rockstar you know thered be some secret vehicle like a hippy wagon near stonehenge.:p

id like to see an online one and you could choose between a life of crime and as a police officer and you could choose your own kinda class like "mob boss" or "drug dealer" or "beat cop" or "csi investigator" and have missions unique to each one, maybe you would play as a serial killer taking out hookers, as you do, and thenn another gamer playing as a csi would be givien a mission to track you down, and if you played a robber or something when you jacked a car that would set off a beat cop mission in there patrole car to stop you, which would be a good online version of the star system.

you knows' it be a good idea:cool:

18-Nov-2006, 11:12 PM
id like to see an online one and you could choose between a life of crime and as a police officer and you could choose your own kinda class like "mob boss" or "drug dealer" or "beat cop" or "csi investigator" and have missions unique to each one, maybe you would play as a serial killer taking out hookers, as you do, and thenn another gamer playing as a csi would be givien a mission to track you down, and if you played a robber or something when you jacked a car that would set off a beat cop mission in there patrole car to stop you, which would be a good online version of the star system.

Now that would really cook! I wonder how many of us would take on the role of the sick hooker-strangling psychopath? :D

18-Nov-2006, 11:49 PM
jeez cap'n lately your moving at 3cppd (creepy post per day )

18-Nov-2006, 11:58 PM
It's my split personality, he's a-takin' over me! Spaulding 'aint nuthin' compared to Knut, Hellz. :elol:

29-Nov-2006, 01:59 PM
I like more detailed sex from the hookers and strippers ! Make the game Fully Adult damnit ! Its not for kids anyway , its for adults and the more detail the better !By the way , are there any "adult" games ?

29-Nov-2006, 05:14 PM
I'd like to see more emphasis on the different areas of crime, streets gangs, the Mafia, general thuggery, they should all be included. I also liked being able to break into stores in The Warriors game. Customizing your character and being able to create and customize your own gang and choose their voices (either built in ones or record your own if it's possible.

I don't know how, but an improved combat system would be good, and would make online play (I assume it will have this) more fun. In fact, make it an MMO.

29-Nov-2006, 11:14 PM
I would like the Grand Theft Auto series to be REALISTIC for once! Okay, I'll elaborate. How about beginning the game as a nobody, a zero and your life is drinking and gambling with buddies for the first two days. One day an event changes your character's life and he is forced to work with a criminal organisation. For a while, he can only travel by public transport, taxi or on foot. At first he is clumsy and everytime he tries to flag a car down to steal, he just gets run over. So after a few career boosting hitman jobs, earning enough money to buy a car and ultimately get that driving licence is he only able to stop a car. But can he steal it yet? Maybe the hijacking part comes with fame? This whole transition takes a week or two in 'game' time and could totally add a new style of play.

A true emphasis on 'home' would be nice too. A family visit or a girlfriend going into labour (that could be a whole concept on it's own) may interrupt the flow of your career and some things will have to be put on hold. There should also be more things available in stores like music and console games for your own luxuary. Talking of luxuaries, how about a good old fashioned coke habit? Hear me out, taking cocaine will max out your stats for a limited time and really save your ass in the more 'serious' missions, but if you take too much... that's gonna be one serious hospital bill! Hell, even put the internet on there, that's the worst drug of all.

Lastly, is it possible to add a workable jail system? It's pretty hard to believe that such a badass character wouldn't be spending time 'away from home' here and there. :sneaky:

30-Nov-2006, 11:08 AM
The jail idea sounds nifty, like you see him in county jail for a while or you get slammed in prison and have to escape, that'd be interesting - but not everytime you got arrested. Like maybe - "do your time, or break out?" as an option - do your time would just skip you to however many jail days later when you get released, or if you choose to break out you do just that and don't 'lose' any days.

I'd prefer the guy to already have a driving licence, earning one in San Andreas was a pain in the ass (albeit a fraction of the frustration that was the pilot's licence).

I'd like to see TV channels playing 24/7 in shop windows with news reports coming on to report on whatever carnage you've recently made, with video from the news chopper (before you blast it down, muahahaha). It'd be cool to see how your actions affect the areas in which you operate too, businesses closing or opening, litter and general crapitude, or a nice clean area safe for kiddies to play at school, or whatever.

I like the idea of a truly adult GTA, perhaps some kind of content that can only be unlocked through a credit card verification process or something. It'd be funny to see more than a low angle shaking car, get some titties flopping around! :lol::evil::D

30-Nov-2006, 11:39 AM
Going back to the drug thing for a second, what about dealer missions? Basically the same thing as the taxi or pimping side missions but with an extra spin. Base it on rank for bigger deals and payouts. In a new scoring system (that would not be that dissimilar from the HPotD post rankings), you could begin as a humble skunk dealer (with one star :D) and work your way up to the top by being a hotshot Coke supplier. When you reach full stats on this particular side mission, you could unlock an option that offers you a 'helper' that'll do your dirty dealings and earn you dollar while you prat about your day killing gangsters and ballin' hoe's! :elol:

30-Nov-2006, 12:01 PM
lol, that sounds like a pretty nifty idea.

There was a similar (but by no means as expansive) side mission in San Fiero where you hopped on a white motorbike and threw packages of snow through red circles against a timer. Not really that great, your idea is much better and expansive.

One of these days there will be a game in which you can do absolutely anything you want, damn ... now that'd be fun to play...

30-Nov-2006, 12:06 PM
One of these days there will be a game in which you can do absolutely anything you want, damn ... now that'd be fun to play...

You know if there was a video game like that Id get hookers and play blackjack...you know what forget about the video game

13-Jan-2007, 01:43 AM
Grand Theft Auto IV is the upcoming eleventh installment of the Grand Theft Auto video game franchise, announced for release by Rockstar Games on October 16, 2007 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It has been confirmed that GTA IV will run on the RAGE game engine, the same engine that powered Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis. The game is being written by Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser.

According to Janco Partners analyst Mike Mickey, a financial consultant for Take-Two Interactive Software, around 150 developers are working on Grand Theft Auto IV. The analyst also found that Rockstar Games is "fully capable of ushering in an entertainment experience categorically superior to the prior cycle’s GTA product."

Lazlow Jones, who has played the voice of the radio presenter 'Lazlow' in the series, is labeled as part of the cast for the game. Also listed is Navid Khonsari, who voiced the porn host in Max Payne 2 and has also voiced characters in GTA games as well, including pedestrians.

During Microsoft's 2006 Eł press conference on May 9, it was announced that Grand Theft Auto IV would be available for the Xbox 360 and that Rockstar will offer exclusive episodic content via Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 version. This had been confirmed by Rockstar, announcing two extra, exclusive episodes.

Peter Moore, head of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business division announced that Rockstar Games is working on two downloadable packs for GTA IV exclusively on the Xbox 360, which will probably be available within months of the game's release date. Moore described the downloads as "epic episode packs," and not just an extra car or character. A press release during the conference said that the packs would add "hours of entirely new gameplay" to the game.

The American attorney and anti-obscenity activist Jack Thompson has sent an e-mail, entitled “Bill Gates in the Crosshairs," to various news outlets vowing to rally against the release of Grand Theft Auto IV for Xbox 360. He cited a December 2006 report from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility that indicates progress has been made to keep mature-rated games out of children's hands, but that further steps need to be taken to ensure inappropriate content is held from minors.

Thompson said that he would “undertake various means to prohibit” the sale of GTA IV to minors, and told Gates “Please have your lawyers contact me in order that such sales will be prevented.”

He also said that the ICCR report “makes it abundantly clear that unless such prohibitions are in place, then millions of units of the new Grand Theft Auto game will be sold directly to minors.” He continued, “I am quite intent upon making sure that that does not happen. I and others will endeavor to stop Microsoft from participating in any fashion, directly or indirectly, in such sales to minors.”

Speculation about the location of GTA IV is rife, though there has been no official word from Rockstar at all. However, the following points may provide some clues as to where the game might be set.

On December 17 and December 21, 2003, Take-Two Interactive registered the trademarks GTA: Bogota and GTA: Tokyo. Some people have assumed this could be a hint towards the next Grand Theft Auto game, though it is possible they were actually reserved for the making of GTA: San Andreas. While the trademarks were not used for the series' fifth installment, the possibility remains open that GTA IV could take place in one or both of the two cities. Some fans of the series note, however, that ever since Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969, no actual city or city name has been used in a game and that Rockstar North will most likely continue this tradition. However, the city of Liberty City is based on New York City and parts of New Jersey; Vice City is based on Miami; and in San Andreas Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas resemble Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, respectively. In addition, the layouts and roadways also bear a strong resemblance to these corresponding cities in reality. A recent poll in Electronic Gaming Monthly showed that a majority of readers from the U.S.A. would like to see GTA IV take place "Across the U.S.A.".

In December 2004, games industry trade paper MCV claimed that "sources close to the project" suggested "the team is looking beyond the US for the setting of the next title, with Europe a strong contender." Furthermore, in December 2005, The Inquirer also claimed that GTA IV would be set in London, and that the game would be split into sub-regions of London, for example: the East End, West End and City of Westminster.

CG Environment artist Craig Kerr has recently been employed by Rockstar North and several images from his portfolio are available online, possibly giving some hint as to the graphical quality that might be seen in the next GTA installment. While the environments shown appear to be based on the United Kingdom, Kerr states that they were the works that got him his job. They may be an indication of the current locale for GTA IV.

Rockstar has recently announced the upcoming release of a new game, L.A. Noire, which is based in 1940s Los Angeles, which would suggest that GTA IV is unlikely to be set in the same era or locale, contrary to certain internet rumours.

Some speculate that the game will take place in the fictional Carcer City due to the numerous references to the city in the San Andreas installment in the game. However, as Carcer City was the setting for Rockstar's game Manhunt, this is unlikely.

According to an interview between Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Aime, and MTV, Nintendo is willing to put M-rated content on the Wii. He also stated having talks with Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar. This has led to some speculation that the next GTA game could possibly be available on the Wii as well.

It is possible that GTA IV will be a MMOG, due to network programming job positions that have been posted on Rockstar North's website. Considering the content of the previous games, however, a 100% online game is unlikely as certain tasks would be impossible. When asked by Game Informer magazine about an online GTA game, Sam Houser mentioned Everquest as a possible source of inspiration: "just giving people deathmatch, or even a cooperative deathmatch — that's not GTA." Ironically, the developer of the original Grand Theft Auto, David Jones, is working on APB, a MMO clone of Grand Theft Auto III, due this year.

Here's the official site but there's no information available yet.