View Full Version : Fav space picture thread.

10-Dec-2006, 08:39 PM
Ok I must be a geek to love astronomy. But I thought i share this cool pic of jupiter.


10-Dec-2006, 09:25 PM
Great pic HLS. Unfortunately I don't know how to imbed images so i guess I'll have to do it this way.

Volcanic activity on Venus http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpegMod/PIA00201_modest.jpg

Sunset on Mars http://www.marsgeo.com/Photos/Spirit/BestColour/s489_Sunset_ze.jpg

Surface of Europa (moon of Jupiter) http://www.gothard.hu/astronomy/astroteaching/water-in-ss/images/Galileo-Europa-surface.jpg

10-Dec-2006, 09:30 PM
The europa photo is freaky cool dude!

10-Dec-2006, 10:05 PM
Europa is my favorite....

Though not a fantastic picture...

Heres a better one in my opinion of Europa....


10-Dec-2006, 10:17 PM
What's the current explanation of the markings on the surface of europa?

10-Dec-2006, 10:26 PM
detail in the bottom left of that europa pic looks like a double helix...

here's an update of an old classic

martian sphinx.
although something looks kinda fishy about the right hand side of it...maybe they doctored it to hide the truth...where's eamon got to???

10-Dec-2006, 11:51 PM
Hey everyone, I just got a general question and I didn't wanna start a whole thread about it so thought I'd post here:

Do you guys like "post pic" threads cos I was gonna start one but I wont if your not into them.

Secondly, does anyone else have trouble loading Homepage of the Dead, I have to keep pressing refresh for ages until the bar at the top appears with "Forums" on it.

11-Dec-2006, 01:38 AM
Wow terran, that is an awesome pic.

and to the other person, pic threads are fun but they do slow your pc. sometimes i have issues with loading of hpotd but since the new url came to place it seems to run better


11-Dec-2006, 08:54 AM
What's the current explanation of the markings on the surface of europa?

Well the surface of the planet is all Ice....and the complex array of streaks indicates that the planets crust has been fractured..... The cracks change as "ice-spewing volcanoes and the grinding and tearing of tectonic plates have reshape the surface.".... Thats why they think that there is warm/liquid water under the surface because of all the heat generated from inside the planet and the friction of the grinding ice... An ocean of permanent night...
Maybe organisms similiar to these exist deep in the dark ocean....

Riftia pachyptila lives over a mile deep on the floor of the Pacific Ocean near black smokers (volcanic vents) and can tolerate extremely high temperatures and sulfur levels. They can grow up to a length of eight feet.
They have a highly vascularized, red "plume" at the tip of their free end which is an organ for exchanging compounds with the environment (e.g., H2S, CO2, O2, etc.) The volcanic plume provides essential nutrients to bacteria living inside a specialized organ within their body (i.e., trophosome) as part of a symbiotic relationship. They are remarkable in that they have no digestive tract, but the bacteria (which may make up half of a worm's body weight) turn oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. into organic molecules that their worms feed on.

11-Dec-2006, 09:29 AM
Can you imagine the day they get that robot explorer there, and it releases its 3-4 droids, each slowly exploring the liquid ocean? Imagine watching that live footage... Imagine possibly seeing something slowly swimming by :)

The question is, will they do it in our life time (successfully)...

11-Dec-2006, 09:45 AM
If NASA set their mind to it, I'm sure that could be done within the decade. Thing is, a lot of these projects don't go to plan. When Huygen's landed on Titan, it was supposed to relay back sound transmissions, it didn't because the mic failed. Getting a droid to work in sub freezing temperatures is one thing, getting a camera/mic to work is another.

Me personally, I cant wait for the Pluto probe to land. Man, there's gonna be some dark and barren pictures with that one. After that, it can only be Sedna.

11-Dec-2006, 05:53 PM
The eye of God.


11-Dec-2006, 07:47 PM
Cool pics!

what i want to know is,how come they can recieve photos from a planet 35 million miles away (mars),but i cant get a signal on my damn mobile phone in my bedroom,when theres a transmitter half a mile away??

11-Dec-2006, 08:31 PM
Cool pics!

what i want to know is,how come they can recieve photos from a planet 35 million miles away (mars),but i cant get a signal on my damn mobile phone in my bedroom,when theres a transmitter half a mile away??

Probably because the signal from Mars is coming across on multi-million dollar equipment and suppose to be the best state-of-the-art technology available to them, but probably not to the general public and or phone company networks.

:dead: Dawg