View Full Version : you can go to jail in germany for murder if you kill a human in a videogame...really.

14-Dec-2006, 10:46 PM

that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard, 12 months inside for killing a person in a videogame?!?, jesus christ on a crapper!.

14-Dec-2006, 10:50 PM
Yeah I almost posted this a while ago....its just sooo CRAZY....I almost put it up in general discussion because it almsot merits itself there....

14-Dec-2006, 10:52 PM
Germans have to get over their post-war pacifism. Censorship of games is utterly ridiculous. Proof that fascism is still alive and well in Europe.

Don't feel bad though, America is next. Bush and his lackeys, along with the evangelicals will see to that.

14-Dec-2006, 10:53 PM
I'd be in jail for life after 5 mins of GTA!

14-Dec-2006, 10:55 PM
Germans have to get over their post-war pacifism. Censorship of games is utterly ridiculous. Proof that fascism is still alive and well in Europe.

Don't feel bad though, America is next. Bush and his lackeys, along with the evangelicals will see to that.

more like arnie and that clinton bitch, ill say a fair amount of anti bush stuff but ill say thsi for the guy, hes never ranted on about violence in videogames.

...though in retrospect i reckon after his speeches george w. loves to sit in the white house and go on a killing spree in doom or ghost recon:lol:

14-Dec-2006, 10:56 PM
This is funny as hell. This one statement got me ROTFLMAO

"Even games such as Dead Rising are regarded as crossing a threshold of acceptability since violence towards zombies is considered to be too close to violence towards real people"

So there is someone out their standing up for the UNDEAD shouting... Hey, Zombies were people too.

Always looking out for the underdog... Those loveable Germans. :)

14-Dec-2006, 10:57 PM
yeah someone should ask zombie man what he thinks about zombie rights:lol:

14-Dec-2006, 10:59 PM
Someone needs to ADD that as a zombie man question for IAZM2

14-Dec-2006, 11:01 PM
just what for mz to read this thread, i reckon he cant pass up that one.

14-Dec-2006, 11:34 PM

that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard, 12 months inside for killing a person in a videogame?!?, jesus christ on a crapper!.

Hellsing I just love your avatar.
I think that is just insane. My friend has a swastika tatoo I better tell him to never go to Germany. Gezzz.

I mean I am in shock. I always thought Europe as well as germany were a little more open and less censored than us Americans. I guess I was wrong.

15-Dec-2006, 12:38 AM
From genocide to jailing people for playing violent video games. That's plain sad...

15-Dec-2006, 02:02 AM
Being jailed for killing someone in a videogame, how utterly ridiculous!

15-Dec-2006, 04:51 AM
more like arnie and that clinton bitch, ill say a fair amount of anti bush stuff but ill say thsi for the guy, hes never ranted on about violence in videogames.

If it would give him a bump Im sure he would, that fuktard.
Arnold critiszed Video Game? I cant believe that. Really. That guy LOVES violence:)

15-Dec-2006, 08:52 AM
you kidding?, hes one of the worst of these "pokemon blue makes people kill" friggtards.

15-Dec-2006, 11:07 AM
Goddamn you friggin' German crazy lawmakers ... now I'm gonna have to see if I can somehow squeeze in a dig to the script I "locked off" two weeks ago. :mad:

Don't expect miracles people ... yes I am amazingly awesome (:p), but well ... who knows. :evil:

I find it bizarre they're so fussed over a videogame ... is this their version of "white guilt"? The gubment is feeling guilty over the holocaust and nazis and all that stuff - even though that was so long ago the ones in power now didn't have any control over those events ... pfft, when will people learn, videogames provide a safe and virtual environment in which to exert the violent tendencies mankind holds within its DNA.

15-Dec-2006, 11:40 AM
I still think you need to put this into the IAZM2 script somehow, and not only get it in there, but make it sound cheerful from ZM's point of view...

Here is a bit of dialogue you can play with MZ... No writing credit needed thank you very much." :D

"As you know I try my best to keep up on current events, and recent news has shown there is a voice out there for those of us in the ranks of the UNDEAD. The once Nazi supporting, Jew hating germans have come to the aid of the living impaired and have shouted to the world "Hey zombies are people too. This all stemming from video game violence. Those loveable krauts feel zombie based video games are two violent because zombies resemble real people. You know, It gives me a warm a fuzzy feeling knowing someone out here is not trying to put a friggin bullet in my head, but is out there trying to embrace us, a minority in the living world....I compare the feeling of this news just like being sacked in the beanbag with a 5lb brick." :lol:

15-Dec-2006, 11:52 AM
I'll go and have a look at the script now and see what I can add in, perhaps not to that length, but as an aside I should be able to squeeze in a nod to it. :)

Typical really, I'd just printed the script off and locked it down and then they come out with this, *scowls, shakes fist with crooked posture* Ya damn Krauts, get off mah lawn!!!

Nah the Germans are alright, they make good cars ... all that vorsprung dur technik stuff. :cool:

16-Dec-2006, 12:00 AM
wow we kicked their asses in the war for nothing...they just cant stop opressin'

the fact they didnt piss themselves laughing and stick it above das water cooler before having whoever suggested it shot speaks volumes

16-Dec-2006, 01:26 AM
wow we kicked their asses in the war for nothing...they just cant stop opressin'

We didnt kick the germans asses.....the Russians did most of that for us....
We did kick the Japaneses collective ass.....

both sides like to claim victory for both fronts....

16-Dec-2006, 02:02 AM
We didnt kick the germans asses.....the Russians did most of that for us....
We did kick the Japaneses collective ass.....

both sides like to claim victory for both fronts....

*yawn* yes i know, the russians chased them back to berlin after stalingrad etc, i meant we as in the allied powers. we (as in the uk) didnt so much beat them as hold them off till everyone else got in gear.

16-Dec-2006, 03:38 AM
*yawn* yes i know, the russians chased them back to berlin after stalingrad etc, i meant we as in the allied powers. we (as in the uk) didnt so much beat them as hold them off till everyone else got in gear.

well if you get that specific the English are the only ones who really "beat" the WWII germans...
More grit/tenacity than is merited ...UK owned then in their determination....

16-Dec-2006, 09:48 AM
hehe...you can't beat that whole "we will fight them on the beaches...in the streets...in the fields...we will NEVER surrender!"

he might as well have shouted "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!" at the end. can't imagine any politician having the balls churchill did in this day & age.

16-Dec-2006, 11:38 AM
Indeed, Churchill was carrying a hefty set when he sent the plucky Brits into WWII ... a long time ahead of certain chaps who were hiding under their isolationist duvet going "nah nah nah, I'm not listening, nah nah nah". :lol:

And - he was a Conservative, the only party that's historically had the balls to get sh*t done, even if it's really really really tough or not a popular choice. (That said I'm no Tory Boy - I'm a "common sense merchant" - you've gotta have some cohones to dispense common sense)...

What were we on about? Oh yeah ... that retarded law ... pfft, lol.

16-Dec-2006, 11:58 AM
he might as well have shouted "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!" at the end. can't imagine any politician having the balls churchill did in this day & age.

If he said "All your base are belong to us!" I would urinate regulary from sheer delight.... That would just be too awsome.... :)

16-Dec-2006, 12:25 PM
aye, that would be damn funny.

i aint seen that flash cartoon in a while either...:shifty:


16-Dec-2006, 12:39 PM
You can't beat a bit of Zero Wing techno moshing to start your day! :lol:

16-Dec-2006, 01:03 PM

16-Dec-2006, 02:08 PM
Although i think if the germans hadnt been fighting us in france and africa,italy etc then they could easily have contained the russians and probably pushed them back.Good job we split germanys forces by fighting on all fronts really!although looking back on history,especially since the iron curtain fell & revealed a lot more about russia,stalin was just as bad as hitler,if not worse!

16-Dec-2006, 02:40 PM

The ultimate profile pic! :lol:

16-Dec-2006, 03:38 PM
heheh cheers dude...created using grolsch & ms paint ;)

16-Dec-2006, 05:34 PM
Ahhh ... Grolsch and MS Paint ... the key ingredients in any good propaganda. :cool:

16-Dec-2006, 08:13 PM
aye, that would be damn funny.

i aint seen that flash cartoon in a while either...:shifty:


Thank you so much. I haven't seen that video in years!!!

17-Dec-2006, 08:29 AM
Well, Resident Evil 3 was released on Germany long time ago and it received a "cut"... And as for Dead Rising, the version is banned on Germany but U.S version is still on the shelves (my two cents).

And for the interesting note, I heard that Dawn of the Dead was heavily cut in Germany.

17-Dec-2006, 11:27 AM
A lot of films are heavily cut in Germany, Day of the Dead was banned for a time I believe, and either still is or is heavily cut. For some reason they take offence to violence and gore ... national/governmental guilt methinks ... but why be so sensitive, this media is mainly of American origin, they didn't make it.

The legislation would be retarded to introduce, Crytec are Germanic and have stated they'll piss off somewhere less repressive if it comes in. Crytec are bringing profits and business to Germany, it'd be stupid to let them slip and potentially lose other such businesses and revenue from such titles.

17-Dec-2006, 01:06 PM
I loved the video. It got to be too annoying to watch all the way.

aye, that would be damn funny.

i aint seen that flash cartoon in a while either...:shifty:


17-Dec-2006, 03:00 PM
you cant just say "germanys nuts" though, all countrys have wierd laws, i think its illegal to play a musical insturment on the street in china or sumthin', and even in the u.k we know all those obscure wierd ass laws some u.s states have like not puttig a hat on a horse or something.

17-Dec-2006, 05:19 PM
Alaska has some wierd ones....
Alaska: No person may look at a moose from an airplane
Moose may not have sex on the sidewalks
No Child is to build a snowman taller than himself on school property

Arkansas has a golden one....
A man may beat his wife, but no more than once a month.

California: Horror films may only be shown on monday, tuesday or wednesday.
It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
No persons shall hunt moths under street lights.....WTF?

Turtle races are prohibited
It is illegal to imitate animals.
No one may have sexual relations with a porcupine.

One may not speak English. The state language is "American".....lol...
Any drunken male caught in the presence of a harlot shall be jailed......hahaha....

Catching lizards at night is prohibited....
Biting someone with ones natural teeth is considered assault, whereas biting someone with false teeth is aggravated assault.....
It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot the teller with a water pistol.... Lol obviouslly....
No one may wear and alligator costume.

New Jersey: It is illegal to feed whiskey or offer cigarettes to animals at the local zoo.

Anti-delinquency statutes in Idaho prohibit juveniles from deliberately stepping on ants.

Texas Laws

When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone.

It is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.

National Park Service laws do not allow anyone to kill a bear with their bare hands just to impress a girl.

In Mesquite, Texas, it is illegal for children to have unusual haircuts.

It is illegal to land a flying saucer in the vineyards of France.

In Arizona its illegal to walk around barefoot unless you purchase a 5$ walking license.....
You may not have more than two dildos in a house.

Prohibits shooting rabbits from a motorboat.

It is illegal to tickle women.

17-Dec-2006, 05:31 PM
Jeez! :confused:

17-Dec-2006, 05:40 PM
One may not speak English. The state language is "American".....lol...

That's it, first time I go to America I'm stopping by Illinois and strongly state that it's spelled (spelt?) coloUr. :)

Then I'm off to Virginia to tickle some females. :p

17-Dec-2006, 05:53 PM
Then I'm off to Virginia to tickle some females. :p

Yeah I live in VA....Im totally going to tickle some females.

17-Dec-2006, 06:04 PM
How about, so we don't run into each other and have an awkward "yeah, hi" situation whilst in mid-tickle of a clutch of VA beauts, we run a big stretch of gaffa tape down the middle of the state, one half for you and one half for me? :D

17-Dec-2006, 06:29 PM
theres probably a law against it.

17-Dec-2006, 06:47 PM
How about, so we don't run into each other and have an awkward "yeah, hi" situation whilst in mid-tickle of a clutch of VA beauts, we run a big stretch of gaffa tape down the middle of the state, one half for you and one half for me? :D

I call the northern half....you can have hicks ville

23-Sep-2010, 08:27 PM
Thats the trouble with the world Mon, everybodys got different idea on what to do.

Not a direct quote but close enough ..


23-Sep-2010, 10:23 PM
Thats the trouble with the world Mon, everybodys got different idea on what to do.

Not a direct quote but close enough ..


Wow, Marie. I'm proud of you: extreme thread necromancy without any adding anything new!

23-Sep-2010, 10:33 PM
Not her fault she's just now posting. She's been in prison for killing someone in Vice City for the past 4 years.

On a more serious note, it's been all this time since all the bitching about this law, so does anyone have any instances where it was actually enforced?

24-Sep-2010, 07:48 AM
My friend has a swastika tatoo I better tell him to never go to Germany.

Huh. Why did we not pick up on this?

24-Sep-2010, 09:04 PM
Huh. Why did we not pick up on this?

:lol: Holy shit, seriously, how did we not catch that?!

25-Sep-2010, 05:09 AM
Wow, Marie. I'm proud of you: extreme thread necromancy without any adding anything new!


And I just did too. The circle continues.