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View Full Version : Lou Gentile show interview

05-Dec-2006, 04:36 PM
I maybe appearing on the Lou Gentile show December 20th 2006 to promote DEADLANDS: The Rising. I was just contacted by the show's producers and I will keep you posted on when the exact time will be and how you can listen in.

Cheers Dj

05-Dec-2006, 04:52 PM
I may get slammed for this one....but...who is Lou Gentile, Good sir?:rockbrow:

05-Dec-2006, 06:27 PM
*channels minion zombies spirit* "gooooogggglllleeeee".

kickass news though, but aint there a famous u.s show that indie directors can get there stuff on?, think it has splt or cuts in the name.

05-Dec-2006, 06:29 PM
I may get slammed for this one....but...who is Lou Gentile, Good sir?:rockbrow:


He is this radio host who focuses his shows on the paranormal, and from time to time he invites noted horror guests or indie filmmakers on the show.

05-Dec-2006, 10:04 PM
Kick ass man, good stuff.

Do you reckon it'll be available via some sort of podcast or download for us Brits to also check out?

05-Dec-2006, 10:28 PM
I think you can download it... or even stream it.

So 8pm my time would be 1am your time and it will last til 3am your time 10pm my time.

06-Dec-2006, 10:30 AM
1am, hmmm.... normally i dont get up till 3:30....:p

06-Dec-2006, 10:42 AM
I think you can download it... or even stream it.

So 8pm my time would be 1am your time and it will last til 3am your time 10pm my time.
I think I'll have to rely on a download then. :D

06-Dec-2006, 10:51 AM
Wussy... Come on your 10 years younger than I. you should be able to stay up a ll night and then go to bed get 4 hours sleep and function all day. :D

06-Dec-2006, 10:53 AM
lol, I need my beauty sleep! :lol:

I'm one of those people who really does require that 8 hours and 11 minutes average of sleep, otherwise I'm a mess for the whole day! :eek: This my friend, is what it's like to be 22 in the 21st century ... we're all crumbling and creaking along. :D

07-Dec-2006, 10:49 AM
Hell you're 13 years younger than I am... this should be easy for you. 8 hours of sleep... sheeeeeeeeet. I can't even remember the last time I had 8 solid hours of sleep unless it was in a pain killer induced state after my heart surgeries.

Suck it UP ya puss. :p

07-Dec-2006, 11:00 AM
lol :D

You should be a motivational speaker or something.

Anyone stateside have the ability to record such broadcasts to an MP3? Damn time difference...

07-Dec-2006, 11:18 AM
Ya know... I wish I could be a motivational speaker. However, I don't know if my brand of humor or motivational speaking would work.


Q: I have a co-worker at my job whom just doesn't listen... he thinks he knows everything. He spends all day surfing the net, and then taking control of things without anyone elses input. What do you suggest I do?

A: Well sir let me give you some advice. If this co-worker is infact surfing the net all day maybe, just maybe, they do know everything. Because if you are surfing the net you are gaining knowledge... even if it is a porn site. I mean how many porn sites have you come or CUM across that shows you pictures of some lewd sex act you never thought could exist? Well this person obviously takes great pride in filling their mind with knowledge from the information super highway and you should probably just shut the f*ck up and listen to them every once in a while :D

07-Dec-2006, 11:20 AM
Let me guess, you and Lou are said net surfers. :)

I still can't believe you guys get away with surfing HPOTD at work! :eek:

What on earth would you do if they banned the site from their computers? ... Well ... I guess you'd do some work. :D

07-Dec-2006, 11:24 AM
Thats what web proxies are for... or at worst case I bring my laptop and leech of a neighboring Wireless signal. One way or another I would be on this site.

Nothing can stop the funkmaster. :lol:

21-Dec-2006, 12:06 AM
Lou Gentile SHOW interview is on now...


21-Dec-2006, 12:27 AM
Is Lou related to the late (GANG:lol: ) green grocer from Philly evening news channel 6 WPVI Joe?

21-Dec-2006, 10:17 AM
*ah f*ck!* :grumply grumply groo smiley:

I had it written down on a post-it as well, but went and missed it - well, take joy (or whatever the word is) from the fact I didn't miss it cos of porn, I was researching and reading about Werner Herzog for some writing work I've got...in fact I'm off to make a start on the words themselves in about 10 minutes...