View Full Version : Rockstar.....Nintendo....could it happen!?

14-Dec-2006, 11:48 PM
More on Reggie talks with Rockstar
It is no secret that Reggie has been talking with Rockstar Games. We covered that news awhile back. I am extremely happy to see Nintendo recognize the importance of Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto series. Whether you like the games or not, they are huge system sellers. Just recently some more news turned up concerning how Reggie’s talks went.

During a television interview, Reggie said that he has done everything possible to try and get Rockstar to bring a GTA to the Wii, but at the end of the day the decision is Rockstar’s. It would be very nice to see a GTA game come to the Wii, and perhaps it would allow Rockstar to innovate with the series. I personally believe there hasn’t been much innovation in the series since GTA 3.

Could this actually occur....*gasp*


15-Dec-2006, 11:12 AM
I'd love to see how Hilary "I wasted $90 million on a survey we already knew the answers to" Clinton, Jack "I'm a complete wanker attention seeker" Thompson and FOX "We talk bollocks" News would react to GTA on the Wii.

Just think, now you could thrust the big controller back and forth and diddle the nipple-looking one around when you've picked up a ho, then you can proceed to whip out your baseball bat or other melee weapon and proceed to lunge up and down in your living room as you feign the actions of beating said ho into a bloody pulp on the ground. :lol: ... ewww ...

Still though, it'd have to be a combination of standard controller use with the odd bit of "Wii-ness" slopped on top. Interesting...

16-Dec-2006, 08:16 PM
I don't know how they could create a GTA only using the Wii-mote/nunchuck. Even the standard controller they sell doesnt have analog... so that would suck, too.

16-Dec-2006, 08:47 PM
I don't know how they could create a GTA only using the Wii-mote/nunchuck. Even the standard controller they sell doesnt have analog... so that would suck, too.

Have you seen the video of the guy playing Everquest 2 with two WIimotes...?