View Full Version : Six injured as tornado hits London

07-Dec-2006, 03:12 PM
I hope everyone in the U.K. here is safe!!

I read this morning that London got hit by a twister.


LONDON, England (CNN) -- A tornado hit a residential area of London on Thursday, injuring at least six people, according to ambulance service staff.
Police were alerted to the tornado in north-west London at around 11 a.m., a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said.
One man was taken to hospital suffering from serious head injuries, and five people were treated at the scene for minor injuries and shock.
The storm, with winds of around 150 mph (240 kph), ripped roofs off some homes, tore down walls and trees, and left streets strewn with debris. One car was buried under fallen bricks, video footage from the scene showed.
"I could see a huge cloud rolling up the street, making this tremendous sound," resident Daniel Bidgood told the BBC. "I went to try to take a picture of it but a shower of debris smashed all the windows of my house."
Another eyewitness, Sally Johnson, said she thought she was going to die. "All the cars and the windows, everything (was) smashed in," she told Sky. "There's debris everywhere, you can hardly walk."
"It was like some sort of cyclone," said resident Tim Klotz.
"I looked up through a skylight and debris was falling through the air. I heard what seemed like large, clay dominoes falling, which I think were roof tiles," Klotz said.
Experts say that while Britain experiences more than 30 tornadoes a year, it is rare for them to cause damage on the scale seen in London on Thursday.
Local weather reports said warmer than normal temperatures this fall contributed to formation of the tornado.

07-Dec-2006, 06:44 PM
if this aint proof of climate change i dont know waht is, tornadoes and hurricanes in britain, sweltering summers and ages without rain...and peroids like today were its too bloody windy and it wont stop raining and im up north in the exact centre of the country so its been bad over a large area huh?, capn's a londener right?, wonder if he saw it?

07-Dec-2006, 06:51 PM
This may sound very dumb....but I thought tornados in britain were a very rare thing?:confused:

Then again, maybe I should read the article...it might address this.:dead:

07-Dec-2006, 07:32 PM
ya i also heard it is very rare. so I was suprised

07-Dec-2006, 07:33 PM
Its blowing a feckin' gale here,and im a few hundred miles from london!maybe it is climate change,but i dont think its happening for the reasons the government is telling us,just so they can hike taxes up :mad:
I dont doubt that theres some effect from poolution,but i think its more likely that the big shifts in the climate are due to the earth going through a natural change,like the last ice age

07-Dec-2006, 07:46 PM
This may sound very dumb....but I thought tornados in britain were a very rare thing?:confused:

Then again, maybe I should read the article...it might address this.:dead:

in london yes,but theyve been happening around birmingham a couple of times over the last few years.

and bumble bees and ladybirds are dying out cus of it, which means the birds that feed off them will as well.

but at least we can drive our big ass SUV's though so it must be worth it:rolleyes:

07-Dec-2006, 08:27 PM
Freaky. Isn't Britain like Seattle? Dreary and raining like 80% of the time?

07-Dec-2006, 08:32 PM
Its blowing a feckin' gale here,and im a few hundred miles from london!maybe it is climate change,but i dont think its happening for the reasons the government is telling us,just so they can hike taxes up :mad:
I dont doubt that theres some effect from poolution,but i think its more likely that the big shifts in the climate are due to the earth going through a natural change,like the last ice age

I read a few months ago that our poles are shifting. Goid I wish I could find that article. :confused:

I read a few months ago that our poles are shifting. Goid I wish I could find that article. :confused:

Here is something I found. Kinda scary stuff.

Earth Magnetic Field Reversal

Earths Magnetic Fields May Be Leaving Canada

08-Dec-2006, 02:47 AM
The wind was absolutely caning it last night and it's still pretty breezy today.

Freaky. Isn't Britain like Seattle? Dreary and raining like 80% of the time?

Pretty much. The UK is very similar to Seattle in many respects, including the coffee and heroin. :lol:

08-Dec-2006, 08:46 AM
i wouldnt worry aboot that HLS the poles of the earth have shifted a fair few times over the earths existnece, it aint gonna kill us all it just means that on a compass S, will mean north and N will mwean south, dont know about west and east, i just overheard stephen fry talkign about it on QI:D

-just thought id point out fro anyone whos really thck, this is just the magnetics, the planet isnt gonna flip upside down, just saving some people the effort of screaming that the sky is falling:lol:

and yes britain is a lot like seattle, only we talk more like americans than the cast of frasier do;)

08-Dec-2006, 09:10 AM
That's crazy... London's one of the last places I would have expected a tornado to hit