View Full Version : Characters from other movies in a Dead scenario

Adolf Kitler
04-Dec-2006, 01:38 AM
Who would kick some zombie butt, and who would be zombie chow?

Like to see how a Vulcan nerve pinch would work on a zombie, myself.

Or maybe Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket going ape-crap on some zombies.

Or any character Rosie O'Donnel played drawn and quartered by the dead things.


04-Dec-2006, 01:48 AM
Who would kick some zombie butt, and who would be zombie chow?

Like to see how a Vulcan nerve pinch would work on a zombie, myself.

Or maybe Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket going ape-crap on some zombies.

Or any character Rosie O'Donnel played drawn and quartered by the dead things.


The incredible Hulk would be good. They could not bite into his flesh, and they would keep him angry, so he could destroy them.

I dont agree with your first two choices. A vulcan would think it was "illogical" for the dead to come back, so they would assume they were just sick, and would try to help them rather they pinch them, and by then it would be too late. It would be interesting to see a zombie Vulcan and how they may behave differently than a human. Hartman would be zombie chow real quick. Yelling at them would have no effect.

Rosie O'Donnel? Yes, her drawn and quartered would be OK. I would like to see the bully guy from Napoleon Dynomite have his guts ripped to shreads. Or better yet, have a zombie grab him by the neck an pump his head up and down until the neck snapped.

Adolf Kitler
04-Dec-2006, 02:00 AM
I didn't say that Spock and Hartman would'nt be zombie viddles, I'm just amused at the idea of their reactions and the aftermath.

According to Superman mythos, he's vulnerable to anything mystical in nature. I guess if he was put in a zombie scenario we'd find out quick if it's a man-made contagion or a mystical curse on us all. I'd hate to see a Super-Zombie.

Robocop would blow away a good number of them before being overwhelmed and dismantled.

I figure Snake Plisken would find some way to stay alive, always one and a half steps ahead.

04-Dec-2006, 03:01 AM
According to Superman mythos, he's vulnerable to anything mystical in nature. I guess if he was put in a zombie scenario we'd find out quick if it's a man-made contagion or a mystical curse on us all. I'd hate to see a Super-Zombie.

There is actually a story in the Fiction Section that covers this. I don't know the name off-hand, but if you author search Rob Morganbesser, you'll find it. Good stuff...Kryptonite bullets and all :elol:

I'm working on a piece currently that spans the WWII pulp characters. Starts with Tarzan, Indiana Jones, Captain America, The Phantom...you get the drift. Of course, if you wanna know how Batman handles it...I know this one guy...:D

04-Dec-2006, 04:27 AM
Ever hear this joke?

Superman is flying above the city. He looks down, and see Wonder Woman laying in a field butt-naked with her legs spread up in the air. He thinks "With my super speed, and could go down there, bust a nut, and fly away, and she wont even know what happens". So he does it. Then you hear the invisable man say, "I dont know what just happened, but my ass sure hurts!" :)

04-Dec-2006, 04:37 AM
bwhahaha...I love that one!

04-Dec-2006, 05:32 AM
Or maybe Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket going ape-crap on some zombies.

Maybe that would go something like this.

"Pick up your pace maggot! Run faster you festering sack of ignorant undead dog s**t! Once I've finished PT-ing your ugly ass, you'll think a bullet in the head is a f**kin' birthday present. MOVE SCUMBAG!"


"I don't know but I've been told" (repeat)
"undead pussy is mighty cold" (repeat)
"rigor mortis is a sonofabitch" (repeat)
"chafes your Johnson and makes it itch" (repeat)


04-Dec-2006, 08:15 AM
I was actually just discussing this concept with my cousin the other day, except in the form of a TV show, and one person in particular.

Jack Bauer. He would kick so much zombie ass it wouldn't even be funny. He is such a hardass it's almost beyond belief.

Also I think the entirety of the A-Team would do pretty good in it considering they're immune to any sort of physical trauma and would avoid getting bitten or even remotely molested by zombies through the entirety of the outbreak.

04-Dec-2006, 08:49 AM
a hells yeah the a-team vs the zombies of land of the dead:D

The Alive Man
04-Dec-2006, 10:58 AM
Ever hear this joke?

Superman is flying above the city. He looks down, and see Wonder Woman laying in a field butt-naked with her legs spread up in the air. He thinks "With my super speed, and could go down there, bust a nut, and fly away, and she wont even know what happens". So he does it. Then you hear the invisable man say, "I dont know what just happened, but my ass sure hurts!" :)


By the way, SNAKE is the only one to kick ass all the characters of the SAGA combined together. Yes, even Riley.

04-Dec-2006, 12:00 PM
Snake Pliskin would be great to see in an undead world.

Pee Wee Herman would be hillarious to watch. He'd manage to keep himself alive in a goofy manor.

Rowdy Roddy Piper's character in They Live would probably do an awesome job at chewin gum and kickin zombie ass.

04-Dec-2006, 11:45 PM
It doesn't even have to be someone from another movie... I think there's people alive right now who would survive.

One of them I strongly believe is Michael Jackson.

They'd take one look at him and keep walking, they'd simply think he was one of them.

They'd either do that or shamble away in sheer terror.

If they didn't he'd transform into a giant robot and destroy them all, just like he did in his "movie" where he sang Smooth Criminal.

And he'd have Neverland Ranch fortified with magical elves and young boys.

The Alive Man
04-Dec-2006, 11:50 PM
They'd take one look at him and keep walking, they'd simply think he was one of them.

Not only that. Well-disguised as Living Dead, Old American Glory Mike could "grab" all the children he wants and Romero would keep to film without even stopping him... :lol: Looks like a paradisiac situation :lol:

05-Dec-2006, 06:45 AM
Pee Wee Herman would be hillarious to watch. He'd manage to keep himself alive in a goofy manor.

damn that would be a good zombie movie.


"i know ou are but what am i?"

12-Dec-2006, 01:10 AM
Also I think the entirety of the A-Team would do pretty good in it considering they're immune to any sort of physical trauma and would avoid getting bitten or even remotely molested by zombies through the entirety of the outbreak.

They would get bitten but then they'd keep on trucking like nothing ever happened.

12-Dec-2006, 01:50 AM
I would like to see Snake Pliskin, Ash or Dirty Harry Callahan in a zombie environment.

12-Dec-2006, 03:50 AM
"you say your husband was dead?
I see
Then he got up, is that what you saying?
He then tried to eat you? I'm a little slow, you have to help me here"
(scratches head, chews cigar)

12-Dec-2006, 03:26 PM
I would like to see Snake Pliskin, Ash or Dirty Harry Callahan in a zombie environment.

We kinda got a taste of Snake Plissken being in a zombie-esque environment in the Chock Full O' Nuts sequence in Escape From New York. Yeah, I gotta agree with you Chaos, that would indeed kick ass!

12-Dec-2006, 04:44 PM
The Ghostbusters. I mean, you could take out so many zombies, so very fast with a proton stream.:D

12-Dec-2006, 06:03 PM
yeah Columbo would be great
that is too funny

also what if dead people started to wash up
on gilligans island

they would listen to the radio for updates
and use cocnuts to club the zombies in the head

but i know the professor would come up
with a way to reverse the problem

ah to hear all of the lines the skipper
and gilligan and the others would come up with

giligans island of the living dead

but i still love columbo....

12-Dec-2006, 09:05 PM
yeah Columbo would be great
that is too funny

also what if dead people started to wash up
on gilligans island

they would listen to the radio for updates
and use cocnuts to club the zombies in the head

but i know the professor would come up
with a way to reverse the problem

ah to hear all of the lines the skipper
and gilligan and the others would come up with

giligans island of the living dead

but i still love columbo....
They could use Mr and Mrs Howell as bait. They were total leeches.
It would be like the end of Zombie, except with a coconut radio and banana cannons:)

13-Dec-2006, 04:07 AM
I've always fancied watching the Three's Company trio try to deal with that issue, holed up in their apartment and fighting off a zombified Furley and Larry.

13-Dec-2006, 04:52 AM
Would be interesting to see how 'The Tall Man' from Phantasm would adapt to a zombie world. Shrunken undead dwarves?

13-Dec-2006, 05:24 AM
I've always fancied watching the Three's Company trio try to deal with that issue, holed up in their apartment and fighting off a zombified Furley and Larry.
Having some cute sexual musinderstanding and Zombies break through the windows

13-Dec-2006, 12:32 PM
What about the cast of Assault On Precinct 13? They survived the crooks, why not a plague of flesh eating zombies?

13-Dec-2006, 12:54 PM
The Smurfs.:|

13-Dec-2006, 03:40 PM
The Smurfs.:|
You gotta smurf em in the head!:)

14-Dec-2006, 12:25 AM
Vic Mackie and the Strike Team from the Shield would be interesting. There tough as hell and they can ALL shoot. Though I admit numbers would do them in.

The Punisher would be sorta interesting as well.

14-Dec-2006, 12:30 AM
I myself would like to see Carrot Top eaten by a zombie:D

14-Dec-2006, 12:37 AM
Fred Fintstone
Yabba Dabba AARRRRGH!

14-Dec-2006, 03:53 AM
I myself would like to see Carrot Top eaten by a zombie:D

OOOHHH, that would be funny, lump Pauly Shore in with him.

Southpark: "You Bastards! You ate Kenny!"

15-Dec-2006, 08:17 PM
Also I think the entirety of the A-Team would do pretty good in it considering they're immune to any sort of physical trauma and would avoid getting bitten or even remotely molested by zombies through the entirety of the outbreak.

Yeah, but the A-Team couldn't hit the coconuts for love or money. A moving target? Forget it.

15-Dec-2006, 10:02 PM
Yeah, but the A-Team couldn't hit the coconuts for love or money. A moving target? Forget it.
But if they got bit, they wouldnt die
"are you ok?"
"yeah Im ok"

16-Dec-2006, 10:59 PM
How about the two criminal characters from The Way of the Gun? Heavily armed, cool heads, good team work, cold blood. Same with the robbery crew in Heat, or Tom Cruise's hitman from Collateral?

"Hey, homie, are you a zombie?"

Micheal Scohfield from Prison Break would be intresting.

The Vic Mackey and the Strike Team crew suggestion would be neat-who doesn't see Vic beating down undead ass with a baseball bat?

16-Dec-2006, 11:29 PM
If there were zombies on Lost, I would tune in every week.

I'd also like to see the cast of Seventh Heaven deal with the zombie apocalypse.