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View Full Version : One thing I definitly love about this place is...

23-Feb-2006, 06:03 PM
The link for it is much easier to remember. I could never remember the link for the other one, so I had to keep going to my favorites, which isnt too much of a hassle, but ya know. Or if I was somewhere else, I'd have to wait for the main HpotD page to load, then go through link to link. With this place, its just the main link with /vbb on the end. Simplistic. I love it. Bravo. I love this place.

23-Feb-2006, 07:10 PM
Yes, that is a plus. :cool:

25-Feb-2006, 10:58 AM
Indeed, "vbb" is much easier to remember, for the past several years I've relied on my bookmark, so whenever I lost them or had to nuke my computer I was like "crap, where are they again?"...then I remembered Homepage of the Dead is actually a website too (I visit the site itself quite irregularly).

As for this place, it's starting to grow on me as I move myself in, got my avatar sorted out, I'm digging this green vibe big style, so the tide of change cannot be parted...but this ain't a bad digs.

25-Feb-2006, 12:57 PM
I too don't visit to the main site too much. If I here of a new addition that Neil's conjured up, I'll take a peek, but other than that, I go straight to the boards. I hate relying on bookmarks, because if I'm somewhere else, I'll have to go through a couple links. The main page takes a few to load too. So the new forum's link is a major plus in my book.

25-Feb-2006, 02:19 PM
heh, i never use bookmarks for anything, i have a good memory :cool: