View Full Version : More trouble for Sony?....

30-Nov-2006, 10:48 AM
I was visiting the PS3 forums on Gamespot....cause I was curious as to what the die hard sony fans were saying....

And they say some truely bizarre things.... "If PS3 fails ...console gaming as a whole fails"...."If PS3 fails Ill probally never play on a console again"....

They are wierdos...lol....

*shrugs* A decent portion of them seem relatively content in owning all three systems....

But anyway....heres the "More trouble for Sony?" part...


Kutaragi steps aside for new Sony boss

30-Nov-2006, 11:05 AM
Ah, good ol' Kaz Hirai, the most truthful and honest businessman the world ever saw. A perfect man for a perfect console. :lol:

I'm placing my bets for two, maybe three years tops, know what I mean? :sneaky:

30-Nov-2006, 12:05 PM
lol, the end of console gaming if P$3 alone fails? pfft, don't be so farking stupid whoever-said-it-on-those-forums-guy.

Sega dropped out of console gaming and we're still playing consoles today, if Sony fails it'll mean the end of Sony in the console wars, or at the very least the Playstation. Console gaming would continue, it's far too big an industry - which is in great demand - to stop or be stopped, ha!

If Sony fails all it will mean is bad consequences for Sony, it'll mean Sony got too big for their boots and handled the situation terribly, the sheer corporate arrogance they have displayed in the last couple of years in regards to the P$3 is just astonishing on its own.

30-Nov-2006, 12:18 PM
Yeah I told them that comments like that were stupid....

Because if anything Sony would likely maintain a gaming division to produce their exclusive titles... or in another senario sell off their gaming division to another company so someone else woudl own teh franchises...

But the funniest things ...the game franchises some of these people mentioned were not even Sony.... they mentioned Tekken, Soul Caliber, and Metal Gear.... And I was like Jeeze guys.... Tekken & Soul Caliber both Namco and existed before sony.... Metal Gear=Konami ....

If you ever want a laugh go to PS3 forums...any time bad news surfaces about Sony or the PS3....they say stuff like "Oh no...horrible news for the gaming industry"..."Gamers of the world suffer" ...blah blah blah...

Ugggg!!! This sounds really bad for Sony.....


But I doubt fans on both sides can really understand it....

30-Nov-2006, 02:19 PM
lol, I got the jist - basically, Sony's processor is inferior...I duno why they don't just roll over and give up and join Sega on the unemployment line ... or well, at least the line where they don't build consoles anymore.

And if Sony drops out of the console racket - who (if it happens) will take their place and what will they bring to the table? :sneaky:

30-Nov-2006, 04:34 PM
If sony fail,i just hope microsoft doesnt start pulling a smug face because i really dont like them either :(

30-Nov-2006, 04:37 PM
Agreed, as long as M$ keep the smug off their face they'll do alright, corporate arrogance is a big customer turn off.

30-Nov-2006, 04:39 PM
I was going to wait to purchase a ps3 for at least a year ... I had a xbox a few years ago , and ps2 . I gave my xbox1 to a friend in Florida , he had lost his in Hurricane Charlie 04...I dont miss the xbox1 , just the content of the games ...I hated the controler . Now the ps2 slimline runs really well , I had an original ps2 , it backed up during San Andreas regularly .I like the playstation controller design much better than xbox . I have just always liked Sony , but every dog has its day . I am still gonna wait this out 'till the dust settles , I have better things to do w/ my $ right now .If I was going to get anything , it would be a xbox 360 , it comes highly recomended by some other games enthusiasts here .I get them based on the games , but you find out later that Doom3 ( have the pc) or soon to be released Half Life 2 are for the 360 ... I will give ps2 props for Return to Castle Wolfenstien , Area 51 , San Andreas, Half Life , and Black . I loved those games . Lets see what happens ...

30-Nov-2006, 04:47 PM
Images like this of captain smug himself just aint selling it to me,no matter how good it claims to be :lol:

30-Nov-2006, 11:16 PM
Is it just me or does Gatesy look angelic in that pic? :rolleyes:

I like the playstation controller design much better than xbox...

If I was going to get anything , it would be a xbox 360 , it comes highly recomended by some other games enthusiasts here .I get them based on the games , but you find out later that Doom3 ( have the pc) or soon to be released Half Life 2 are for the 360...

When you get to grips with the new controller, oh the joy! As for Half Life 2 on the 360, just you wait until Mass Effect. It'll blow it right out of the water!

30-Nov-2006, 11:52 PM
Is it just me or does Gatesy look angelic in that pic? :rolleyes:

When you get to grips with the new controller, oh the joy! As for Half Life 2 on the 360, just you wait until Mass Effect. It'll blow it right out of the water!

I liked the Xbox controller.....well at least the smaller version that they eventually included with systems...

01-Dec-2006, 12:11 AM
360>Wii> um Neo Geo Color>Game buy DS>PSP>PS2>Dreamcast>PS3

in the level of coolness factor.

01-Dec-2006, 02:24 AM
360>Wii> um Neo Geo Color>Game buy DS>PSP>PS2>Dreamcast>PS3

in the level of coolness factor.

BLASPHEMY! The DreamCast should be at the top. :mad:

01-Dec-2006, 07:44 AM
Dang man....even japanese analysts are starting to predict bad times for Sony in gaming....

Analyst: "I cannot imagine a PlayStation 4"


01-Dec-2006, 08:44 AM
As much as I want to believe that $ony will go the same was as Sega, I still think it's a little too early to tell. I would definitely scream a "serves you right" if the P$3 had to quit the console race.

If $ony buggered off, I'd imagine Sega would want another crack at the title. :D

01-Dec-2006, 10:44 AM
And if Sega wanted back in, I'd whole-heartedly support that move. They were prematurely bumped off the playing field by $ony. I actually plugged my Mega Drive 2 back into my TV again and have been playing it now and then, fun times - ah the memories coming back.

Bring back Sega with a real console, equal to or greater than the awesomeness of the Mega Drive 2!

01-Dec-2006, 10:57 AM
And if Sega wanted back in, I'd whole-heartedly support that move. They were prematurely bumped off the playing field by $ony. I actually plugged my Mega Drive 2 back into my TV again and have been playing it now and then, fun times - ah the memories coming back.

Bring back Sega with a real console, equal to or greater than the awesomeness of the Mega Drive 2!

*wipes tear rolling down cheek*

01-Dec-2006, 04:13 PM

I'm fully aware of the high price of the PS3, but this guy claims it is doomed to fail like Sega. If the PS3 launch is a failure, then why is the PS3 sold out every where? Btw, has anyone seen the Fall of Man commericals? Damn, I want to play that game so bad. If I get a job with either an oil company or with the federal agency I will definately buy a HD tv and a PS3.

01-Dec-2006, 06:04 PM

I'm fully aware of the high price of the PS3, but this guy claims it is doomed to fail like Sega. If the PS3 launch is a failure, then why is the PS3 sold out every where? Btw, has anyone seen the Fall of Man commericals? Damn, I want to play that game so bad. If I get a job with either an oil company or with the federal agency I will definately buy a HD tv and a PS3.

Lol....well if you looked in the thread the story you linked has already been linked...

And Fall of Man didnt get "amazing" reviews.... "Derivative visual style and gameplay is well crafted but mostly unoriginal; the campaign's story and characters aren't well developed; two-player cooperative mode isn't available online. "....All in all 8.6....

and In reguards to PS3 being sold out everywhere... They hardly released any consoles at launch... The sales numbers reflect sales in USA/South America/Canada/Japan/And some other places in asia.... To show you a comparision Nintendos launch sales just reflect North American sales....
So Sony had such a good reputation from last year they couldve pulled off these sales selling a toaster as the PS3....
(See my signature...not always accurate but is updated regularly to prevent errors)

So is Sonys launch a failure?....Its getting pretty close to being a horrible launch.... The highest rated game they have at launch is Fall of Man at 8.6... In comparision Xbox 360's Gears of War was rated 9.6 and was much much prettier(They also have Rainbow Six Vegas 9.1)....The rest of the higher rated games they have are multi platform games that Xbox 360 has too...Not only that but the Xbox 360 versions of the games got slightly higher ratings because they had better graphics than the PS3 ....!! So if you average the PS3's exclusive games playstations lineup rates at about a 5.5-6.0...

So now a ton of analysts are predicting doom for the PS3 for several key reasons....

1)The Blueray disk Inclusion in the PS3 delays the production of PS3's... It may be hard to find a PS3 even halfway into next year maybe even longer... While Xbox 360 had bad launch issues they did not have competition... SO the Blueray both jacks up the cost of the console and prevents large numbers from being made.... Sony also loses a lot of money on every console sold...

2) Reshuffling of upper management... The man mostly responcible for the PS, PS2, and PS3 stepped down as president... People suspect this was done because Kutaragi was the one who really pushed for the inclusion of Blueray disk players...(http://www.computerandvideogames.com....php?id=150186 )

3) Horrible Launch. Games/Console #s

4) The realization that even with all Sony's bragging of higher specs in their PS3 That it turns out that the Xbox 360 is both easier to develope for and capable of equal to better graphics.... (http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=758390)

5) The Continuous loss of exclusive developers because of the difficulty and price in programming for Playstations inferior chip...Also the shortages in PS3's is making some reluctant to produce games that at the moment have a very limited audience... They lost Grand Theft Auto... And there are growing rumours about Metal Gear either being multiplatform or coming to Xbox sooner than the usual 9months...

6) Steep price for Console

The PS3 will probally continue to sell....but anyone doing any research should be very reluctant to buy it...

02-Dec-2006, 03:17 AM
Ah crap, my bad. I had too much of the good stuff earlier and didn't bother to read the link. Regardless of the reviews and what other people think, I still want to play Fall of Man.