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08-Dec-2006, 03:30 PM
This is one for people who saw Torchwood on either Wednesday or when it was first shown on Sunday. During the episode "They Keep killing Suzie" There is a scene where the team are in a nightclub hunting down a bodyguard. Now, there is a track playing in the background that sounds just like the Funeral for a Friend song "Red Is The New Black".

Can someone confirm this???

08-Dec-2006, 04:08 PM
yep, it sucks just as much as that song ;)

08-Dec-2006, 04:17 PM
Well, Torchwood isn't that bad... It's watchable...

08-Dec-2006, 07:14 PM
yeh it's definitely v watchable, but i agree with what charlie brooker said - it had violence, shagging and swearing, but still kinda feels like a kids programme, yknow? plus capn jack seems a bit too serious, seemed a bit more fun in doctor who.

they got some bloody good writers though, PJ hammond in particular.

i loved that episode where the guy sees the girl gettin raped in the tunnel by using that gizmo, and he turns out to be blake from blakes 7, but old and fat. quality.

did you notice the doctor's severed hand from "the christmas invasion" in the first episode?

08-Dec-2006, 07:19 PM
hold on... that was the doctors hand???

08-Dec-2006, 07:22 PM
something i didnt get about that ep, is yanto and captain jack a couple?, cus i think i read jacks gay and there was all that stop watch stuff and comment about the circus boy he knew....you never know.

the actings pretty good i must say but the writing is ****, is really, really bad if you just sit and listen the dialogue is cliche' and boring.

though to be fair most of the russel t davis ehavy eps of who didnt even leave earth, and doctor who without the quarry's...sorry alien planets is just wrong.

08-Dec-2006, 07:54 PM
yeh hellsing i didnt quite get the ianto/jack/stopwatch thing, seemed a bit shoehorned to me.

cykotic - yep, that was the hand that the sycorax leader chops off in the last christmas special that the doctor regrows. it falls off the ship down onto london below, presumably captured by torchwood at a later date and placed into the custody of captain jack.
i can't remember exactly why but jack needs the doctor to help seal the rift in space time that was first mentioned in the DW episode "the unquiet dead" - gwen is played by the same actress who played gwyneth in that story, although any connection between the two characters is yet to be established.

at this point i would like to point out i do somehow have a girlfriend ;)

08-Dec-2006, 08:42 PM
really?, i thought he was looking for the doctor so he could be "cured" of his tardis spawned immortality?
csu surely from the doctors point of view hes been travelling with and lost rose for about at elast a few months sinc ethe ep with the salveen woman that opened the rift, or was it there in the one with the 18th centruy zombies, maybe torchwoods own "darlek" type enemy will be those blue ghosts everyone thought would be in the season 1 finale'.