View Full Version : a little help from xbox live users please.

23-Nov-2006, 02:49 AM
well ive been after xbox live for a good long time, BUT im an aol user and ive been told again and again, a few times BY aol that it isnt live compatible.

but i just found this:


and ive foudn many forums on the subject:


anyone know if this will work?, or does any other aol users here allready have live?, i hope somone can help me out and this aint just wishful thinking from aol users.
if it aint and i can use it you can add another gamer to you hpotd clan:cool:

23-Nov-2006, 03:46 AM
That's the first time I've heard that Hellz, so I can't really offer any 'technical support' on that one. Saying that, I have a buddy who's on aol as it's in his e-mail address and he's on Live so...