View Full Version : Dawn score goof or am I missing something...

28-Nov-2006, 02:42 AM
When they are flying over the rural area where the hunters rallied, an ominous chord plays as the shot switches to exterior then interior of the helicopter. Why the omninous chord? I've got a few ideas, but they all seem hairbrained...

28-Nov-2006, 02:57 AM
When they are flying over the rural area where the hunters rallied, an ominous chord plays as the shot switches to exterior then interior of the helicopter. Why the omninous chord? I've got a few ideas, but they all seem hairbrained...
Because it was a very ominous situation to be in?

I considered ending with only the above sentence, but to try to give an answer, I would say that was the moment where it really sank in how big of a problem they were in. Yes, Philadelphia was in a near state of chaos, but apparently things were still....."normal" enough for the TV station to still be in operation. Apparently gasoline had still been delivered to the local gas stations in order for people to get to work, for the police and SWAT vehicles to be fueled, and a traffic helicopter to be refueled. There is no indication that the populace of Philly was starving, so apparently food was still being delivered to stores. So even with the chaos in Philly, it would seem likely that the people there still had hope of the "zombie situation" was going to be resolved and life would return to normal. If I remember correctly, the ominous chord you are referring to occurs not long after Roger says "Jesus. It's everywhere." So even a SWAT guy, who would have had more information available to him that the average person, did not relly realize the seriousness of the situation. So it was indeed very ominous to be flying over that field, seeing all the zombies that were "out in the sticks". The realization that the problem was growing with little hope of stopping was setting in to our intrepid group of four.

28-Nov-2006, 03:11 AM
Yeah, that makes perfect sense, but why play the chord at the instant you see the chopper? Why not show their faces, play the chord, then show the rural area being teeming with zombies?

edit: sorry, I have a problem with constantly changing the way I view things (like John Kerry syndrome or something), but for the moment, the actual movie sequence seems right and more logical...but i'll change my mind again sometime.

28-Nov-2006, 10:31 AM
When they are flying over the rural area where the hunters rallied, an ominous chord plays as the shot switches to exterior then interior of the helicopter. Why the omninous chord? I've got a few ideas, but they all seem hairbrained...

I guess this is the original DOTD? Not sure what you are talking about TBH ... i just liked the combination of those two words, "ominous chord" :skull:

28-Nov-2006, 12:00 PM
Watch the news room scene again, music stops and starts randomly. The music sting you mentioned is most likely there to signify the change from night to day.