View Full Version : The Cell

The Alive Man
22-Nov-2006, 12:04 AM
The movie has been announced. Since the novel was such a nice and cute homage to GAR... why not? ;)

22-Nov-2006, 12:06 AM
The movie has been announced. Since the novel was such a nice and cute homage to GAR... why not? ;)

There is a thread already opened on this one somewhere I'm afraid. Very old news bro.

The Alive Man
22-Nov-2006, 12:11 AM

22-Nov-2006, 12:11 AM
The movie has been announced. Since the novel was such a nice and cute homage to GAR... why not? ;)
What? The King novel? It was pretty bad really, can't see it making a good film.

The later King novels are mostly bad. He's at his best in his early novels, short stories and novellas IMHO.

22-Nov-2006, 12:14 AM
What? The King novel? It was pretty bad really, can't see it making a good film.

Yeah Chak and it's being directed by that twat who done Hostel, Eli Roth. You know this film is gonna suck donkey balls!

22-Nov-2006, 12:15 AM
Yeah Chak and it's being directed by that twat who done Hostel, Eli Roth. You know this film is gonna suck donkey balls!
Aiieee!!! Never! Roth couldn't direct a horse to water, nevermind a film.
Cabinfever chewed sac and hostel was a pile of bollocks.:lol:

BTW Cap, why the name change?:D

The Alive Man
22-Nov-2006, 06:57 PM
I pretty liked CABIN FEVER.

22-Nov-2006, 07:02 PM
I thought cell sucked, at least the 1st third because thats all i made it through.
I thought the whole beginning reminded me of a child trying to tell you about a movie he just saw.

I like Cabin Fever. Not any kind of classic, but a decent B movie. Didn't see hostel yet.

22-Nov-2006, 11:44 PM
The movie has been announced. Since the novel was such a nice and cute homage to GAR... why not? ;)

i dont get it, what is this a thread bitching about it, theres no actualy info of any kind, no links no view its just a sentence?:rockbrow:

23-Nov-2006, 07:45 AM
The book was one of the biggest disappointments I ever had the misfortune to look forward to.

23-Nov-2006, 08:27 AM
BTW Cap, why the name change?:D

Looooonnnnng story Chak. Pop into chat one night and I'll tell ya.

24-Nov-2006, 03:06 PM
The book was one of the biggest disappointments I ever had the misfortune to look forward to.

check out david moodys hater then it closer to 28 days later and has at least 2 lost "proper mind-****"twists in it, plus its only a tenner beats 20 quid for one stephen king novel.