View Full Version : Finally I can start to become a vegetarian...!!

02-Dec-2006, 12:46 AM

Ive seriously been waiting for this technology for like FOREVER....Its been possible to do this years and years ago....

Academic Paper Says Edible Meat Can be Grown in a Lab on Industrial Scale
from Good Thinking (230 articles)

Page: 1 2 3

August 16, 2005 Experiments for NASA space missions have shown that small amounts of edible meat can be created in a lab. But the technology that could grow chicken nuggets without the chicken, on a large scale, may not be just a science fiction fantasy. In a recent paper in the Tissue Engineering journal, a team of scientists has proposed two new techniques of tissue engineering that may one day lead to affordable production of in vitro - lab grown - meat for human consumption. It is the first peer-reviewed discussion of the prospects for industrial production of cultured meat. "There would be a lot of benefits from cultured meat," says University of Maryland doctoral student Jason Matheny, who studies agricultural economics and public health. "For one thing, you could control the nutrients. For example, most meats are high in the fatty acid Omega 6, which can cause high cholesterol and other health problems. With in vitro meat, you could replace that with Omega 3, which is a healthy fat.

"Cultured meat could also reduce the pollution that results from raising livestock, and you wouldn't need the drugs that are used on animals raised for meat."

Prime Without the Rib

The idea of culturing meat is to create an edible product that tastes like cuts of beef, poultry, pork, lamb or fish and has the nutrients and texture of meat.

Scientists know that a single muscle cell from a cow or chicken can be isolated and divided into thousands of new muscle cells. Experiments with fish tissue have created small amounts of in vitro meat in NASA experiments researching potential food products for long-term space travel, where storage is a problem.

"But that was a single experiment and was geared toward a special situation - space travel," says Matheny. "We need a different approach for large scale production."

Matheny's team developed ideas for two techniques that have potential for large scale meat production. One is to grow the cells in large flat sheets on thin membranes. The sheets of meat would be grown and stretched, then removed from the membranes and stacked on top of one another to increase thickness.

The other method would be to grow the muscle cells on small three-dimensional beads that stretch with small changes in temperature. The mature cells could then be harvested and turned into a processed meat, like nuggets or hamburgers.

Treadmill Meat


02-Dec-2006, 01:12 AM
I gotta say that I have thought about (and attempted) being a vegeatrian many times and this definitely looks like it could help. The thing is though, most veggie meat clones taste like s**t anyway and I can't see this being any different. :barf:

02-Dec-2006, 01:17 AM
Sounds creepy. I love meat too much. I try to eat more vege dishes but i do not think i can give up meat totally.

02-Dec-2006, 01:22 AM
Well this would be meat....just minus having to kill an animal....

It would just be a matter of getting the right consistency of meat/fat/other to duplicate what its like from a real animal....

So your not a vegatarian since your eating meat....but your not killing any animals to get the meat...

02-Dec-2006, 01:33 AM
this technology means we aren't that far from growing fresh organs for transplant (smoke em if you got them), and you guys are looking forward to guilt free steak :lol: fair play

but would biting down on a bit of gristle in a burger still make you cringe? would you still have the urge to pluck out those veins you sometimes get in a chicken nugget? these are the real questions...

02-Dec-2006, 01:43 AM
Soylent Green is...err nevermind.

02-Dec-2006, 01:45 AM
this technology means we aren't that far from growing fresh organs for transplant (smoke em if you got them), and you guys are looking forward to guilt free steak :lol: fair play

but would biting down on a bit of gristle in a burger still make you cringe? would you still have the urge to pluck out those veins you sometimes get in a chicken nugget? these are the real questions...

Well since the are picknig the ratio of tissues and things in the tissue...they could pick the amount of veins in the meat....so either some veins or no veins at all....!!

02-Dec-2006, 05:24 AM
That looks really really cool.

I hope this technology gets improved upon.

02-Dec-2006, 05:31 AM
man that uber creepy.:dead:

i for one dont like that idea, ive got one sid eof the family thats farmers so the whoel raising cattle then making steaks and sausages and crap youself is a lot more prefferable, but since most people wince at the contents of haggis they would most likely prefer something made in a lab.

....like american hot dogs-ZING!:lol:

02-Dec-2006, 06:33 AM
could provide answers to world hunger maybe?
i reckon it would create a purist market for real meat, and as such farmers could charge more ;)

02-Dec-2006, 06:50 AM
could provide answers to world hunger maybe?
i reckon it would create a purist market for real meat, and as such farmers could charge more ;)

*rings up grandads farm whilst laughing maniacly*:elol:

02-Dec-2006, 08:22 AM
could provide answers to world hunger maybe?
i reckon it would create a purist market for real meat, and as such farmers could charge more ;)

Yeah but the "fake" meat would be more nutricious....and could be custom designed by region....

Like the article said...one day meat makers will stand right next door with bread makers....

02-Dec-2006, 11:14 AM
Until they can give me a 160z T-bone steak exactly like the one i had in a restaurant last week,with the same taste,texture & crispy fat,without it being "frankenstien food", il stick to my animal meats thankyou very much ;)

02-Dec-2006, 11:35 AM
Until they can give me a 160z T-bone steak exactly like the one i had in a restaurant last week,with the same taste,texture & crispy fat,without it being "frankenstien food", il stick to my animal meats thankyou very much ;)

Yeah okay...what happens when they do give you the T-bone steak exactly like the one you had last week...same texture same taste....

Then what if they give you a T-Bone thats superior to the one you had last week...superior texture ...superior taste....

Then think about this superior T-Bone steak...

you know how sometimes thers that section on a regular T-Bone that is hardly a bite....but its like the juiciest and most tasty part of the steak... Like the fat and meat are in a perfect ratio that when they cook it just makes the most delicious bite possible.... Imagine how much tastier that spot is on a superior T-Bone Steak....

Then Imagine that one spot composing all of the meat on the T-bone...
Imagine all that deliciousnous without the T-Bone....

Or imagine the bone purposely sectioning off different styles and different tastes of meats....on one side of the bone its tender juicy and flavorful....the other side is spicy, salty, and encompassing...

02-Dec-2006, 11:59 AM
Well this would be meat....just minus having to kill an animal....

It would just be a matter of getting the right consistency of meat/fat/other to duplicate what its like from a real animal....

So your not a vegatarian since your eating meat....but your not killing any animals to get the meat...

I wonder what something like that will taste like? Seems amazing that something like that can even be done, creating edible meat in a lab...hmmmm

02-Dec-2006, 01:57 PM
Technically it would still be living tissue though,so you would still be killing an organism when you throw it in the grill!and to be fair it will probably taste like mcdonalds burgers do before the relish is added i.e. crap!il stick to me slaughtered cattle thank you kindly!:) Lions arent going to start eating lab grown gazelle flavour meats,so why should we?we are animals at the end of the day,& the food chain exists for a reason,its nature

02-Dec-2006, 02:39 PM
the food chain exists for a reason,its nature

My thoughts exactly. If this type of technology becomes mainstream, I hope they have the forethought to create other technologies to help control the animal population.

"Thinning the herd" is a practice in nature that is done for a reason. If we stopped eating farm animals altogether, what would we do with the billions of animals that are already being raised for this purpose? Should we simply deplete the stock and nueter/spay future generations and limit the amount of breeding allowed? Seems rather harsh to control the future of a species...much akin to playing GOD.

There are alot of drawbacks to such technology, as with all technology. Seems like MAN is quick to jump into everything head first without pondering the future.

Personally, I doubt I would want meat that was grown in a lab. Even should it taste superior. I'm truly thinking along the lines of Soylent Green and the Matrix feed here... Sounds uber conspiracy theory, I agree, yet...:shifty:

02-Dec-2006, 03:21 PM
My thoughts exactly. If this type of technology becomes mainstream, I hope they have the forethought to create other technologies to help control the animal population.

"Thinning the herd" is a practice in nature that is done for a reason. If we stopped eating farm animals altogether, what would we do with the billions of animals that are already being raised for this purpose? Should we simply deplete the stock and nueter/spay future generations and limit the amount of breeding allowed? Seems rather harsh to control the future of a species...much akin to playing GOD.

Well all those animals shouldnt exist anyways really....

Selective breeding....anihilation of all predators...

they are more "unnatural" than "natural" tissue growth....

Technically it would still be living tissue though,so you would still be killing an organism when you throw it in the grill!

yeah in the same way bread is living tissue...or even less so...same way an apple is part of a tree...

we dont even need fertilized eggs or animal stem cells...you can take a part of an animal a tissue sample from a loin(inner thigh?) or something...and grow it....and the animal that the tissue came from could be dead 200 years past....just the meat/fat/tissue composition is reconstituted over and over again....

Lions arent going to start eating lab grown gazelle flavour meats,so why should we?we are animals at the end of the day,& the food chain exists for a reason,its nature

Ok the food chain and nature....us being animals...its not like I dont agree with you in that extent....but that means a deliberate culling of human populations....you volunteering?....:eek:

02-Dec-2006, 04:58 PM
lol there's not as much natural mother earthness about the meat industry as you may think - selective breeding, hormone feeds, preservatives. we already eat frankenstein food.

i agree with terran,most of the animals shouldnt exist anyway, we dont naturally have herds of pedigree limousin cattle roaming the west country, they were all purpose bred and imported.

actually there's a point, where do dairy cows live in the wild?! i dont think ive ever seen them outside a farm...

the technology is not as far fetched as it seems, organic cells are easy to grow in artificial conditions - ever cloned a plant using agar jelly? its easy.

there's no reason it would taste any different, and it wouldnt be a living organism as it would just be a lump of matter as it does not respire, eat or reproduce.

i cant bloody wait. they could develop red meat with no health risks, even health benefits...

02-Dec-2006, 05:15 PM
lol there's not as much natural mother earthness about the meat industry as you may think - selective breeding, hormone feeds, preservatives. we already eat frankenstein food.

i agree with terran,most of the animals shouldnt exist anyway, we dont naturally have herds of pedigree limousin cattle roaming the west country, they were all purpose bred and imported.

actually there's a point, where do dairy cows live in the wild?! i dont think ive ever seen them outside a farm...

the technology is not as far fetched as it seems, organic cells are easy to grow in artificial conditions - ever cloned a plant using agar jelly? its easy.

there's no reason it would taste any different, and it wouldnt be a living organism as it would just be a lump of matter as it does not respire, eat or reproduce.

i cant bloody wait. they could develop red meat with no health risks, even health benefits...

If I didnt hate you so much id love you.... :o

02-Dec-2006, 06:39 PM
See...this is why I could never become an 'activist' towards any cause.

While I agree that breeding animals solely for the purpose of slaughtering them is inhumane, and from the documentaries I've seen; it's actually deplorable the way they live... I'm simply struck dumb by the fact that activists can't address a problem. Especially once they've found an alternative. Not a solution; an alternative.

Hooray! We can eat meat without killing animals.

Yes, But what do we do with all the animals that we have already bred and have incaptivity?

Well all those animals shouldnt exist anyways really....

i agree with terran,most of the animals shouldnt exist anyway, we dont naturally have herds of pedigree limousin cattle roaming the west country, they were all purpose bred and imported.

actually there's a point, where do dairy cows live in the wild?! i dont think ive ever seen them outside a farm...

Ahhhhh... I see. We'll simply run out in the fields, wave our arms and shout:

*dusts off hands*

Damn, that was easy...:rolleyes:

02-Dec-2006, 08:49 PM
This is great. I hope it works.

I eat meat even though I don't like the idea of animals being slaughtered to feed me... but I just can't seem to stop myself. :(

02-Dec-2006, 10:57 PM
I dont wanna eat anything
that hasnt given up its life
for my enjoyment

03-Dec-2006, 01:38 AM
Yes, But what do we do with all the animals that we have already bred and have incaptivity?...

...Ahhhhh... I see. We'll simply run out in the fields, wave our arms and shout:

*dusts off hands*

Damn, that was easy...:rolleyes:

we carry on eating them, the purist market i mentioned. or sell the rest to zoos or nature reserves or release them into the wild...you could give them to third world countries perhaps?

03-Dec-2006, 02:36 AM
Well , It could be fed to zombies raw ... they could eat that instead of us ... To get to the meat of the matter : Meat wouldnt be murder anymore! The Smiths album would be a collectors item ...You ever bite into a hamburger and find a toe nail ? I had a girlfriend once that liked her steak so rare , that once she told a waiter to , " Run it through a warm room ." Whats the difference between meat & fish ? If you beat a fish , it'll die ... I think I have squeezed as much 'au ju' as I can from this ...

03-Dec-2006, 03:12 AM
I dont wanna eat anything
that hasnt given up its life
for my enjoyment
Oh yeah!:lol:

Well , It could be fed to zombies raw ... they could eat that instead of us ... To get to the meat of the matter : Meat wouldnt be murder anymore! The Smiths album would be a collectors item ...You ever bite into a hamburger and find a toe nail ? I had a girlfriend once that liked her steak so rare , that once she told a waiter to , " Run it through a warm room ." Whats the difference between meat & fish ? If you beat a fish , it'll die ... I think I have squeezed as much 'au ju' as I can from this ...
Theres too much funny sh!t here tonight!
au ju...
yer a regular Henny Youngman

03-Dec-2006, 06:53 AM
"Thinning the herd" is a practice in nature that is done for a reason. If we stopped eating farm animals altogether, what would we do with the billions of animals that are already being raised for this purpose?

then newzealand will sink like atlantis under the weight of too many sheep.

and i think wild cows live in like meadows on the edge of woodland dont they?:confused:

04-Dec-2006, 03:30 AM
Actually, yes. Cattle were wild at one time. Although we have cultivated and bred them to specifics (ie dairy, angus, etc).

liam, I'm glad to see you posted that we could give them to third world countries. This negates the randomness of your "it could end world hunger" post on this thread. Afterall, hunger is caused by lack of supplies..but by poverty...

04-Dec-2006, 03:59 AM
yes i meant you *could* (as in might) be able to solve famine issues by donating the majority of remaining cattle, but i also meant that the meat's value is drastically reduced by having, say, a 2 week incubation period as opposed to months of rearing, feeding, keeping animals, it would become more affordable.

we would also be able to produce so much meat that the aid we already provide to these countries would increase, and on a less head in the clouds note, it would be cheaper for these countries to buy.

i dont just talk out of my arse all of the time yknow ;)

04-Dec-2006, 04:06 AM
i dont just talk out of my arse all of the time yknow ;)

Hahahahahahhaha...well said! I bow to your acknowledgement of self-arseholery :p :D :lol:

04-Dec-2006, 04:41 AM
er ...not sure how to take that but yes, thankyou, i'm here all week...

04-Dec-2006, 04:44 AM
er ...not sure how to take that but yes, thankyou, i'm here all week...

All in jest, my friend, all in jest :p

Does your show include free drinks?!:rockbrow:

04-Dec-2006, 05:20 AM
of course

where would i be without that incident to laugh at...probably taking the piss out of mel gibson,actually.

which reminds me

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dXBC6R_rxk :lol:

also, i sortof take back what i said about meat vats and hunger, cause having and extra hard 6am think about it... quorn & tofu have made bugger all difference. ah well.

04-Dec-2006, 05:24 AM
those hard 6am thinks are the hardest to face sometimes :(

Still...the darkie thing made me laugh like a mofo!

04-Dec-2006, 05:50 AM
Damn Liam, that Seinfeld clip was really well compiled. I was laughing my ass off! :lol: