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View Full Version : Resident Evil...Capcom....

22-Nov-2006, 07:32 PM
This started as a responce in another thread....but as you can see later in the post it gets into issues that are probally best discussed in another thread...

Agreed. You can certainly see th epotential of the wii, but right now, the games are no better that what you saw on the cube.

I can't wait for an RE game to comeout on the wii. I am sure capcom will come up with something for it.

Hopefully it will expand on RE4 which was, IMO, the best RE game since 2 for the OG PS.

There has always been something about RE2 that holds a special place in my heart! It was the first RE game I played and I was hooked for MONTHS on that damn game! It sold me on the entire RE franchise and made me seek out all the other RE games like 1, and dir cut.

I think in time, just as with the 360, the developers will harness the power of the next gen consoles and we will see some truelu amazing games.

I can't wait to see what the third party developers do with the wii control systems.

the games are no better that what you saw on the cube.
No better visually yes...but Maddan is supposed to be hella fun....

And theres some things you should know about Resident Evil franchise on Wii.... since Gamecube did not do as well as expected...and while Resident Evil 4 was a huge success...the limited market penetration of the Cube hurt RE4 sales (Which is why RE4 was likely eventually released on the PS2)... So that may have left Capcom with a bit of an unpleasent taste in their exclusiveness to Nintendo....

So the most hurtful news ...thats actually been out there for a while....Resident Evil 5 will not being coming to the Nintendo Wii.....!! :( ...!!..... The current plans ...and I cant really find anything current that says it has changed....is that Resident Evil 5 will be released for both the Xbox 360 and The Playstation 3...

The next generation of Survival Horror. Taking place in a daylight and heated setting, plans are afoot to combine the style of the original Resident Evil with that of Resident Evil 4.

So probally the game will likely have the control scheme seen in RE4...but some of the nasty baddies we are more familiar with in the previous versions (zombies)....

But this isnt entirely bad news.....perhaps.... because the Wii apparently get an RE game labeled Umbrella Chronicals(working title) supposively it will link all the Resident Evil games together....

When Resident Evil 5 was announced in mid-2005, Capcom revealed that it was headed for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360--no Nintendo platform was in sight.

News out of Japan today sheds some light on the Nintendo snub, as Capcom announced that a Resident Evil game is currently in development for the Wii.

The title will be "a new game in the Resident Evil franchise" that combines the series' trademarks with "the revolutionary control system of the Wii." No further details about the game were announced.

The Wii game isn't necessarily Resident Evil 5. Given that Resident Evil is one of its biggest franchises, Capcom does have a penchant for reworking existing RE games and creating spin-offs.
Heres Capcoms official Press release

The next-generation console Wii is garnering much attention with its groundbreaking new controller. The new Resident Evil game for the console will combine the series’ intense gaming experience and atmosphere with the revolutionary control system of the Wii.

So worse case senario is that the Wii gets a Resident Evil themed shooter that takes us through the enviroments of all the old games in 3d FPS style.... Essentially a zombie shooter with an RE name attached....

Best case senario is that this exclusive game for the Wii is really innovative and gives us a previous unexperianced immersiveness into the REsident Evil universe....(imagine picking up boards/nails/hammer with the wiimote...and hammering them in place via a hammering motion with the wiimote barracading a door from an immenent zombie threat...that would RULE)....

So the Bad news is that it appears Nintendo lost their sweet exclusive deal with Capcom on the Resident Evil franchise....the potential good news is that the Wii gets an exclusive Resident Evil game while the other consoles share RE5.....

More Bad News for Resident Evil in the Rumor mill though....

It is rumored that Resident Evil 5 (and whatever Wii counterpart) will be the last in the RE franchise....
As far as I can tell this rumor is totally unsubstantiated and may have originated from the hazy details reguarding RE5(the bold portion)....

According to Takeuchi, the game will utilize the same gameplay model introduced in Resident Evil 4, while implementing thematics from the original Resident Evil into the game. The game will be a full-fledged sequel taking place after the events in Resident Evil 4, and is said to be a major turning point in the series' overall storyline.

So who knows if that rumor is even remotely true....Capcom will likely continue Zombie/horror genre type games for a while with other franchises success like Devil May Cry ...
And even more recently the moderarely reviewed Dead Rising has sold fantastically and has a solid following ripe for sequals and followups....

So what do you guys think of this REsident Evil Stuff....?
What does it mean for PS3 and Xbox 360 ...both getting Resident Evil 5....? What does it mean for Wii not getting Resident Evil 5?
Will an exclusive Resident Evil title for the Wii make up for this absent killer app?

My thoughts:
I think it means very little for PS3...the bulk of the people buying playstation 3 I dont think really follow gaming news...(otherwise there would be more just waiting to buy it instead of paying 4k for a system to just play one game thats not even rated terribly high...:))... So as far as PS3 owners are concerned games dont exist outside their console bubble...even games that are mulitplatform there always best on their system console as far as their concerned because their graphics are always the best because the system specs tell them that they are.... *sigh* (fools the specs are like the canvas size and depth and developers software engines are like artist tools...specs mean next to nothing) .... But if there are enough people who are so swayed by past PS2 cool factor Sony will have to work incredibly hard to screw up...Though they seem to be trying hard to do that now...maybe they wont fail this time around...but this generation may damage their appeal if nearly every game is multiplatform...

I think this situation is way more beneficial for Xbox 360 because a steady flow of games like RE5 will keep people from considering trading their Xbox360 for what appears like superior specs of the PS3...so that fact that RE5 and GrandTheftAuto(X) are both going to be availible for the 360 bodes very well for Microsoft.... Now if they can score a multiplatform release of Metal Gear they will be golden....(and even if they dont get multiplatform release ..that may get it 9months later or soemthing)

I dont think this immediately effects the Wii....because like Sony there is a large portion of Nintendo fans who do not follow gaming closely (But I think the portion of Nintendo fans that dont follow gaming news is smaller in Nintendo fans than in Sony).... Nintendo already benefits from a very large number of exclusive games... but the absence of one of the average gamers "Citizen Kane" in the lineup could hurt nintendo's Wii.... I mean ...what games has almost every person played who owned a GameCube/PS2/Xbox.... GTA and Resident Evil.....more so GTA....but both Nintendo will more than likely be missing.... The exclusive RE game could help smudge this probelm bit but I dont think that will be the Wii's saving grace.... Ultimately I do not think that the lack of RE5 will hurt the Wii to much ...because the majority of people who bought the Wii did so for all of Nintendos exclusive blockbusters...the others bought it for its innovative control....and the low price of the Wii allows those who need GTA and Resident Evil 5 to purchase backup systems like 360....

22-Nov-2006, 11:12 PM
acutally there is more resi titles than umbrella chronicles comign out for the wii one with the working title of just "resident evil" is on gamepost but it only has 1 screenshot though rumors say thats its the origional resi 4 set in the mansion with that ~"p-virus" thing and the creepy little dolls and ****.

22-Nov-2006, 11:20 PM
I've dug up some info on two of the points you raised.

"According to Capcom's recent rumor, it is very possible that Biohazard 5 (Resident Evil 5), will be the last game for Resident Evil series. However, Capcom are reluctant to divulge that Wesker will be involved in this game or whether Umbrella will be involved or not. They told a Famitsu reporter, 'by hours of playing, it is a very long game and fans will see something very special.' They did not want be too specific for the game's release date but they hinted that the game will hit Japan by the 4th quarter of 2007 on PS3. Does this mean Xbox 360 will get an early debut?"

And here's another.

"Whether or not the Wii succeeds will depend on one factor, how many zombies you can brutally eviscerate with the Wiikatana? So earlier reports that Resident Evil would not be coming to the Wii caused many of us to immediately write the platform off completely. Duck Hunt is for fruits: let us spill the black, rotting bowels of the living dead, Nintendo!

But good news! While Resident Evil 5 won't be coming to the Wii, having been designed from the ground-up specifically for the 360 and PS3, Umbrella Conspiracies will be coming. Presumably, this has been designed to take advantage of the Wii's controller... perhaps a turn in the House of the Dead direction?"

23-Nov-2006, 01:16 AM
RE4 had custom chainsaw controllers for the PS2 (orange) and Gamecube (Yellow). Wonder what they will make for the Wii?

darth los
23-Nov-2006, 01:53 AM
acutally there is more resi titles than umbrella chronicles comign out for the wii one with the working title of just "resident evil" is on gamepost but it only has 1 screenshot though rumors say thats its the origional resi 4 set in the mansion with that ~"p-virus" thing and the creepy little dolls and ****.

is it anything like this? I came across this a while ago and it sounds a little like what your talking about.


23-Nov-2006, 01:59 AM
acutally there is more resi titles than umbrella chronicles comign out for the wii one with the working title of just "resident evil" is on gamepost but it only has 1 screenshot though rumors say thats its the origional resi 4 set in the mansion with that ~"p-virus" thing and the creepy little dolls and ****.

Well the old mansion would be in Umbrella Chronicles...With Umbrella Chronicles its easy to see how different screenshots could start rumors of multiple games for the Wii given the games premis(see below).... so I havent found anything or heard any rumors of other Resident Evil games destined for the Wii ....

And in reguards to this

And here's another.

"Whether or not the Wii succeeds will depend on one factor, how many zombies you can brutally eviscerate with the Wiikatana? So earlier reports that Resident Evil would not be coming to the Wii caused many of us to immediately write the platform off completely. Duck Hunt is for fruits: let us spill the black, rotting bowels of the living dead, Nintendo!

But good news! While Resident Evil 5 won't be coming to the Wii, having been designed from the ground-up specifically for the 360 and PS3, Umbrella Conspiracies will be coming. Presumably, this has been designed to take advantage of the Wii's controller... perhaps a turn in the House of the Dead direction?"

This is what I have heard about Umbrella Chronicles....Apparently we dont have to worry about a House of the Dead type senario....Its not that I dislike shooters...its that they typically have little depth ...and it would just be a weak representation of a Resident Evil game...

The game apparently features most of the Resident Evil cast from the different games, including Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Jill Valentine, Claire Redfield, Barry Burton, Rebecca Chambers, HUNK, and Albert Wesker.[3] The game spans events from all the main Resident Evil games except Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and promises to deliver new information that fleshes out the Umbrella Corporation. Furthermore, it will attempt to help connect Resident Evil 4 to the established Resident Evil storyline, which will be a big break for gamers and fans of the series.
This title should not be confused with Resident Evil 5 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, nor has it been stated whether or not Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is to be a part of the main Resident Evil series, or a simple spin-off title. The game is not a remake of a previous title, nor a Gun Survivor game.[2] A very short clip of the game was shown on the Nintendo World event on November 3rd, where 2007 is revealed as the release date.