View Full Version : Current Wii release game ratings...

18-Nov-2006, 09:41 AM
So far the Wii games are getting pretty solid ratings from various game magizines and websites....this is not to say there have not been disappointments a long the way....

A disapointment being Red Steel....apparently it is getting reviews that vary from 5.5-7.6 (out of ten)... So that isnt as promissing of a title as it intially seemed....

A surprise is that Wii Sports is actually getting good reviews...Boxing...Bowling...Home Run Derby...and Golf... being the fan Favorites

As everyone expected Rampage is rated relatively horribly by most all ~5.0 (only thing that keeps it higher is people who still love the game)

The Next weakest game in the laucnh is Excite Truck ...but this game is also getting mixed reviews...some of the complaints being that the game seemed incomplete and more of a tech demo.... but it still manages to get anywhere from 6.8-7.8...

Maddan was rated very well by most everyone...(many saying that the successfulness of this sport translation onto the Wiimote bodes very well for future sport games) ...the only negative things Ive seen said about it is how it essentially wasnt made for the Wii...so the graphics are only slightly better than GC...it gets high ratings most Ive seen from 8.2-8.8

Zelda was a very strong title like expected (even as a Gamecube game)...with ratings ranging from 8.9-9.5

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz surprised me with its 8.3-8.5 ratings

Trauma Center: Second Opinion didnt surprise me much getting solid 8-8.5 given its DS counterparts success... I might have to pick up that game I think I might dig it...

Rayman got solid reviews ~8.3

Hmm I think thats all the exclusive and important titles (Maddan)...

So overall a very strongly rated launch....Even I am surprised at the consistently solid ratings coming out of these games....even the non exclusive games

Well more reviews to come I imagine....

My new Sig picture rules!!

18-Nov-2006, 10:01 AM
Both Zelda and Super Monkey Ball will be owned on Monday and I can't wait!!!

18-Nov-2006, 12:44 PM
red steel is actually pretty damn good but most reviews are bad because ,and im quoteing gamespot, "its hard to control" so i think its just reviewers bitchin' because they couldnt play ti well simply because they aint used to the way of playing

18-Nov-2006, 03:00 PM
red steel is actually pretty damn good but most reviews are bad because ,and im quoteing gamespot, "its hard to control" so i think its just reviewers bitchin' because they couldnt play ti well simply because they aint used to the way of playing

What gives you the impression that its "Pretty damn good"....

I mean have you seen other favorable reviews?....Played it yourself?....


18-Nov-2006, 04:03 PM
well theres tons of footage on gamespot now of it in action and how people play it and yes it does look "pretty damn good", and thats my view anyone who gets games by what reviews say is nuts 'cus what says the reviewer has the same taste in games or even plays games the same way you do, reviews dont mean **** to me if it looks good, and from what i know plays good and has a good story ill buy it, itll be a cold day in hell before a magazine tells me how to spend my money.

18-Nov-2006, 05:23 PM
Is Metal Slug Anthology still launching with the system? I can't seem to find any reviews and I wanted to get it as a companion to Zelda.

18-Nov-2006, 06:37 PM
Metal Slug release date 2006-11-28

18-Nov-2006, 08:51 PM
It seems there's something there for everyone.

19-Nov-2006, 11:39 PM
I must admit, I am looking forward to zelda, I'm getting it on the Cube though...

21-Nov-2006, 04:08 AM
I must admit, I am looking forward to zelda, I'm getting it on the Cube though...

The Gamecube version will be hard to find unless you have it reserved already.

As for the Wii version, it is a lot of fun, especially with the new control scheme. I expect the gamecube version to be a lot of fun also.