View Full Version : Mission Accomplished ?

28-Nov-2006, 07:22 PM
Mr Bush stated today that he " ...will not pull troops off the battlefield until the mission is complete ." I thought the mission was "accomplished" back in may of 03 when the 'twit' landed on the aircraft carrier ? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE ? :mad:

28-Nov-2006, 10:01 PM

Quite simply? This is the same rehash that's been going on and on and on ad finitum ever since he landed on the aircraft carrier. Same as when we heard the Germans were beaten in early December of '44. Same as when we heard we would only be advising the Vietnamese. Same as when we heard Saddam hada "ring of death" surrounding Baghdad.

There is an expression: The best laid plans of mice and men oft come to naught. Learn it. Live it. Poop happens. Deal with it.

28-Nov-2006, 10:08 PM
Mr Bush stated today that he " ...will not pull troops off the battlefield until the mission is complete ." I thought the mission was "accomplished" back in may of 03 when the 'twit' landed on the aircraft carrier ? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE ? :mad:

Take everything you hear Bush say with a grain of salt. I'm not sure how to break this to you, but...

He's a retard.

28-Nov-2006, 10:30 PM

Simply put: he's a farking moronic assh013 that has no business having any political say or rule over our country, let alone being president. I wouldn't trust that guy taking my order at a fast-food resturaunt.

29-Nov-2006, 12:04 AM
Simply put: he's a farking moronic assh013 that has no business having any political say or rule over our country, let alone being president. I wouldn't trust that guy taking my order at a fast-food resturaunt.

I'd rather have the Downs syndrome kid make my burger. At least they try and work hard for their job. And it fits threir abilities.

29-Nov-2006, 12:53 PM
If you notice , I dont address the half-wit as President ... As far as comparing the two Presidents and their foiboles , at least none were killed when Bill got a humm-job . Politics suck , especially when people die for them . :mad: Be stronger than ignorance , ignorance gets weak in the face of knowledge .I would rather deal in horror fiction than the real thing , I know what death smells like and I cant stand that smell . :mad:

29-Nov-2006, 04:33 PM
Oh, officially the war never really began... We're just "policing" we've got to keep the "order" of the country. Us big strong tough Americans have to keep the wittle weak Iraqis safe.

Nevermind that they want their own ****ing country to themselves and we're giving them the exact opposite.