View Full Version : This is not right

27-Nov-2006, 07:32 PM
have you noticed that in night of the living dead the old one, when the mother go`s to the basement to see her daughter, her daughter gets up and goes to eat her mother when she actually graps a cement smoother and stabs her when she is meant to be a zombie, i just dont get it.....

27-Nov-2006, 07:38 PM
Well, the cemetery zombie at the beginning picks up a rock to bash in the car window. :)

"...use simple tools..."

I guess some do, some don't.

Welcome to the forums!

27-Nov-2006, 07:39 PM
The zombies - like discussed in Dawn of the Dead - are capable of crudely using tools to achieve a basic goal - the daughter-now-zombie stabbing her mother for one, another would be the zombie at the door who picks up a chunk of wood to use as a bludgeoning device and of course the cemetery zombies - who uses a rock to smash a window.

It's easier to eat your prey if they aren't trying to get away and/or kill you.

27-Nov-2006, 07:41 PM
The first zombie you see uses a large stone to break into Barbara's car. Others use stones to break the lights on Ben's car.

In all GAR's films, the stenchies are able to use objects as tools, [I]but[I] it's only the odd zombie that did this, or they all would use implements.

27-Nov-2006, 07:46 PM
The first zombie you see uses a large stone to break into Barbara's car. Others use stones to break the lights on Ben's car.

In all GAR's films, the stenchies are able to use objects as tools, [I]but[I] it's only the odd zombie that did this, or they all would use implements.

Like with 'Land of the Dead', Big Daddy teaches the others how to use 'tools' to complete their goals after he figures some of the things out for himself. Maybe some are more intelligent than others?

:dead: Dawg

The Alive Man
27-Nov-2006, 08:14 PM
Basically, it works so:

In-between DAY and LAND there was somewhat of an "evolutionary" leap, and the Living Dead became far more intelligent.

Anyway, even long before DAY, the Living Dead were driven by slight, flebile "impulses" of intelligence, like reminiscences. In all the first three movies, all of them are supposed to be capable of handling objects, but that doesn't really mean that they fully grasp their function.
Sort of like they "catch" human flesh to eat it. Reflexes, impulses.

Nothing to be compared to the leap they all did in LAND, still.

27-Nov-2006, 08:39 PM
Sort of like they "catch" human flesh to eat it. Reflexes, impulses.

Given that Logan proved the instinct to eat human flesh is divorced from the ability to gain nutrition from it, it would be highly amusing if the reason zombies ate human flesh is because they'd been conditioned when alive via stories that zombies eat flesh (lots of bad press coverage of e.g. Haiti in the 50s...).

Given NOTLD was one of the first films to show this explicitly, this is highly unlikely...but it would be amusing.

27-Nov-2006, 08:42 PM
Given that Logan proved the instinct to eat human flesh is divorced from the ability to gain nutrition from it, it would be highly amusing if the reason zombies ate human flesh is because they'd been conditioned when alive via stories that zombies eat flesh (lots of bad press coverage of e.g. Haiti in the 50s...).

Given NOTLD was one of the first films to show this explicitly, this is highly unlikely...but it would be amusing.

Haitian Zombies don't eat flesh, they cut sugar cane etc

27-Nov-2006, 09:41 PM
Haitian Zombies don't eat flesh, they cut sugar cane etc

Very true, but a lot of FUD was created around Haiti in general and voodoo in particular by a mixture of people trying to seed their own religion (Catholicism) and others putting down the world's first black republic. Part of that FUD was the whole zombie/voodoo doll/sacrifice crap.