View Full Version : Medieval 2: *English accent* ARCHERS!!

20-Nov-2006, 09:39 PM
OK, who has it?

I did a short campaign with the English to unlock the other factions, it hurt to take out Scotland so easily. :(

But I'm now getting my revenge with a new Campaign with the Scots. For now I own Britan, I was a bit sneaky and attacked the English first, but it was a matter of time before they did it to me. I lost some points with the Pope but I'm his best buddy again as I did the crusade to Jerusalem, which I now control, barely. After taking London I built up an army ready to take out the rest of the English in Europe and just as I was about to ship them across the english become excommunicated! I took it as a sign to move in and take out the 2 costal settlements owned by the English. I almost wiped them completly out by finishing off the last family member but he evaded my generals attack as well as an assassination attempt before falling back to the last English settlement inland. Meanwhile the Pope died and one of my cardinals got voted in. I expected some benifits but nothing changed as I was already full crosses with the last pope. I sent a diplomat to the papal but I can't get an alliance, which I see as an AI problem as it's my own countryman in charge (Who is a woman btw).

Anyway, currently I'm setting up my units to take out France and England in one Turn, filling their settlements with spies so the doors are open when I attack.

I'm also trying to get Jerusalem under catholic control with 2 cardinals but I have a Imam who I've tried to assassinate about 10 times without sucess and has now a 4+ personal security, so I'm gonna have to wait for him to die of old age before someone kills him.

Share your war stories fellow Generals!! :)

20-Nov-2006, 10:10 PM
Yeah im loving this game,i can see me playing it for a long time to come!im neglecting battlefield 2 now!
Im playing a long campaign as the english,currently i have most of france under my control & all of southern england & ireland.Ive fortified York and started massing an army there to march on scotland (i was leaving you scots alone,but you tried taking dublin & put york under seige :mad: )
The french keep begging for a ceasefire,but in medieval times conquest & might rule!i got sent on a crusade to antioch,but it took so long to get there most of the task force i sent had deserted by the time we reached the middle east!ive also built some naval shipyards,so we have better control over the sea,& gunpowder has come into play,seiges just got quicker :evil:
Truly awesome game!

26-Nov-2006, 11:01 AM
Scotland as a nation doesnt exist anymore on my campaign map :evil: i left them alone for a long time,but they just kept beseiging york & trying to take dublin so i ran out of patience & sent an overwhelming force marching up north!edinburgh fell straight away & inverness shortly after,all thats left of scotlands army is some rebels hiding in the hills,who will soon be crushed once i regroup.I havent got this much into a game in ages!love it!:D

26-Nov-2006, 12:32 PM
Scotland as a nation doesnt exist anymore on my campaign map :evil: i left them alone for a long time,but they just kept beseiging york & trying to take dublin so i ran out of patience & sent an overwhelming force marching up north!edinburgh fell straight away & inverness shortly after,all thats left of scotlands army is some rebels hiding in the hills,who will soon be crushed once i regroup.I havent got this much into a game in ages!love it!:D

Heheh, I just took out England without the Pope batting an eyelid. :lol:

Managed to take out their last 2 settlements with the same army and a pretty good general with a good movement bonus.

Now on to Spain! (France are still about but milan will deal with them) :D

26-Nov-2006, 03:29 PM
Im getting annoyed with the pushy danes as well,they just keep on hammering antwerp & bruge on my eastern flank,ive trained up an army of elite units in york who will be setting sail soon to re-take antwerp & possibly start pushing into denmark to finish 'em off!i dont want to push too far into mainland europe though,as leaving my enemies in place there is a nice buffer zone between me & the mongol hoardes ;)

26-Nov-2006, 03:56 PM
Yeah, Denmark seem to be pretty evil/stupid in my first game and my current game. They kept on blockading my ports when I was doing nothing to them and they were nowhere near me (Rebel fort between us).

And in the current game they are enemies of every faction as wel as excommunicated.

They will be fixing some AI problems in a patch in a couple weeks, so hopefully Denmark will be a little more savvy.

Also a tip if you don't already know. Charging with horses is different from Rome, you could just double click and get a decent charge with no problem. However with Medieval 2, you have to first get them within charging distance (say 15 - 20 meters, if you single click on an enemy beyond the charge limit they will march up to the unit until they are within chaging distance.) and make sure they are in formation, then you single click on the enemy and let them charge in their own time. They will start with a trot and when they get going you will see them lower their lances. When used properly they can be very useful, taking out whole units in one charge. If you single click on an enemy with clavary they will march up to the unit until they are within chaging distance.

Edit: Oh, and it looks like I'm going to war with the mongols as they are in control of the crusade settlement. I hope the Popes God is with me. :p

26-Nov-2006, 08:05 PM
The danes are really annoying me now!they've taken antwerp & bruges,& also crushed the large well equipped army i sent as a counter attack :( and they've started using soldiers with firearms,meaning my cavalry charges get shot to crap before they even engage!not sure what to do about them,i want my turf back,but i might leave my other cities dangerously open if i send all my forces over to the east!being a medieval king is hard work i tell thee!

27-Nov-2006, 12:09 AM
Played this game for two straight weeks now. Started out as the Danes and I came pretty far. But in the end everyone declared war on me and I didn't have the patience to sit through battle after battle since I knew I would win everytime.

So now I play as Spain. And those Moors are hurting! I can post some pics tomorrow. Love this game. Best so far in the Total War series.