View Full Version : 2000 year old moon computer...

30-Nov-2006, 11:40 AM

Quite amazing they had this sort of abiity and know how 2000+ years ago!


30-Nov-2006, 11:55 AM
Dang thats neat!...

Its kindof of funny how some technologies just get lost...and have to be "rediscovered"....

Like the medical technologies surrounding the gladiators of the Colosseum...
Some of the procedures they did rank up there with some of the more complex things we do today...

To think that we did not really begin to surpass their medical technology till WWI & WWII....wierd.... I cant find a link...but I remember seeing a program about the Colosseum and medicine/surgery...*shrugs*

30-Nov-2006, 12:31 PM
You ever seen those crystal skulls from south america?

Basically they're almost anatomically correct, and given the technology of the time (5000-36000 years ago?) they just should not exist.

could find no microscopic scratches on the crystal which would indicate it had been carved with metal instruments. Dorland's best hypothesis for the skull's construction is that it was roughly hewn out with diamonds, and then the detail work was meticulously done with a gentle solution of silicon sand and water. The exhausting job -- assuming it could possibly be done in this way -- would have required man-hours adding up to 300 years to complete.


30-Nov-2006, 12:45 PM
I dunno about those skulls...it seems to be hard to get credible information about it....

Like this portion....lol....

One elaborate theory maintains that the skulls were left behind by a sophisticated Inner Earth society which lives at the hollow center of our planet, and there are thirteen "master skulls" which contain the history of these people.

A May broadcast of the BBC documentary series "Everyman" reported on studies of a number of crystal skulls and other artifacts of supposedly ancient origin conducted at the British Museum. Using electron microscopes, the researchers found that two of the skulls possessed straight, perfectly-spaced surface markings, indicating the use of a modern polishing wheel. Genuine ancient objects would show haphazard tiny scratches from the hand-polishing process. The report speculated that these skulls were actually made in Germany within the past 150 years.

Even the regal Mitchell-Hedges skull is not without scandalous accusations of fraud. Some believe that F.A. Mitchell-Hedges had the piece commissioned by a sculptor, and planted it in the Lubaantun ruins for his daughter to find as a spectacular birthday present.

The validity of this charge is uncertain, but even if the Mitchell-Hedges skull is of modern origin, its structure is no less extraordinary. In all likelihood, every crystal skull in the world was fashioned by plain old human beings of some sort, and regardless of whether the work was carried out five years ago or five hundred years ago, we still don't have any idea how they did it.

But interesting nonetheless....

30-Nov-2006, 12:59 PM
cheers for that link, v interesting in a "baghdad battery" sort of way!

one of my lecturers at college was obsessed with crystal skulls, he did a book and documentary about them (his name was morton), i have to admit theyre pretty spooky. a bit like those chinese seals found in ireland like, hundreds of years before any trading routes that could have allowed that existed.

30-Nov-2006, 02:09 PM
whoa...that's messed up. Cool, but kinda makes you wonder too...

I've read about the skulls before. It's interesting, as well. Those skulls were featured as the subplot in the movie version of the Phantom, weren't they?

*skulks away gleefully after being assured that Neil hadn't posted a pic of his own ancient computer*

30-Nov-2006, 04:15 PM
Quite amazing they had this sort of abiity and know how 2000+ years ago!

Isn't that the model that Minion Zombie uses to access this forum? :lol:

30-Nov-2006, 04:39 PM
Wow, Amazing! Makes me wish we could go back in time. I wonder what other wonders of our history we have yet to discover. Ya those skulls are a real mystery. Hmmmmm.


30-Nov-2006, 04:53 PM
im not that surprised really 2000 years ago we were biologically the same with the same capacitys for brilliance as we are now...supposedly now that is:bored: .

as for the crystal skulls i watched a documentary on these and they are just normal skulls that have undergone a process like fossilisation ,somethin' about them being in caves and the minerals having an effect on them or something or other but of course people even 30 eyars ago would have thought these the skulls of martians or something, sorry to spoil the msytery guys, but chinese symbols in ireland ,thats a new one, though it said native americans (the proper names cherokee right?) are supposedly descened from people who reached asia before that as our ancestors were reaching europe and both came from africa beforehand. so the idea they could have come all the way round as well as settling in the state thouasands of years ago and making it to island is possible i guess, i mean if you have a boat and your not tied down by modern thigns you could go pretty much anywere right? it is a small world after all.

and no i wasnt quoteing that song its just a coindcidence of words;)

unless intelligent design is correct and im blaspheming again:lol:

EDIT- excuse my aweful spellng but i aint slept in 3 days *yawn* :bored:

30-Nov-2006, 04:55 PM
That's crazy. Funny how society can dumb itself down for long periods of time.

30-Nov-2006, 04:58 PM
have you looked at chavs?, no it isnt, sadly the common man is getting dumber by the day, i heard a group of girls in my maths class struggle for 20 minutes to find out what held trees in the ground, finally i put them out the misery and said "roots".:rolleyes:

sometimes i worry for this firggin human race ,i really do.

30-Nov-2006, 04:58 PM
...native americans (the proper names cherokee right?)...

The Cherokee are a specific tribe of Native Americans. We also had Seneca, Arapaho, Apache, Choctaw...etc. :)

30-Nov-2006, 05:05 PM
lmao at the roots thing hellsing. i remember there was a particularly thick girl in my philosophy class back in the day, some of the priceless **** she said;

"who was Auschwitz?"
"when did the unicorn become extinct?"

dear god...

01-Dec-2006, 03:01 AM
Nice link about the moon computer Neil.

i remember there was a particularly thick girl in my philosophy class back in the day, some of the priceless **** she said;

"who was Auschwitz?"
"when did the unicorn become extinct?"

BWAAAHAAA!!! :lol:

as for the crystal skulls i watched a documentary on these and they are just normal skulls that have undergone a process like fossilisation ,somethin' about them being in caves and the minerals having an effect on them or something...

I never saw that documentary but I read something simliar in a book once.

01-Dec-2006, 06:19 AM
yeah but why read a book when you got the discovery channel ive wasted many a fine hour watching mythbusters and american chopper and **** when i could have been reading something instead;)