View Full Version : Night soundtrack rights?

27-Nov-2006, 08:30 PM
Is the NOTLD soundtrack under copyright laws or is it free game for anyone, just as the movie is?

27-Nov-2006, 08:43 PM
Not sure, doesn't Karl Hardman own the rights or something?

27-Nov-2006, 08:46 PM
Varese Sarabande and/or Capital own the rights.

27-Nov-2006, 08:58 PM
Is the NOTLD soundtrack under copyright laws or is it free game for anyone, just as the movie is?

Actually, i don't think the movie is even in the public domain now ... check out Kyra Schon's myspace page (or check the link below) for more info on violations of NOTLD and in particular her image, the FAMOUS one, the REALLY famous one, which is not actually even from the movie ... but is a personal photograph taken by her father on the set of NOTLD ... which has been bootlegged to death!!!!!!!!!!!!


28-Nov-2006, 02:02 AM
Thanks guys.

29-Nov-2006, 10:49 PM
Is the NOTLD soundtrack under copyright laws or is it free game for anyone, just as the movie is?

Just so we are all clear? What is the correct answer to the above question?

Soundtrack? Copyright or Public Domain?

Movie? Copyright or Public Domain?

30-Nov-2006, 04:15 AM
Just so we are all clear? What is the correct answer to the above question?

Soundtrack? Copyright or Public Domain?

Movie? Copyright or Public Domain?

I could have sworn that the "soundtrack" is basically cues from the DeWolfe Library, which is true, whoever owns the rights to that (DeWolfe perhaps:) ) owns the copyright to that.

I also thought that the story was that the original prints of Night are not copyrighted, and are available as public domain. I thought that was one of the reason behind "Night 30th", some of the originals were trying to get some kind of a piece of the pie, because Night 30th is copyrighted.

30-Nov-2006, 11:22 AM
Soundtrack: They are selections from the Capital HiQ library, and said tracks belong to them. The tracks were released on a compilation LP in the early 80's by the company Varese Sarabande.
I'm not sure how it works, but they either paid Image Ten, or Capital for the rights for the soundtrack. Perhaps they had to pay both of them.

Film: The film is public domain in the sence that if you can find an uncopyrighted print, then it belongs to you, and you can do what you wish with it. If you find a copyrighted print, then you can do nothing with it. Any DVD that you pick up in the store is copyrighted by the owner of the print. You cannot show the film as you please. In order to do that, you'd have to find your own print of the film without the copyright. I think folks are under the impression that you can simply buy a copy of Night on DVD and do what you want with it, which isn't the case.

The only officially licensed version of the film are the Elite releases. The copyrighted versions have a copyright statement at some point in the film, usually at the end, but I have also seen it placed under the main title logo.

06-Mar-2008, 11:01 PM
Is the NOTLD soundtrack under copyright laws or is it free game for anyone, just as the movie is?

(Sorry to have resurrected such an old thread, but since Mike posts here often, he'd probably appreciate an answer to his question.)

The music rights to NIGHT have reverted back to the original composers, or if they've died, their respective estates. Some of the original music is currently available to license from the Carlin Production Music Library (http://www.carlinmusic.co.uk/).

Capitol lost the rights to license the Hi-Q tracks back in the mid-90s, which is why there was never a legit CD re-issue of the Varese Sarabande LP. Capitol also played fast and loose with some of the tracks featured on that soundtrack LP; their rights to license certain cues had expired in the 60s, so they simply mis-credited the composers on the soundtrack album.