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View Full Version : Just caught a couple of mins of the second Charlies Angels film...

09-Dec-2006, 08:22 PM
...dear God! I thought the first one was daft, but the second seems like daft central...

09-Dec-2006, 09:14 PM
I love the scenes where the hero is stationary in the middle of the room and all of the enemies run into the wire-fu trap.

09-Dec-2006, 09:23 PM
1) My spinal column did not have a synaptic fit, which enabled me to move my arm to the side of my couch.
2) An electromagnetic anomaly did not render the power cells in the remote control empty.
3) My finger found the change station button.
4) The infrared pulse emitted was detected by my Sky box.
5) No further photons from that film entered my eye.

I only caught a few minutes, and that was enough to back up my opinions that any director who calls himself Mc G must have problems...

09-Dec-2006, 09:36 PM
I hated the 24 minutes of the first one. Thats all I could stomach
Lucy Liu needs a wicked Donkey Punch.