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View Full Version : Dawn of the Dead Doom 3 Mod?

11-Dec-2006, 03:10 AM
Anyone hear of this? I think I heard about it before, in case no one else has, here you go:


:dead: Dawg

11-Dec-2006, 08:46 AM
Isn't there a Max Payne Dawn Of The Dead too? There's a lot of zombie mods out there and I think No More Room In Hell looks the meatiest by far.

11-Dec-2006, 12:44 PM
this is the one i was on about in that max payne thread.

bloody impressive though reminds me of a hi-res...er resi.:)

11-Dec-2006, 01:28 PM
Had a quick squizz, but what has it got to do with the Dawn movie? The screenshots didn't resemble anything from the movie and like they said, the D3 engine isn't suited to large areas ... how on earth could they do the mall?

As for the Max Payne one, like I said before, if only they were using Max Payne 2 to make it...and there's all these mods coming out, but none of them are ever done, they're all in progress ... I guess I'm just impatient, but it's always the case, all the mods, none of them ever seem to get finished...unless it's UndeadGames, they're always putting stuff out...I wonder how their Dawn conversion is going?

11-Dec-2006, 08:36 PM
Had a quick squizz, but what has it got to do with the Dawn movie? The screenshots didn't resemble anything from the movie and like they said, the D3 engine isn't suited to large areas ... how on earth could they do the mall?

As for the Max Payne one, like I said before, if only they were using Max Payne 2 to make it...and there's all these mods coming out, but none of them are ever done, they're all in progress ... I guess I'm just impatient, but it's always the case, all the mods, none of them ever seem to get finished...unless it's UndeadGames, they're always putting stuff out...I wonder how their Dawn conversion is going?

Well think of it this way. If you aren't getting paid to make a mod and you have a day job and you are only doing this for the fun/hell of it, then it will probably take a very, very looonnnggg time.

And the fact that most mods start out with one person who recruits some friends or people on the net he has never met. Everyone is pumped and ready to go, then when the fun factor wears off and it becomes 'work', it gets boring and drags and many drop out, not realizing until it is too late that this mod was going to take some time to finish.

Unfortuately, that is how many things are such as indie films for instance! I never had anyone drop out of it, but it did get trying for a little while when it became work and dragged on. But it got finished and everyone was happy... then the sequel came along!! :eek:

:dead: Dawg

12-Dec-2006, 10:39 AM
Ah yeah good point, lol ... I'm one of the ungainfully unemployed so it's a 7 day weekend for me and I've all the time to do the things I do ... damn, I should get a job and reconnect with reality ... but, meh. :lol:

I'm an impatient sort of chap...I'm just shocked I've managed to make it this far, with this many delays, waiting for STALKER to come along. :lol:

15-Dec-2006, 04:57 PM
Aaah but minion,the doom engine does like large open areas really,did you ever play Quake 4? :D

15-Dec-2006, 05:51 PM
Aye I did play Quake 4, but I think it said on the site the Quake 4 version is different and they're not using that one ... which is kinda weird...