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View Full Version : A Doctor Who film???

28-Nov-2006, 04:31 PM
If the rumors are to be believed, there is gonna be a Doctor Who film (http://whomix.trilete.net/download.php?remixid=195) in the not too distant future.

If there is gonna be a film, what do you think the story should be? I think it should be about the Time War that destroyed both the Daleks and the Timelords.

28-Nov-2006, 11:54 PM
Although I am a hardcore Whovian, I think the idea of a new movie is terrible. Not one of the previous movies were any cop except Dalek Invasion Earth 2150 and that was based on a much superior tv story anyway. If they absolutely had to do one, they would have to incorporate as many monsters into the story as possible for it to be a success.

If there is gonna be a film, what do you think the story should be? I think it should be about the Time War that destroyed both the Daleks and the Timelords.

They would probably opt for a remake. Something along the lines of The Invasion or Genesis Of The Daleks perhaps.

29-Nov-2006, 12:33 AM
if torchwoods anything to go by russel t. davis has gotten a bit slack in his writing right now so id see how well the new season goes, what with the christmas bride ep airing next month, guess itll be youse americans on youtube and bittorrent for once and not us brits looking for shows vice versa:D

but another dr who movie?, i dont think it would work, this last series was starting to get a bit child freindly, it even had a kids tv counter part called "totally dr.who" i think so it could be a slippery slope to the bottom.

29-Nov-2006, 02:15 AM
yeah they should do it if they get paul mcgann and his tardis back and make it an all out fanwank indulgence.:cool:

i cant *stand* the music on daleks invasion 2150ad, flat out abrasive jazz! like the movie but prefer the first one, has more of christmassy/wizard of oz feel :D though interesting bit of trivia, the guy who runs away from the party entering the saucer, falls off the building onto the bricks and gets exterminated is the guy that played the alien in "alien".

29-Nov-2006, 02:48 AM
the guy who runs away from the party entering the saucer, falls off the building onto the bricks and gets exterminated is the guy that played the alien in "alien".

Wow, you learn something 'who' every day. :lol:

29-Nov-2006, 09:12 AM
A untold episode where the Doctor and his companion encounters the Cybermen on planet 14.

29-Nov-2006, 01:23 PM
maybe the planet 14 faction crossed dimensions and created the cybermen in the new series...