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19-Mar-2006, 01:11 PM
I was just over at the official site for NOTLD3D and they have a 3d Gallery open and it was pretty neat to look through it.

I suggest ya check it out.


Get yer 3D glasses out if ya got'em, and if ya don't they have link to get a set for $2.00 (it covers S&H)

19-Mar-2006, 02:15 PM
I just watched the trailer..................
..........I feel that if I watch this flick in it's entirety, I'll vomit. (repeatedly)
"What convinces me of this?", you ask? Well,........"Barb's" cellphone rings, she answers it and there's a text message saying "coming 4 u Barb" - That alone gave me the dry heaves and I almost lost my breakfast. (And what's with the "Wheelchair Zombie"?)


19-Mar-2006, 04:59 PM
looks like sh##, but i'll still go see it just to say i did.
how many times do they want to re-make this movie. the original will never be toped.

19-Mar-2006, 05:54 PM
Oh damn I'd forgotten about that f*ckass text message bit - goddamn that's as stupid as the evil plane downloading music in that very iffy Rob Cohen movie...err...oh yeh, Stealth *gags*...

Yeh, Night3D looks as appetising as a sh*t sandwich that's been left out in the sun all day...

19-Mar-2006, 08:38 PM
WTF :confused:

ben, a local college student

nearby farmhouse of the cooper family


i mean what the hell :|

19-Mar-2006, 10:42 PM
Two words: Sid Haig

19-Mar-2006, 10:58 PM
WTF :confused:

ben, a local college student

nearby farmhouse of the cooper family


i mean what the hell :|

Not sure what you mean here. Are you surprised that a college might be close to a farmhouse?

I'm not trying to be a prick, just actually curious. FYI, in the US we pop colleges up all over the place (even out in the middle of the boonies).

Or do you see the plotline as shameless pandering and/or trampling upon hallowed ground?

Head Shotz
20-Mar-2006, 03:30 AM
:sneaky: Lets try not to thrash it to bad before we've even seen it. Remeber, people hated the original when it came out.

20-Mar-2006, 03:33 AM
Two words: Sid Haig

Can you believe Sid Haig used to be black? He got his start doing all those blackploitation movies in the 70s and he was blacker than the ace of spades. Now you can't even tell that he's a black guy. He looks like a white guy.

20-Mar-2006, 03:41 AM
Can you believe Sid Haig used to be black? He got his start doing all those blackploitation movies in the 70s and he was blacker than the ace of spades. Now you can't even tell that he's a black guy. He looks like a white guy.
hahahaha! true that. must not be geting enough sun or something.

20-Mar-2006, 12:09 PM
:sneaky: Lets try not to thrash it to bad before we've even seen it. Remeber, people hated the original when it came out.

Why not just make an original 3D zombie flick without having to rip off the name of a classic? It's obvious that the story is completely different than the original (just like Yawn'04 was a total hack) Gosh, if you have to name-drop a classic to sell your idea, it CANNOT be that good of a product.

20-Mar-2006, 01:28 PM
And I don't remember Night being hated at all when it came out - it just got a small distribution deal. Then it headed over to France, where is struck HUGE, and then came back to the states in drive-ins etc and became HUGE there too and has been ever since.

Although inspired by "I Am Legend", Night was it's own thing, it broke boundaries and went places people had never been before. Night 3-D has been made because Night68 is public domain and now everyone knows about, so they hack out a cheap ass film to trade on the well-earned, long-standing success of a superior film.

Night of the 3D will suck copious amount of beanbag - guaranteed.

20-Mar-2006, 01:59 PM
Night of the 3D will suck copious amount of beanbag - guaranteed.

LOL!.....I can't give my final judgment until I see it, but I have to say that I'm about 95% sure you're going to turn out right...

I'll definitely watch it with an open mind, though. Gotsta watch it for what it is. I'm just afraid that what it is will be crap. Don't want to expect too much before seeing it like the haters of "Land", though:p ...

20-Mar-2006, 02:06 PM
LOL!.....I can't give my final judgment until I see it, but I have to say that I'm about 95% sure you're going to turn out right...

I'll definitely watch it with an open mind, though. Gotsta watch it for what it is. I'm just afraid that what it is will be crap. Don't want to expect too much before seeing it like the haters of "Land", though:p ...

"COMING 4 U BARB" is hint enough for me to know how sick this flick is gonna make me; and I ain't talking guts and gore, either. :D
I'm goig to have to go into the theater packed with enough Pepto-Bismol and Exlax just to get through the thing.

20-Mar-2006, 04:20 PM
LOL!.....I can't give my final judgment until I see it, but I have to say that I'm about 95% sure you're going to turn out right...

I'll definitely watch it with an open mind, though. Gotsta watch it for what it is. I'm just afraid that what it is will be crap. Don't want to expect too much before seeing it like the haters of "Land", though:p ...

You should have heeded your own advice about DOTD04... You were pretty close minded about that even before it was released.

20-Mar-2006, 06:30 PM
I dunno guys...I'd like to keep an open mind, but I know myself - I'll go to see it with a great deal of predetermined "this is going to suck" on the brain.

That and I'm just sick and damn tired of remakes. A huge portion of everything that's come out in the last 4 years or so has been a remake. Come up with some interesting ideas and make a movie that *isn't* a remake.

3D zombies is a nifty gag concept. I don't think that 3D gets enough love. So do "3d zombies strike back" or something, and not stick the name of an established film on your effort.

20-Mar-2006, 07:59 PM
ANY foray into zombie territory would be welcomed. True, they are riding the coat tails of a classic, but the stories seem dissimilar enough to make it an enjoyable ride.

Slam it if you like, but if it turns out to be a hit, you'll all be eating crow. :lol:

I'm interested to see what the 3D imaging will be like with technology now available, styled with zombies. Should be great!

And, come on... SID HAIG! He's a funny clown, for f*cks sake! :elol:

20-Mar-2006, 08:29 PM
You should have heeded your own advice about DOTD04... You were pretty close minded about that even before it was released.

Umm...dude, I don't think I was even a regular member around here when Yawn04 was released. And actually, I did watch that movie with an open mind. Twice in theater, and also bought the DVD.

I can make assumptions about a film by the advertising, promotion, etc. but I always watch it with an open mind. Even "Hostel", which i'm sure will suck horribly....when I get around to it, I will watch it with an open mind.

I did the same thing with Yawn04. I wasn't too thrilled with the cast, director, and the fact that the zombies ran but I still watched it with an open mind.....multiple times.

When are you going to let it go, man? I don't like "Yawn04", you don't like "Land"......you don't have to bring it up after every post I make.

Bottom line is I don't like Yawn04 too much and that's my opinion. You have your opinion, I have mine....it's what makes every person unique. You're not going to change it. Move on.

20-Mar-2006, 09:01 PM
Umm...dude, I don't think I was even a regular member around here when Yawn04 was released. And actually, I did watch that movie with an open mind. Twice in theater, and also bought the DVD.

I can make assumptions about a film by the advertising, promotion, etc. but I always watch it with an open mind. Even "Hostel", which i'm sure will suck horribly....when I get around to it, I will watch it with an open mind.

I did the same thing with Yawn04. I wasn't too thrilled with the cast, director, and the fact that the zombies ran but I still watched it with an open mind.....multiple times.

When are you going to let it go, man? I don't like "Yawn04", you don't like "Land"......you don't have to bring it up after every post I make.

Bottom line is I don't like Yawn04 too much and that's my opinion. You have your opinion, I have mine....it's what makes every person unique. You're not going to change it. Move on.

Well well well aren't we a bit testy? :elol:

20-Mar-2006, 09:30 PM
Well well well aren't we a bit testy? :elol:

No, not testy at all. It's just sad that you continue to bring that up every single opportunity you have. It's not that big of a deal. Do I constantly remind you that it's your opinion that "Land" sucks?

All i'm saying is let it go, homie...

20-Mar-2006, 09:46 PM
Wah wah wah...


I was hoping you would come to your senses and see the light and acknowledge that DAWN 04 is the far superior film of the 2.

20-Mar-2006, 09:51 PM
Once again, man...opinion. Everyone has their own. People agree with my opinion on the two films just like people agree with yours.

time to move on...

20-Mar-2006, 10:16 PM
Once again, man...opinion. Everyone has their own. People agree with my opinion on the two films just like people agree with yours.

time to move on...

I am trying to save your soul by putting you on the right path, the path of enlightenment, the path that shows you the correct way of appreciating great filmmaking.:elol:

21-Mar-2006, 01:01 AM
Who knows...maybe it might be good. I thought the Dukes of Hazard movie was going to suck because I liked the TV show but didn't lke the idea of a modern style remake beacuse I thought it was going to be all about sex. Though I still don't like how Jessica Simpson did Daisy (that sounds wrong maybe) but I did like the movie. Who knows maybe it might be half good or half bad...or all bad...or all good. Just woth giving it a shot.