View Full Version : Walking Dead #33(spoilers)

10-Dec-2006, 01:39 PM
'faints' 'thump':dead:

Seriously if this were in colour it would never be on a comic stand. Hope to god some parents don't get their kids this book.

10-Dec-2006, 06:24 PM
Thats issue was superhardcore.
Though I read it in about 2 minutes. Literally.
The series s getting so light on content and Big on splash pages that it is almost a manga.
Wait for 2 months for a book then finish it in half the time it takes to take a piss. Noice!

That eye thing was icky:p

11-Dec-2006, 10:14 AM
Oh this is out? *goes to torrent site to look*

11-Dec-2006, 01:04 PM
Thats issue was superhardcore.
Though I read it in about 2 minutes. Literally.
The series s getting so light on content and Big on splash pages that it is almost a manga.

now,now:sneaky: , anyway. i aint read it yet cus A: im broke and B: i havent been on ebay in a while but i think im up to 32, with the "all these channels and still nothign on" bit, now that was wierd.

and did anyone ever get avatar (:rolleyes: ) press' black gas, i got issue on and it was allright but i never bought anymore, did anyone else, how is it?