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View Full Version : Games Im looking forward to on the Wii....

06-Dec-2006, 07:41 PM
Ok ....Ive been up a bit Wii crazy I admit...but thats because my package is arriving tomorrow...so all Ive been capable of doing is looking at Wii stuff....

So Heres a list of games Im looking really looking forward too....Im sure there will be disappointments here and there...

(I hope I did the Youtube insert thing right)

Battalion Wars 2 ...Online with this game is going to OWN!!!

Disaster: Day of Crisis

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn


Super Smash Bros. Brawl

lol Snake you and your cardboard boxes

Super Paper Mario
(the past ones have all been awsome)

Super Mario Galaxy
(though Im really worried about it the premise is really neat)
(See in this video some parts seem awsome...like being able to run around like attached to bosses ...its dizzying ...I just hope they can pull it off)

Metroid Corruption

No More Heroes
(a possible let down...but its nearly a lightsaber game lol...The preview is pretty goofy just give it some time)

(though the preview shows nothing its the idea of the game that im interested in)

Dragon Quest Swords
(An On Rails Action/RPG....will it suck or will it be fun....I dunno but I would like to see)

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
(no videos yet)

And not to mention all the virtual Console games....

06-Dec-2006, 08:59 PM
Super Mario Galaxy looks friggin' awesome!

06-Dec-2006, 09:09 PM
Super Mario Galaxy looks friggin' awesome!

Yeah it totally has potential...what do you think of online Battalion Wars 2... I think its going to be really fun...

06-Dec-2006, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the previews. I am reluctantly persuing a rebirth into the console gaming world. I am looking at picking up a Wii early next year. I did the Dreamcast then the Gamecube and that pooped me out but I'm back!

07-Dec-2006, 06:28 PM
been after day of crisis since i first heard about it, looks awesome, till a proper suvival horror, sadness and that nerco-nasia, just sound like survival versions of myst, bring back survival terrors like fatal frame i say.

07-Dec-2006, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the trailers.

I hope Super Smash Bros has a whole arsenal of characters to play as. I haven't played any of them since the N64 days so I don't know how many/what characters have come and gone.

08-Dec-2006, 08:40 AM
"CAAAAPPTAAAAAIIIN.....FAAAAALLLLKOOOONNNN!!!" ....ahem, sorry been a while since i played melee, theres still some withdrawl going on.:lol: