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View Full Version : Micrsnot Halo > Frustration evolved ...

02-Dec-2006, 08:32 PM
Ok everybody goes nuts for this game . I think it sucks a$$. It removed my AVG antivirus protection and was a generally agrovating experience . Does anybody else think this p.o.s. is just that ? Now, I am sure that fast food intelligence will attack me and defend this "game ", you cant change my g*ddam*ed mind on this .I tried to contact Microsnot for help , is it any coincidence that I got offers for anti-virus Max instead of help ? It removed my state of the art antivirus ( which I had to re-install) and tries to sell me thiers? Doesnt anybody think that Halo for the pc is junk ?They are sneaky underminding a$$holes ...

02-Dec-2006, 08:45 PM
Halo isn't praised as a PC game. All the raving about it is because of the XBOX version of the game.

02-Dec-2006, 08:45 PM
I enjoyed the game,but havent played it since i upgraded to my current PC 2 years ago,i went for ATI graphics & halo refuses to run on it,pain in the scrote crack!shame cos theres a few times ive had the urge to blast through it again!looks like il be back on nvidia with my new rig so maybe il play it again

02-Dec-2006, 09:00 PM
Nvidia is good ... I am aware of the prase Halo has for xbox , I just realized that it was , apon installation , just a way to hack my pc into getting thier anti-viral stuff .:mad: the most agrovating Halo aspect was the warthog vehicle , its sluggish and drives like a slow-witted clod . I have played alot of FPS , at least 15 other titles . So far nothing has surpassed the experience I have had with Half Life 2 , its just a honest to god great game .Ill admit the Steam online , is abit of a back up . Ill be upgrading my graphics card so I can do Half Life :episode 2 soon ... Thanks for the other opinions on this ...

02-Dec-2006, 09:58 PM
I played Halo on Xbox and PC (latter all the way through), the indoor areas are heinously dull and incredibly unimaginative, it's copy-and-paste-corridors throughout and it's just anus-clenchingly annoying.

The outdoor areas however, were rather fun and that machine gun was kick ass. It's definately a game best played with friends on a deathmatch - or "buggernaut" (as we called it at uni). Halo 2 improved upon things quite a bit - but STILL the indoor areas were painfully dull.

It's good for a console FPS - although FPS gaming on a joypad is seriously g-h-e-a-y. Halo is nowhere near the league of PC FPS games, but for a console FPS, it was pretty good...mind you, it's not dazzling, it's just fun.

Also, weird, I played Halo just fine on my ATI card at the time and I don't remember any anti virus problems either...weird.

03-Dec-2006, 06:34 AM
ive got it on my xbox and pc and had no problems with either and it rocks, easily one of the best fps games of all time.

except for hlaf-life 2 of course.;)

03-Dec-2006, 10:46 AM
Totally with Hellz on this one. Both Halo's kicked ass but none of them left you with the severe rectal bruising that Half Life 2 dished out. :D