View Full Version : What To Do In A Zombie Attack (2006) Film

15-Dec-2006, 04:38 AM

"What To Do In A Zombie Attack (2006)

A series of 1950 short films on how to survive a Zombie Holocaust.

This film was created using a lot of Public Domain films from the Prelinger Archives, so it makes sense that it should reside in Archive.org"

Just found it. Figured I'd share

hope it's in the right category

15-Dec-2006, 06:39 AM
That was pretty entertaining

"Sister is using her ignorance to its fullest potential"

15-Dec-2006, 05:21 PM
at least they didn't use the duck & cover routine

16-Dec-2006, 12:44 PM
:rolleyes: it was allright but ive seen so many spoof educational films about zombie its pretty much the same thing in each one.

16-Dec-2006, 01:10 PM

You're always so critical, hellsing :p

I'm downloading this biatch right now, I haven't been to that site in a while, so I'm checking out some other 'shiv' - videogame speed runs! :cool:

16-Dec-2006, 04:49 PM
You're always so critical, hellsing :p

i know, it bugs the hell outta me, i used to be so optimistic before i got sattelite tv.

16-Dec-2006, 05:52 PM
You need to go get some culture in you, you little posting fever porch monkey. Sky will rot your brain, it's already rotted mine, don't be another victim!!! Don't allow your muscles to only recognise 3 digit channel number sequences!!! Don't type in a new channel and then the first 2 digits of the next channel so that if something really crap is on you can skip channel three times faster than before!!!

Sky ... it's like zombie TV or something...

Skipped through that 'what to do...' video, couldn't be arsed watching it all, but it was quite good, nice idea. Perhaps the execution could have been improved and polished - also, a quicker pace would have been nice.

Otherwise I just sat there for 48 minutes and watched a video of a "speed run" through Half Life ... it made me feel sick from the super fast motion, it's like playing Classic Doom on the Doom 3 engine...dizzying.

16-Dec-2006, 06:19 PM
Give up cable? Hell no, where else can a guy get a free 2am animation fix?

16-Dec-2006, 07:48 PM
i know this is probably a stupid question but was that movie supposed to be taken seriously or was it just made for others entertainment??

16-Dec-2006, 08:37 PM
i know this is probably a stupid question but was that movie supposed to be taken seriously or was it just made for others entertainment??

17-Dec-2006, 08:29 AM
You need to go get some culture in you, you little posting fever porch monkey.

It's cool, I'm taking it back

17-Dec-2006, 11:19 AM
lol, porch monkey 4 life!

Capn - Sky isn't free, you pay a shedload per month!

I agree, it's great to find a variety of programming, but there's so much crap you'll never watch (or could possibly watch) so it's like filtering out one specific crill from the gut of a whale (look who was watching Planet Earth last night :D) It's 50% great, 50% pure evil. :lol:

And WTDIAZA is blatantly for entertainment purposes ... because zombies aren't actually real...:eek:

17-Dec-2006, 05:19 PM
Capn - Sky isn't free, you pay a shedload per month!

Isn't it? It all depends on who your 'supplier' is. :lol:

17-Dec-2006, 06:01 PM
oooooooh you git, I'll report you! :lol:

Well, I don't pay, my parents do, but I live with them so ... yeah ... :D

Now we have that Sky+ thing in one room, so I have normal Sky in the 'family room', which is essentially my TV room as I fester in here (where I am right now, with Top Gear playing in the background, channel 111, wooooo!!!) for hours and hours and hours before heading to bed to fester there for hours and hours and hours.....yep, I like festerin'.

17-Dec-2006, 06:38 PM
thing about sky is, you only watch about 30 channels out of like 400, some like rapture i only watched cus it showed anime like fullmetal alchemist rather than 20 quid dvds for 3 eps at HMV but now they dont do that, mtv sucks now, and "zone horror" is a joke thank god for film 4, even though thats been a little dry lately, still theres allways the discovery channel for mythbusters and american chopper, never been a top gear man myself, the presenters look like something youd find in a garden in a harry potter film.

17-Dec-2006, 06:49 PM
never been a top gear man myself, the presenters look like something youd find in a garden in a harry potter film.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

oooooooh you git, I'll report you! :lol:

Who's that knockin' at my door? :shifty:

17-Dec-2006, 10:12 PM
Hellsing - I remember with Rapture when it was just starting they had a 'screensaver' of sorts in the countdown to their launch - a 24/7 live feed of hamsters or gerbils scurring about in a maze of a cage, I tuned in just for that and then tuned out when their actual programming came about.

Only recently have I surfed by there a couple of times to watch the odd spot of their videogame show, but when I sat there and spotted about 8 mistakes within 5 minutes I told them to f*ck off by pressing the powerful number "111" to bring Top Gear's excellence back into my life. :cool: