View Full Version : I miss forced styles...

02-Dec-2006, 01:56 AM
I miss forced styles because now I cant tell which forum section Im in....

especially when Drunk!

Is there any possibility in including an ability to set your own Forced Style onto a given forum....so like in your User CP you have like every forum laid out and you can scroll through the styles and select ones for each forum....now all the colors look the same .... :(

02-Dec-2006, 06:55 AM
nah i like freedom of choice:D

02-Dec-2006, 08:19 AM
nah i like freedom of choice:D

Yeah then you should like forced styles...cause then you could choose your style for each forum....

Without forced styles you have no choice in the difference in styles...everything is defaulted to one style....

"Forced style" is a total misnomer...

Or rather....without Forced style you have this one choice....what color format do you want ALL of the forums to show up as....

When in forced style each forum appears in a different style.....

02-Dec-2006, 09:07 AM
the clue is sort of in the name, we cant give you a choice when it comes to forced styling which is why its called forced styles. its a admin choice that over-rides whatever you have selected.

02-Dec-2006, 10:18 AM
the clue is sort of in the name, we cant give you a choice when it comes to forced styling which is why its called forced styles. its a admin choice that over-rides whatever you have selected.

I know what your saying ...I was just trying to appeal to the "i like choices arguement"...

Cause with "choices" all you get is essentially one color scheme for all forums....so instead of a spectrum of color schemes from forum to forum everything becomes monochromatic...

Isnt there a compromise....I mean Im not familiar with the software....but how hard would it be to allow user options to assign the various given color schemes to certain forums....so its like "user set forced style"....

I just hate not knowing what forum Im in...

If its one or the other...like totally forced styles....or all forums the same color could we maybe get a revote that details the implications of both?....cause I think I remember a vote that happened a long time ago...but I dont know if I was in the minority during that vote...or if I didnt know what was going on and didnt vote :)...

02-Dec-2006, 10:40 AM
so what? like film making should be red and genral should be blue or something?

02-Dec-2006, 10:57 AM
so what? like film making should be red and genral should be blue or something?

You didnt notice the change?....

02-Dec-2006, 11:55 AM
Yeah then you should like forced styles...cause then you could choose your style for each forum....

Without forced styles you have no choice in the difference in styles...everything is defaulted to one style....

"Forced style" is a total misnomer...

Or rather....without Forced style you have this one choice....what color format do you want ALL of the forums to show up as....

When in forced style each forum appears in a different style.....

Well I guess when you think of it it would be cool to be able to choose a different color for each forum. But it is not a big deal to me. I love my deep red color and I do not have any issues with being able to remember which forum section I am in. After all all you need to do is look at the top left of your screen to see where you are at.

02-Dec-2006, 12:44 PM
It would be nice if VBB allowed us to pick a colour of choice for every forum so we had our own personal collection of different coloured forums, but I don't think that's an option VBB have yet made...

I too get confused occasionally as to which forum I'm in, because after clicking a link from an email (usually how I end up on the forum) it skips down the page a bit, thus you don't see the title, which is just text amongst text when you're not paying attention to that.

Andy - see, it's not just me who gets confused as to where we are situated on the forum at times.

I've picked green style, but I'd like it if VBB got off their asses and allowed us the option of picking an individual colour scheme for each forum within the whole forum. The whole forum being one colour is annoying and confusing - yes, it is confusing.

02-Dec-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm confused a bit...

I run with HPoTD Blue. Yet, the General Discussion is always Green. Everything else is blue. Does that hold true with every other color style, or just Blue?

I've never had any problems navigating due to the color scheme, though. Personally, I like this setup. This is how the Fiction Discussion Forum was setup on LOOM, and that was where I was always most active.

Personally, even if we had the option to make every forum a different color, I doubt I would bother... Seems like it would take forever.


02-Dec-2006, 03:10 PM
I'm confused a bit...

I run with HPoTD Blue. Yet, the General Discussion is always Green. Everything else is blue. Does that hold true with every other color style, or just Blue?

I've never had any problems navigating due to the color scheme, though. Personally, I like this setup. This is how the Fiction Discussion Forum was setup on LOOM, and that was where I was always most active.

Personally, even if we had the option to make every forum a different color, I doubt I would bother... Seems like it would take forever.


I guess you didnt notice the change then....cause all forums are only one color now...

02-Dec-2006, 03:30 PM
I guess you didnt notice the change then....cause all forums are only one color now...

Noooooo...I still get Gen Dis as green, though everything else is Blue. Have you been smoking crack again? :shifty: ;)

02-Dec-2006, 05:45 PM
Hmmm ... maybe GD is forced green...I'd change my style and have a look, but meh, what can I say? I'm a lazy sod. :D

02-Dec-2006, 05:54 PM
I like green, it's easy on the eyes. Blue and red are too bright for me. Plus green is tasteful and elegant:rolleyes:.

03-Dec-2006, 07:13 AM
You didnt notice the change?....

nah man its allways been all red for me.

03-Dec-2006, 11:50 AM
I'm a new waver so it's Darklight for me all the way.

04-Dec-2006, 03:24 AM
I was curious about the darklight style..but, like MZ, I'm a lazy sod...thus, I stick with what the forum gave me when I joined.

04-Dec-2006, 10:20 AM
I was curious about the darklight style..but, like MZ, I'm a lazy sod...thus, I stick with what the forum gave me when I joined.
Here's to laziness! Cheers! :cool:

04-Dec-2006, 11:44 AM
I was curious about the darklight style..but, like MZ, I'm a lazy sod...thus, I stick with what the forum gave me when I joined.

man, thats lazier than a rug on valium:lol:

04-Dec-2006, 04:58 PM
I take that as a compliment, mind you ;)

04-Dec-2006, 05:12 PM
It's a message board.....not rooms in our homes. Why does it really matter that it's all the same color? If I can't tell what forum im in, I look up. It's there.:confused:

04-Dec-2006, 05:31 PM
it's also at the bottom.

Hmmmm...wonder if the wife would consider allowing me to redecorate the whole house in HPoTD board styles????

*plots nefariously*