View Full Version : Everything I know I learned from zombie films

27-Nov-2006, 02:34 AM
Eat every meal like it's your last. Hey, it could be. Enjoy it...in fact, attack it with a passion.

Take a slow walk. With a couple thousand of your closest friends. If you're not the outdoorsy type, walk the local mall...

Don't be afraid to moan a bit. The squeaky wheel gets the grease my friends.

Pittsburgh is a nice place to visit. But, not the place you wanna be in at the end of the world as we know it.

Getting shot in the head is bad. 'Nuff said.


27-Nov-2006, 03:24 AM
Good points.

27-Nov-2006, 04:30 AM
Eat freshly butchered meat

make sure you check in the dark corner

Buy a lot of guns

have access to a helicopter

scotty Boy
27-Nov-2006, 01:57 PM
If your radio does not work ... Run


If they run there NOT zombies - most likely to be people running away from zombies!:clown:

27-Nov-2006, 04:44 PM
you cant trust "the man" for ****.

27-Nov-2006, 05:19 PM
Bring extra smokes

27-Nov-2006, 05:43 PM
Always cross the street when someone/something staggers towards you! :lol:

27-Nov-2006, 05:51 PM
Always cross the street when someone/something staggers towards you! :lol:

And whatever you do, don't walk up to apologize for some one elses bad behavior!

When someone says get there head up, do it!

27-Nov-2006, 06:29 PM
when you are trying to hot wire a vehicle, shut the doors, lock 'em, and roll up the windows

27-Nov-2006, 09:42 PM
If you are saluted by a reanimated life-form, it's best to just humor it with a return salute...what if it somehow managed to find a loaded firearm later on?

28-Nov-2006, 02:35 AM
-If you live in Cleveland, you need to keep in touch with your friends in Pittsburgh more often and let them know you are still there.
-The key to the gas pump is in the basement.
-Be extra nice to Rhodes because someday he'll be running this monkey farm after Major Cooper dies.
-No matter how much Roger talks about trying not to come back, don't listen to him because he will come back.

28-Nov-2006, 05:22 AM
Hang out with the black dudes..they always make it to the end. :elol:

28-Nov-2006, 11:06 AM
The cellar really is the safest place

When its two against 50, and you are one of the 2, just hide and dont start a war

If you are going to build a wall, build a strong one

Even if you cut off the infected area, keep your eye on them

Always carry two bags of tools, in case you misplace the first one

If you are heading to Canada, fly North instead of West

Never leave a girl without a gun

If you go outside to move trucks, maybe wear some protective gear

Dont fire a gun in a confined space

Dont just "hit em all", be selective

Always be extra careful around manequins

Dont try to perform physical tasks when you are collapsing from exhaustion

Always identify yourself so you dont get mistakenly shot

28-Nov-2006, 11:59 AM
Hang out with the black dudes..they always make it to the end. :elol:

:rockbrow: And then get shot in the head by rednecks while still alive?

28-Nov-2006, 12:53 PM
:rockbrow: And then get shot in the head by rednecks while still alive?

or fly away in a chopper w/ a preggo white chick :)

28-Nov-2006, 01:01 PM
or fly away in a chopper w/ a preggo white chick :)

OR....walk away leading an army of the undead. That one sounds the best, I think.:D

28-Nov-2006, 01:08 PM
OR....walk away leading an army of the undead. That one sounds the best, I think.:D


yeah, that sounds pretty cool, but I just find it hard to sympathizes w/ those folks. They are just looking for some place to go, but in the end that is just going to be somewhere that they can eat people. :D

really, I know it's been discussed before....but who or what were they eating out there in the sticks?

28-Nov-2006, 03:45 PM
A zombie dressed like a cheerleader can ruin alot of sexual fantasies...

28-Nov-2006, 04:31 PM
really, I know it's been discussed before....but who or what were they eating out there in the sticks?
Well, remember that Logan proved in Day that they are not eating for nourishment. The zombie on the table whose stomach he had removed was still trying to eat him. Therefore, the ones "in the sticks" were not eating anyone. Since there was no one there, they were just roaming around, hoping to find food, but not smart enough to draw a grid and mark down where they had already searched and move on.

28-Nov-2006, 04:39 PM
Agreed. But constantly wanting to feed, why congregate anywhere. It seems like they would just keep moving....scratch that, instinct brings 'em back home.

New question, how long do they search for food before they give up and/or instinct directs them back "home" (town/mall/wherever that be)

Is this a daily/weekly/hourly routine?

28-Nov-2006, 07:42 PM
If your radio does not work ... Run

...Just like in Silent Hill. I mean, those Nurses...they were zom-bies too, right? Although from another dimension, indeed.


28-Nov-2006, 08:28 PM
yo! no offense,but if i had to learn about life watching horror movies then do like the zombies and shoot me in the head!:D

29-Nov-2006, 12:51 AM
Agreed. But constantly wanting to feed, why congregate anywhere. It seems like they would just keep moving....scratch that, instinct brings 'em back home.

New question, how long do they search for food before they give up and/or instinct directs them back "home" (town/mall/wherever that be)

Is this a daily/weekly/hourly routine?

I say they congregate because it would be boring to watch the movies if they didnt.

I think it is a continual routine, constantly searching, for the rest of their "lives". The ones out in the sticks are already home. They dont have the same desires as "city zombies".

29-Nov-2006, 12:54 AM
dont worry if your freinds have "never heard of takin' a short cut" before:D

29-Nov-2006, 04:40 AM
yo! no offense,but if i had to learn about life watching horror movies then do like the zombies and shoot me in the head!:D

BANG! :evil:

moving on...

grab the cash...just in case ;)

29-Nov-2006, 04:20 PM
Put a tarp on your helicopter or at least cover it somehow.

Give Roger a valium, before attempting anything with a truck

Don't forget the bag, the goddamn bag!

Get your head on strait.

Road flares aren't enough to deter a motivated zombie

29-Nov-2006, 06:12 PM

that line about the cheerleaders make me spit up
my soda

you killed me with that one

29-Nov-2006, 10:31 PM
BANG! :evil:

moving on...Excellent idea!

grab the cash...just in case ;)
Excellent idea! (Wish I had though of it!)