View Full Version : A new type of wireless

28-Nov-2006, 07:18 PM
Sony has come up with a set of wireless headphones that don't use traditional wireless tech like bluetooth - instead, they transmit the signal through the human body:

The second thing i thought of - after "cool" - was the keying/mashing potential. Unless the headphones are keyed to the transmitter, you would be able to, say, on subway, press your own transmitter against or near to the skin of another user and give them a blast of your own music.

28-Nov-2006, 08:27 PM
Ah, I saw that on the Gaget show on channel 5.

They looked a bit rediculous though, like a pair of swimming goggles.

Cool Idea though, they should be handed out to neds so we don't have to hear the *thumpa, thumpa, thumpa, thumpa* of their 2000bpm music on the bus.

28-Nov-2006, 09:54 PM
They looked a bit rediculous though, like a pair of swimming goggles.

Swimming goggles go on your eyes; headphones go on your ears.

29-Nov-2006, 04:30 AM
That is pretty cool, but I wonder if it will have flaws like most other Sony products... I bet it interfears with pacemakers.

29-Nov-2006, 06:22 AM
...or subliminally makes you buy a psp.:shifty:

eamon delavara would wet his pants if he heard that.:lol:

29-Nov-2006, 08:45 AM
Swimming goggles go on your eyes; headphones go on your ears.

Ah, got my wires crossed (pun not intended)

I was thinking of a player that used the bones in your face to send the sounds. Therefore ther would be no sound except from contact with the player.

So your are right only half-way, headphones can go on your eyes as well. :p