View Full Version : Wii disc size/compatibility?

23-Nov-2006, 03:38 PM
Are the Wii game discs standard size or are they as small as the Gamecube's discs were?

Also, is it backward compatible? Can you play any Gamecube game on it with no problems? I remember them saying they were going to do this but haven't heard if it was actually done right.

23-Nov-2006, 04:34 PM
The Cds are the same size as regular CDs and you can play GC games on it. It has 2 CD drives for each format. I'm curious if my DS will work with it the same as the GameBoy Advanced worked with the GC.

23-Nov-2006, 04:56 PM
I think Terran's the man to speak to on this one. :D

23-Nov-2006, 05:22 PM
I'm curious if my DS will work with it the same as the GameBoy Advanced worked with the GC.

There is already a dozen or so titles that involve the DS and the Wii linking together...Even if you dont have Wireless the DS will be able to connect to the Wii...

Probally the first game that will implement this dual usage is the sequal to the Final Fantasy game released for the gamecube that utilized both GBA and GC....

A lot of neat features they can implement using this system....

Early Wii prototype controllers were "DS" handhelds...

Im totally not looking forward to the crazyness involved with black friday....