View Full Version : could zombie's run

27-Nov-2006, 06:59 PM
my girlfriend says that zombies can run because they have not undergone complete rigamortis and following their basic primative needs they would need to run in order to cath prey and also as walking is not innate but learnt - which they can obviously do, then what is to say they would not be able to run. If they didn't they would effectively not be able catch prey.
HOWEVER i think they would not be able to run.... could they??

27-Nov-2006, 07:02 PM

A word of advice.....hit the deck and cover your head. Here they come.....

Search, man. Search.

27-Nov-2006, 08:25 PM
I have a message for your GF, but i seem to have "accidently" misplaced her phone number, can you do me a favour and forward this on from me please?


The Alive Man
27-Nov-2006, 08:37 PM
could zombie's run...

... yes, let's make them face the upcoming Dead remakes, and they will run away because the shame.

27-Nov-2006, 08:38 PM
I have a message for your GF, but i seem to have "accidently" misplaced her phone number, can you do me a favour and forward this on from me please?


Right on bro. Zombies should not run. It does not take long for rigamortis to set in anyways, and of course their bodies are rotting. There is only so much a rotting corpse can do. The rotting may be slowed somewhat but there is no way they can run. But that is my opinion.

27-Nov-2006, 08:39 PM
my girlfriend says that zombies can run because they have not undergone complete rigamortis and following their basic primative needs they would need to run in order to cath prey and also as walking is not innate but learnt - which they can obviously do, then what is to say they would not be able to run. If they didn't they would effectively not be able catch prey.
HOWEVER i think they would not be able to run.... could they??

Maybe, but they could not run FASTER than when they were alive.
The fact that a girl wants to talk about zombies at all makes me tingle in my funny parts

27-Nov-2006, 09:55 PM
In Return of the Living Dead they could run.

And they did.

27-Nov-2006, 10:06 PM
The fact that a girl wants to talk about zombies at all makes me tingle in my funny parts[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way...

Anywayz I just thought zombies didn't run as running requires more skill, dexterity and body control...some of these corpses have been dead a while, 3 -5 mins without oxygen = being fed with a tube and someone wiping your ass (no disrespct intended)

Zombies are more powerfull in mass numbers, if i saw just one zombie walking down the street apart from needing to change my underwear I would not think it would be to much hassle to take down just a flying boot to its guts then you stove its head in with an iron bar, house brick. (Not that i carry these things with me or living on a housing estate) ((Trailer park for any yanks reading this))

Same goes for firearms shooting one zombie ain't much of a prob but face ten then you better hope you have enough ammo and accuracy

27-Nov-2006, 10:31 PM
dude they probably shiiit their pants and their capable of running?

dont think so bro,which brings me to my next question,
can zombies shiiit?

"instead of pickin out peanuts their pickin out teeth!:D

scotty Boy
27-Nov-2006, 10:42 PM
Gouldy you know that you girlfriend has no idea about zombies even tho shes a lovely young lass. I think the people on the forum arnt just overpowering her but are right! The fact is they cant run!! END OF :evil:

27-Nov-2006, 11:41 PM
I guess the bottom line to this question (which has been discussed ad nauseum here in the past) is what you believe zombies can do, and what you consider the "bible" of zombie actions. As far as we know, the dead can not rise like in the movies, so we can never know for a fact what zombies can and can not do. So what we all choose to believe is just a matter of our own opinion. My personal philosophy is this....I enjoy the "GAR universe" of zombie behavior, therefore I believe they can not run. Seeing as this is a site that, according to the introduction on the front page is:

This site is dedicated to the horror films comprising the George A. Romero "Dead" series of films, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead.
and seeing that I chose to come here because of my love for those films, the basis of discussion here should be that zombies cant run. I am surprised that so many members here feel that zombies can run. Discussion of "real life" physiological realities can be fun, however, seeing as we do not know what happens to a zombies body when they re-animate, we can not know what they would and would not be capable of. The only thing we have to go on is the films themselves, and in Romero's films, for whatever reason, logical or not, zombies can not run. Whether explained satisfactorily or not, a GAR zombie can not run. Can Dawn04 zombies run? Yes. But they are not part of the Romero universe. Someone could make a movie where zombies want to break into ballet stores, put on pink tutus, and perform Swan Lake in the middle of the street, causing nationwide traffic problems. Would zombies actually behave that way? There is no way to know. In mind they cant, but in my mind, zombies follow the GAR rules. Within the "Zombie Swan Lake" universe, they can.

So I think that the very simple answer to the question "can zombies run"? in that it depends on what you believe, and within what group are you having this discussion. On the HPOTD, it should be accepted that zombies cant run.

28-Nov-2006, 12:24 AM
I think DJ got it right in Deadlands how they can run when they're fresh but very soon after they can't.

That sounds about right.

28-Nov-2006, 12:43 AM
Look people,

They either can or they can't. No two ways about it! No such thing as they can, but later on they can't!

As we all know, GAR invented them (zombie flesheaters) ... and GAR has gone "on the record" multiple times and has clearly stated time and time again that they can NOT run.

When you people get this through your thick skulls? :D

If someone later re-wrote the bible, word for word, and replaced god with a mutant spider, and changed all the angels into flys, and then had god eat them all at the end ... would it still be the bible?

28-Nov-2006, 12:43 AM
Although I used to think that running was a possiblity, especially during the time period immediately after initail death, I have changed my mind. The lack of oxygen to the brain damages the body's capacity to normally funtion, and after considering this, I have now been convinced.

Damn you, Dawn 2004!

28-Nov-2006, 12:52 AM
If someone later re-wrote the bible, word for word, and replaced god with a mutant spider, and changed all the angels into flys, and then had god eat them all at the end ... would it still be the bible?

Someone could make a movie where zombies want to break into ballet stores, put on pink tutus, and perform Swan Lake in the middle of the street, causing nationwide traffic problems. Would zombies actually behave that way? There is no way to know. In mind they cant, but in my mind, zombies follow the GAR rules. Within the "Zombie Swan Lake" universe, they can.
I think that the fact that you and I had to use such rediculous example says alot about the whole "zombies can run" idea.:lol:

28-Nov-2006, 03:16 AM
I'm sure of course that every last one of you would agree that a zombie COULD run if it slammed 20 CCs of pure HPotD.

You can't even deny the truth in that one.

28-Nov-2006, 05:19 AM
How come no one ever posts any sh*t like: Could human corpses actually rise from the dead? I mean, if we're gonna waste precious time debating the unpossible...:elol:

28-Nov-2006, 06:49 AM
How come no one ever posts any sh*t like: Could human corpses actually rise from the dead? I mean, if we're gonna waste precious time debating the unpossible...:

Precious time? If i was not typing here I would be looking at porn

debating the impossible? its just a symple Hypothetical plus this is one of those rare places apart from the pub where i can discuss such a random topic

I'm glad zombies arn't supposed to run, imagine a zombie lost its leg it would be hopping towards the human at speed and lets be honest that would look ****ing stupid

28-Nov-2006, 07:31 AM
Dare I bring up the old man in the graveyard in the orginal NOTLD and the kids in the gas station in the original Dawn? Those kids moved pretty fast and that old geezer got up to quite a respectable trot.


28-Nov-2006, 04:48 PM
When zombies run they should have the spinning wheel legs thing likie Roadrunner. That would be AWESOME.

Bill Hinzman Graveyard zombie wasn't running, just stumbling at a faster pace

28-Nov-2006, 05:20 PM
could zombie's run...

... yes, let's make them face the upcoming Dead remakes, and they will run away because the shame.

:lol: bravo!

No, zombies can't run. They're too farking clumsy; they'd trip over their own feet every two seconds if they even tried to move fast.

28-Nov-2006, 05:22 PM
Precious time? If i was not typing here I would be looking at porn

Well, good luck w/ that :evil:

debating the impossible? its just a symple Hypothetical plus this is one of those rare places apart from the pub where i can discuss such a random topic

Sarcasm...as defined by the following smilie->:rolleyes:

I'm glad zombies arn't supposed to run, imagine a zombie lost its leg it would be hopping towards the human at speed and lets be honest that would look ****ing stupid


28-Nov-2006, 07:46 PM
my girlfriend says that zombies can run...

Zom-bies don't run because they know that it's more scary if they don't run and they love it when we run from them because we always run into another zom-bie that srpings out from a tree.



28-Nov-2006, 08:32 PM
They run, they fly, they bake delicious bread

28-Nov-2006, 10:01 PM
They run, they fly, they bake delicious bread


29-Nov-2006, 12:07 AM

None of those messy emotions
Eat it Zombie, EAT IT:kiss: :lol:

29-Nov-2006, 12:29 AM

Some prefer jelly, some prefer syrup!:lol:

29-Nov-2006, 04:26 AM
Some prefer jelly, some prefer syrup!:lol:

Don't forget Cream of Mushroom:evil:

29-Nov-2006, 04:43 AM
some glaze on that doughnut, perhaps?

29-Nov-2006, 04:48 AM
And a dollop of peanut butter on them sausages, if you don't mind. :barf:

29-Nov-2006, 05:14 AM
Can zombies get the runs...now, there is a pertinent question! I mean, a diet of nothing but uncooked meat? Bound to get unbound, one should think...

29-Nov-2006, 06:09 AM
Can zombies get the runs...now, there is a pertinent question! I mean, a diet of nothing but uncooked meat? Bound to get unbound, one should think...

Well they do STINK! If their brains can calculate hunger then they must also know when it's time to take a s**t. If that's the case then I guess it's not out of the question to assume that zombies get a touch of the runs here and there. :lol:

29-Nov-2006, 06:32 AM
my girlfriend says that zombies can run because they have not undergone complete rigamortis and following their basic primative needs they would need to run in order to cath prey and also as walking is not innate but learnt - which they can obviously do, then what is to say they would not be able to run. If they didn't they would effectively not be able catch prey.
HOWEVER i think they would not be able to run.... could they??

be afraid man be very afriad, your gonna have some members hot on your ass with that one.

*gouldy stands against wall with blindfold and the resident flamers approach...*

29-Nov-2006, 03:52 PM
be afraid man be very afriad, your gonna have some members hot on your ass with that one.

*gouldy stands against wall with blindfold and the resident flamers approach...*

Nah...we've been kind so far...just alot of potshots at his girl's lack of zombie knowledge. Yet...a mass-approval of the fact that she is remotely interested...:kiss: :evil:

I'd say: continue to date her...just don't allow her to talk so much :elol: ;) :p

29-Nov-2006, 04:15 PM
Nah...we've been kind so far...just alot of potshots at his girl's lack of zombie knowledge. Yet...a mass-approval of the fact that she is remotely interested...:kiss: :evil:

I'd say: continue to date her...just don't allow her to talk so much :elol: ;) :p

I showed Dawm to a GF once and she said "this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Arrrrg Uuuuuuu (imitating zombie).How can you like this sh*t?!"
But her favorite movie was CLueless (like her) . she also said taxi driver was "boring, very boring". And so was she . and annoying. Except when she was naked. Then she was awesome:p "shut up and let me stare at your ass"

29-Nov-2006, 06:18 PM
wow capn

i am surprised you actually got eamon
to chat with you

no shock his intentions have nothing to do
with this sites main reasons

and i dont think zombies can run

some of them can move faster than others

but running as fast as they can in the remake
is not really something i can accept

but as long as GAR does things his way
then all is fine as far as i am concerned

29-Nov-2006, 06:37 PM
It's a pretty simple thing to summarise ultimately I think - zombies shamble and stagger and have a poor understanding of their own bodies as it is. If they can't walk smoothly and at a constant pace, how on earth would they manage to run - a motion which is far more complicated and mentally demanding than walking?

Also, the muscles would eventually begin to waste away, the zombies aren't seeking nourishment.

The Alive Man
29-Nov-2006, 08:03 PM
It's a pretty simple thing to summarise ultimately I think - zombies shamble and stagger and have a poor understanding of their own bodies as it is. If they can't walk smoothly and at a constant pace, how on earth would they manage to run - a motion which is far more complicated and mentally demanding than walking?

Also, the muscles would eventually begin to waste away, the zombies aren't seeking nourishment.

Greatest explanation ever.
This guy should be nominated as best GAR fan.

29-Nov-2006, 08:08 PM
Greatest explanation ever.
This guy should be nominated as best GAR fan.

We have all said that a hundred times before already ... where were you?

30-Nov-2006, 08:14 AM
wow capn

i am surprised you actually got eamon
to chat with you

It all depends on what you mean by the word 'chat' Kort. :D

The Alive Man
30-Nov-2006, 10:37 AM
We have all said that a hundred times before already ... where were you?

Look to my subscription date. Despite I already counts 300 posts (marginal detail in my book), it's not that much I'm walking around this board.


MINION = Greatest comment ever to such running Zombies "debate". Well written, it summarizes it best.

30-Nov-2006, 05:06 PM
We have all said that a hundred times before already ... where were you?

Watching MTV and wondering at how black guys could be ever so much cooler than white guys...no diggity doubt...;) :p :lol:

30-Nov-2006, 05:17 PM
guess falvour of love showed there's some exceptions to that rule.
and erckle.
and carlton.
and ...y'know im just gonna stop but yeah there are quite a few black nerds too there just not as tv freindly.

30-Nov-2006, 05:26 PM
shiiit! "you guys still posting to this thread"!:eek:

30-Nov-2006, 05:54 PM
shiiit! "you guys still posting to this thread"!:eek:

*stops flogging his dead horse*

Asphinctersaywhat? :cool:

30-Nov-2006, 11:00 PM
Nah...we've been kind so far...just alot of potshots at his girl's lack of zombie knowledge. Yet...a mass-approval of the fact that she is remotely interested...:kiss: :evil:

I'd say: continue to date her...just don't allow her to talk so much :elol: ;) :p

Haha some funny stuff being posted, but she wasnt thinking of it as GAR zombies, she was thinking of it scientifically (if you can about zombies) and she did have a good argument about how if the body has risen to feed and has to learn to walk (because they would have to) then they may also learn to run. But to me i just thought they werent that intelligent

01-Dec-2006, 05:21 AM
Could be worse. You could have been handed a bullseye and been asked to wear it on your back for the duration of your membership ;)

01-Dec-2006, 05:56 AM
Here's my thought... They (Zombies) Should not run. BUT... I think that if they are freshly dead, running shouldn't be a problem. It's as the brain starts to crumble that they have more problems with running and jumping, and the killing. But then again...They just shouldn't run. It's wrong. But then again I can see why they could.
I'm about to kick my own ass for disagreeing with me.

01-Dec-2006, 08:13 AM
Fo Shizzle, T-Fizzle

01-Dec-2006, 09:55 PM
the other day this zombie was running after me
and i said " hey wait a minute there."

"you cant run. what do you think you are doing?"

i told it i was gonna report it to the hpotd and it was gonna be in some
real trouble

i said " you better start shambling along and dont you even
let me hear you say brains., or i will slap the ugly off your
dead face"

it moaned what i took as an apology and
pointed to a dvd of the dawn remake in a store window
as if that was some kind of explanation

so from now on
when you see one running at you
you have to stop them right then and there and
make them stop it

we cant have all this work of GAR from all the way
back to NIGHT being ruined

these things have to be nipped in the bud
right away
we cant have these zombies thinking that MTV style
is gonna work on us

not gonna have it
no way

01-Dec-2006, 10:25 PM
Samr thing happened to me the other day. Then I woke up .......

02-Dec-2006, 02:26 AM
so from now on
when you see one running at you
you have to stop them right then and there and
make them stop it

we cant have all this work of GAR from all the way
back to NIGHT being ruined

these things have to be nipped in the bud
right away
we cant have these zombies thinking that MTV style
is gonna work on us

not gonna have it
no way

I agree with you all the way Kort.

02-Dec-2006, 02:43 AM
Samr thing happened to me the other day. Then I woke up .......
With stuff all over?:evil::p

02-Dec-2006, 04:25 AM
the other day this zombie was running after me
and i said " hey wait a minute there."

"you cant run. what do you think you are doing?"

i told it i was gonna report it to the hpotd and it was gonna be in some
real trouble

i said " you better start shambling along and dont you even
let me hear you say brains., or i will slap the ugly off your
dead face"

it moaned what i took as an apology and
pointed to a dvd of the dawn remake in a store window
as if that was some kind of explanation

so from now on
when you see one running at you
you have to stop them right then and there and
make them stop it

we cant have all this work of GAR from all the way
back to NIGHT being ruined

these things have to be nipped in the bud
right away
we cant have these zombies thinking that MTV style
is gonna work on us

not gonna have it
no way

I'm glad you're following the proper guidelines and letting those rothea.... I mean, living-impaired people (Sorry for the post-mortemism MZ) know that there are simple rules set for them and they can't go around violating them.

Who do they think they are anyways? The Bush Administration?

02-Dec-2006, 05:42 AM
Fo Shizzle, T-Fizzle

are you fo rizzle?

till my next post...my nizzle:lol:

02-Dec-2006, 10:55 AM
(Sorry for the post-mortemism MZ)

Niiice :thumbsup::) Look out for it in IAZM2 - coming soon.

02-Dec-2006, 12:33 PM
Look people,

They either can or they can't. No two ways about it! No such thing as they can, but later on they can't!

As we all know, GAR invented them (zombie flesheaters) ... and GAR has gone "on the record" multiple times and has clearly stated time and time again that they can NOT run.

When you people get this through your thick skulls? :D

If someone later re-wrote the bible, word for word, and replaced god with a mutant spider, and changed all the angels into flys, and then had god eat them all at the end ... would it still be the bible?

Good point.

02-Dec-2006, 02:52 PM
are you fo rizzle?

till my next post...my nizzle:lol:

Man...white guys are just wiggity whack...yo...:D

02-Dec-2006, 03:07 PM
Watching MTV and wondering at how black guys could be ever so much cooler than white guys...no diggity doubt...;) :p :lol:

Thats funny. I been doing the same thing. Hmmmmmmm. I heard rumors that they have more soul than us white folks and are better dancers but I have not figured that one out yet ither :D

*Hope you guys know I am fooling*:o :clown: :D

The Alive Man
02-Dec-2006, 05:07 PM
I don't need no doctor
But I need something to kill the pain
Don't know what I'm after
But the pressure's driving me insane

Searching for a different ride
Had a funny feeling I can't hide
Hey, hey do the zombie stomp
Why can't they just let me be
Alone without the misery
Hey, hey, do the zombie, zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp

Flirting with disaster
Morning after killing me again
Hiding from the laughter
And the demons dancing round my brain

Always dancing on thin ice
I guess I'll have to pay the price
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Thinkin' how it could have been
If I had never let them in
Hey, hey, do the zombie, zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp

Take me to the doctor
'Cause I feel it coming on again
Don't know where I'm going
'Cause I guess I don't know where I've been

Looking for a different ride
Always dancing on thin ice
Hey, hey do the zombie stomp
Thinking how it could have been
If I had never let them in
Hey, hey, do the zombie, zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp
Hey, hey, do the zombie stomp


03-Dec-2006, 07:30 AM

03-Dec-2006, 01:01 PM
I don't need no doctor
But I need something to kill the pain (etc...)

Fisher Price 'Do It Yourself Song Kit' available NOW! :lol:

29-May-2007, 06:28 AM
When you die you go through rigor. ...there's no way to avoid it. Now of course once you become a zombie you begin to go through it, hence the odd skin tone and the blood coagulation. I dont feel they would be able to run because of the stiffness induced by the rigor and of course the stiffening of the limbs is what leads to the 'zombie walk' which is more like a bizarre peg legged stagger. If the dead ever come back to life mark my words they will not be able to run.

Thank you come again

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 01:19 AM
When you die you go through rigor. ...there's no way to avoid it. Now of course once you become a zombie you begin to go through it, hence the odd skin tone and the blood coagulation. I dont feel they would be able to run because of the stiffness induced by the rigor and of course the stiffening of the limbs is what leads to the 'zombie walk' which is more like a bizarre peg legged stagger. If the dead ever come back to life mark my words they will not be able to run.

Thank you come again

What happens after the rigormortis breaks? :confused:

12-Jun-2007, 01:35 AM
You break it by taking the bodily fluids and such from the body and then filling it with formaldahyde (did me best to spell that phonetically)... the joints should still be quite stiff the embalming process I believe is more to stop the body from continuing to decompose and not to limber up the ol joint work and again... in most zombie movies you dont see people coming up from out of the ground (I think we know the obvious exceptions and with that said we also realize a zombie can't burst through a casket and up through 6 feet of ground)... but yeah no matter what they dead body becomes stiff also the expression 'dead weight' may come from how when a person dies their body weight essentially doubles (that goes for any creature actually) so it would be hard to wrestle with them and even more difficult to attempt to carry the bodies to burn them or to place them in a walk in cooler (as in Dawn). After the mortician is done with that he sews the lips together (the most acurate depiction of a dead person is seen in The Ring where the girls mouth is wide open and eyes wide open its actually quite scary to see and unlike in some movies a simple tug of the eyelids and tap at the jaw will not shut the jaw or eyes) and then sews the eyes shut. So that takes away the possiblility of a dead and embalmed body from ever being a threat as their mouths would have to rip open along with their eyes, they'd have to burst through the casket, and then if they have any limbs left they'd stagger because ultimately the human body is quite stiff post-mortem.

I know Ernie in ROTLD said that you could 'manually' break rigor by flexing the joints but I sincerely doubt thats even possible.

Because the majority of zombie movies tend to depict people who've been infected while still being alive they aren't embalmed they should continue to decompose until they can no longer walk, stagger, stumble, crawl, inch forward, or lunge at you. I'm not sure how long that would take I guess consider the season and the natural elements outside. If a zombie was wandering its way through Charleston it wouldn't make it long. There's a ton of humidity which would prolly speed up the decomp and there's a **** kicking ton of bugs.

Bear in mind this is all said in the event that zombies ever actually do exist... the whole possibility of zombies is quite impossible but I'm not going to rule it out... whether they will eat us is the question we should focus on hehe

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 01:52 AM
Bear in mind this is all said in the event that zombies ever actually do exist... the whole possibility of zombies is quite impossible but I'm not going to rule it out... whether they will eat us is the question we should focus on hehe

If there wasn't actually a possibility of a zombie apocalypse, we'd have nothing to talk about. Seriously though, i agree that zombies would most likely shamble, i doubt that it would be for the reason you gave which was rgormortis. Assuming mild temperatures, rigor usually sets in about 3-4 hours after clinical death, with full rigor being in effect at about 12 hours, and eventually subsiding to relaxation at about 36 hours. After the aforementioned timeframe, give or take, there would be no rigor present, so it would no longer be a viable explanation as to why they're shambling.

12-Jun-2007, 09:48 AM
The reason zombies can't run is because it's just plain silly. :D

12-Jun-2007, 10:48 AM
As well as the fact that zombies are basically drunken toddlers, that's the non-zombie, human equivalent anyway.

A toddler can't control it's limbs properly, they can't compete in the olympics, so if a zombie can't even speak or comprehend most things, how can it wield the amount of power over it's own body and limbs in order to make itself run? That takes precision and co-ordination, zombies don't have that.

They'd quicken their pace to a swift stagger when food is near at best.

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 11:59 AM
That's as good an explanation as any I've heard so far. Damn, MZ you've really given this some thought ,huh? Good stuff. :D

12-Jun-2007, 01:21 PM
That's as good an explanation as any I've heard so far. Damn, MZ you've really given this some thought ,huh? Good stuff. :D
It's what I do with my days, Darth. :p

I sit and ponder the relative reality and physical likelihoods of the walking dead. :)

Just taking zombies as what they are at the core of the "theology" behind them, it couldn't really be anything other than shambling like a drunken toddler.

Now, the "infected" (i.e. not zombies) from 28 Days/Weeks Later, now that makes sense, because they're not actually dead. They're normal people, but infected with a disease (basically rabid people), so it makes sense that they can run like track stars, they're kind of like feral beasts, but it seems they get a bit more capable of reason or whatever in the sequel - although I haven't seen 28 Weeks Later, so I couldn't really comment on that aspect.

Basically, the fictional rules behind "the infected" sit comfortably with being able to sprint and be very active, especially as no-one actually dies during the transformation, which is why after about 4 or 5 weeks with no sustenance, they keel over.

But the fictional - and generally accepted - rules behind "zombies" sit comfortably with 'the drunken toddler theory' (as I like to call it), they've just about got the hang of shambling, so a highly controlled and physically demanding task - such as running - is, sensibly, out of the question.

And the suggestion that "running zombies are scarier" is just naff in my mind, because anything running at you is scary...if a hedge was running at me I'd be scared, if a chair was running at me I'd be scared. :D

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 03:49 AM
But the fictional - and generally accepted - rules behind "zombies" sit comfortably with 'the drunken toddler theory' (as I like to call it), they've just about got the hang of shambling, so a highly controlled and physically demanding task - such as running - is, sensibly, out of the question.

That also supports gar's theory of zombie evolution. They just learn as they interact more and more with their enviroment.

23-Jun-2007, 10:08 AM
That also supports gar's theory of zombie evolution. They just learn as they interact more and more with their enviroment.
But of course, running would still be out of the question. They can comprehend things more, and do more things, but they continue to shamble as they're just flat out physically limited.

23-Jun-2007, 03:42 PM
F*ck those running zombies!

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 04:13 PM
But of course, running would still be out of the question. They can comprehend things more, and do more things, but they continue to shamble as they're just flat out physically limited.

Justas long as they don't EVER scream the way big daddy did. I think that might be what turns me off to the film. That's just annoying.

24-Jun-2007, 06:50 PM
my girlfriend says that zombies can run because they have not undergone complete rigamortis and following their basic primative needs they would need to run in order to cath prey and also as walking is not innate but learnt - which they can obviously do, then what is to say they would not be able to run. If they didn't they would effectively not be able catch prey.
HOWEVER i think they would not be able to run.... could they??

in the gar movies,the zombies just walk slowly,but in dawn 04, they run-fast! i personally think that they could not run,cause of rigormortis in the limbs.if you was in bed for 2-3 years, im sure you wudnt be able to run my boy!!!;)

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:38 PM
in the gar movies,the zombies just walk slowly,but in dawn 04, they run-fast! i personally think that they could not run,cause of rigormortis in the limbs.if you was in bed for 2-3 years, im sure you wudnt be able to run my boy!!!;)

You guys seem to forget that rigormortis lasts 48 hours ...tops. What then. Decomposition would be a much better theory especially over time.

24-Jun-2007, 11:52 PM
Well, the idea of a zombie is that he only has basic motor functions. It's not that he can't run because of his muscles, but because of his mind. They have to learn to walk again and by the time they've "mastered" walking, their bodies and bones are going to be too weak for them to manage to run.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:03 AM
Well, the idea of a zombie is that he only has basic motor functions. It's not that he can't run because of his muscles, but because of his mind. They have to learn to walk again and by the time they've "mastered" walking, their bodies and bones are going to be too weak for them to manage to run.

been attending those doc. frankenstein seminars have you? :D

25-Jun-2007, 12:05 AM
The core - the core is the last thing hit by the decay!

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:09 AM
The core - the core is the last thing hit by the decay!

That's got to be one of the greatest scenes in the series. We really got a gloimpse into what makes frankenstein tick. Ah, character development, where have you gone?:confused: