View Full Version : Nuclear fusion... What if it goes wrong...

21-Nov-2006, 10:19 PM
...I can't help but think of Stephen King's "The Mist" :eek:

This thing requires magnets 10,000 time stronger than the earth's magnetic field... And we all know from scifi films magnetic fields are evil!!

21-Nov-2006, 10:25 PM
I figure that if it does go wrong, it will happen exactly like it does in "The Mist."

21-Nov-2006, 10:45 PM
know what you mean...i find these guys pretty scary...

21-Nov-2006, 11:08 PM
well im a big king fan (just started part 2 of the final dark tower novel) and ive not heard of this one, so for thos eof us who dont knwo could you elaborate?

wow, now thats creepy, i just read the wikipedia entry for this and i wrote a story about the exact same thing for my g.c.s.e english coursework *shakes head* ...creepy.

as for the actual fusion thing i really dont like the idea of nuclear power since individually we dont need it to live only for creature comforts and the goverments of the world need it because if they didnt have control over such things we wouldnt need to live in towns for power and as such wouldnt need a community elader let alone a goverment.
sorry to get a bit eamon on you but i really hate how we can make more efficeint ways to make ourselves comfortable yet we do things that contsantly have worse outcomes in the "what if?" factor of things, i think we should just make loads of those hydro electric plants and those windmills along the coasts, sure it amy coast a lot but as long as it dont have a chance of suddenly going nuclear on our collective asses
-or bringing in a mist filled with demonic creatures- its worth it.

22-Nov-2006, 08:07 AM
know what you mean...i find these guys pretty scary...

Definate science going wrong and opens portal to hell type stuff :)

22-Nov-2006, 09:44 AM
isn't that what happened in "The Rising"?

22-Nov-2006, 12:39 PM
i think we should just make loads of those hydro electric plants and those windmills along the coasts, sure it may cost a lot but as long as it dont have a chance of suddenly going nuclear on our collective asses

Yeah why create something with the potential to destroy the ecosystem....When we can deliberately destroy the ecosystem....

If the enviroment we know and love begins to collaspe I want to at least have the luxury of knowing that we did it on purpose..... :rockbrow:

Pretty strange logic there hellsing

22-Nov-2006, 01:32 PM
Fusion is scary enough, but check this out...

Teen Creates Fusion near Detroit... (http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061119/NEWS03/611190639)

22-Nov-2006, 02:14 PM
fcuk me!! I didn't even know it was possible to do that on such a small scale!!

22-Nov-2006, 04:55 PM
This thing requires magnets 10,000 time stronger than the earth's magnetic field... And we all know from scifi films magnetic fields are evil!![/QUOTE]

Probably spin the world off axis & then we'll get the dreaded climate change!:eek:

22-Nov-2006, 05:18 PM
Few years back a kid from detroit used smoke detector batteries to develop a breeder reactor in his backyard. Wanted to get the merit badge for the eagle scouts. The NRC was not amused.


Wouldn't worry much about the experiments at CERN or Fermilab. While it's theoretically possible the byproduct of their experiments might destroy the world, the chances are exceedingly unlikely.

However for those that like to consider the possibility - check out Exit Mundi


22-Nov-2006, 07:27 PM
It seems that we'd need another method than using the mega-magnets. Humans usually go with the brute force method first, unfortunately.

22-Nov-2006, 07:41 PM
...I can't help but think of Stephen King's "The Mist" :eek:

This thing requires magnets 10,000 time stronger than the earth's magnetic field... And we all know from scifi films magnetic fields are evil!!

Sounds facinating. Sounds like I need to look into reading the book.