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View Full Version : I was thinking of an idea for a zombie movie...

14-Dec-2006, 10:00 PM
An American Zombie in Tokyo

The movie begins with a group of American tourists on a plane, flying to Japan. When they're somewhere over the Pacific ocean, the zombie plague takes place. Everything seems normal when their plane touches down at Tokyo international airport.

Soon, things take a turn for the worse.

When they're walking through the airport terminal, they are greeted by a zombie welcoming committee. At first glance, the group of naive Americans assume that they're nothing more than over-friendly Japanese citizens.

As the horde of Japanese zombies approach them, the Americans notice that the Japanese greeters are muttering a single, solitary word over and over, as if chanting. The word is alien to them. Could the word be Japanese perhaps?

Then, in a moment of comic relief, the yankee tourists (by this time, completely surrounded by the horde of zombies) start thumbing through their Japanese to English dictionary. Soon they discover the meaning of the word: BRAINS!!!

From that moment forward, zombie mayhem ensues as the Americans struggle to make their way off the Japanese mainland.

And in one final twist at the end, the Americans discover that the zombie plague originated in Nagasaki, the direct result of sixty plus years of radiation exposure.

28-Dec-2006, 04:51 AM
Tokyo population: 12 million...bye bye americans.

28-Dec-2006, 05:44 AM
Interesting storyline... I'd watch it! :D

28-Dec-2006, 04:53 PM
What would be more intereesting is if it was when the US began to occpupy Japan and the zombies rose directly from the bombings. They cant tell the victims from Zombies. Talk about a grisly, disgustapating action movie.:)

29-Dec-2006, 02:49 AM
yeah but that might show americans as the not quite so good guys and you cant do that in movies.:rolleyes:

just thought id point out im not bitching about america, just that in any movie with the u.s army they are the big heroes that save the day no matter what and it does become a tiring cliche'.

29-Dec-2006, 03:32 AM
Yeah, kind of like Team America: World Police :D :D :D
