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View Full Version : IAZM2 - official update & cock tease thread...

15-Dec-2006, 06:29 PM
Okay peeps, with IAZM2 progressing ever forward, I'm gonna make this the thread for updates and teasing little crumbs of information for you Zombie Man lovers and beanbag ticklers...:cool:

Below, welcome to Chez-Zee!

Chez-Zee (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4260216)

Below, a small group of captures from the raw footage of some inserts I shot today for one of the segments of the film. Not very descriptive I know, but like I said - cock tease :elol:, also, it shows off the snazzy look you get with a DVX *drools*

DVX Goodness (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4260217)

For any DVX Nerds out there I used:

MasterPed = -5
Chroma Level = +5
Gamma = CineLikeV
White Balance = A (default Panasonic preset)

Also, I was using (but obviously not evident from a still shot):

Shutter Speed = 1/250
Gain = Medium / High
OIS = Off
Zoom = between 30 and 60 (occasionally the full 99)

The latter was just for these particular shots, but I plan to use them in another sequence ... and maybe for the entire sequence where the inserts I filmed today, are placed.

Finally, after news of Germany's bizarre videogame related legislation proposals, I replaced a line of dialogue with a new one related to said legislation. Obviously as I'd "locked" the script a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't add in a whole chunk (five drafts was enough, you've gotta move forth sooner or later and I'm very pleased with the script, so it's all good). But aye, I replaced a line to incorporate that gag.

16-Dec-2006, 01:45 AM
It appears that your embedded files have been owned.

16-Dec-2006, 11:43 AM
*grumbles* F*cking putfile and all these stupid multiple URLs and codes and wank! :mad: Fixed the links, no longer embedded, so f*ck putfile for being complicated. :mad: Anyway - there you go chaps.

Also - I'd appreciate this thread staying on topic, cheers.

23-Dec-2006, 06:24 PM
Bit more news, had a second pre-production day, had Ben over to do a bit of rehearsal as well as work on his zombie acting - he hasn't been a zombie yet, even though he technically played one facing away from camera in the final shot of "Trapped" back in summer 2005.

Got some footage of him rehearsing, might post some footage, or more likely pics in due course.

Word from Ben himself, he's looking forward to being in IAZM2, he really enjoyed IAZM1, even calling it my best work thus far (comedy wise). He was also saying he really digs the script for IAZM2, being that it somewhat takes the piss out of sequels and most importantly takes the piss out of 'cash-in success' and celebrity culture.

Like I said a while back, I don't wanna make IAZM1 all over again, so expect something a bit bigger and a bit different. :)

24-Dec-2006, 06:06 AM
I don't wanna make IAZM1 all over again, so expect something a bit bigger and a bit different.

NOICE!!! :cool:

24-Dec-2006, 04:15 PM

Finally got off my lazy arse and started editing the pre-recorded dialogue for the film this afternoon, it's coming out nicely actually, it sounds better than it did for IAZM1, I used the same microphone, but worked on my pronunciation, aimed my gob at the microphone differently and put a kind of gauze over the mic to cut down on noise, it's coming out rather nicely.

Still got the rest of the dialogue to edit, there's 23 chunks of dialogue to do, and I've done 5 of them (sent off to Knox so he can practice listening to them on his mobile while acting the actions of Zombie Man). :lol:

Anyway, I'm pleased with how the dialogue is coming out, much clearer with less hissing (e.g. at letter "s" or "c", or with "ch" or "sh"). Hopefully I'll get the dialogue done before we start filming, or before I start editing anyway.

With IAZM1 I was lazy with the dialogue recording and started editing before I'd done it, then because I was lazy I had to stop editing until I'd done the dialogue - record it (which took ages, as some might have seen in the featurette/out-take thing I posted a few weeks/months back), then upload the footage (decided to use my camera instead that time), then rip the audio from the video, then process the audio and then make the final audio files to then put it in the edit so I could start editing again! *sigh ... gasp*

That's a lot of "then" isn't it? :D

Anyway, this time I hope to avoid that hassle - recording straight into Cool Edit is so much easier and now the quality is better than before with a couple of new techniques I've employed in saying the actual words on the page - and this time, I rarely f*cked up! :D


Merry Xmas everyone! :)

jingle my bells ... :lol: couldn't resist saying that...


The budget has utterly ballooned to a whopping £4.55!!!

A veritable make-up extravaganza! (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4326168) :lol:

27-Dec-2006, 07:45 PM
Good News!

Today (27th) was the first day of filming for IAZM2.

We managed to get all the shots I most definately needed, there wasn't time to start getting Day Two shots, but hopefully we'll get everything tomorrow (or the day after - weather depending).

Today's shoot involved a lot of set ups and coverage and two locations. The next day will involve one single location and simpler set-ups (but longer takes).

Towards the end we were losing the light very fast on a rather dull day in general and twice it started drizzling, which was fine for Ben and Knox who were doing their acting inside a car, but I was stood outside wearing not enough clothes getting wet (at least my camera had a towel over it!)

Still though, I got some excellent footage, I'm very pleased with what we got today and I will see about putting a little teaser trailer online for you chaps for a New Year's treat. :)

28-Dec-2006, 07:49 AM
Again, NOICE!!!

Looking forward to seeing the (cock) teaser man. :cool:

28-Dec-2006, 10:42 AM
Something funny Gareth spotted recently (and then gave me), a t-shirt which looks strangely familiar ... or a co-incidence. :D

WEAR ME!!! (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4354352)

Day Two Round Up:

Well chaps and chappettes, day two of filming is done and it's a wrap!!

A much better day for weather today, essentially the same as yesterday - but minus the drizzle and with intermittent sun, so it was a brighter day in general and didn't get so dark so quick.

Today we have more pages of the script to cover, but fewer set ups. Yesterday it was many more set ups, but shorter shots, today we had several long shots and one in particular was a long take (but it'll be broken up with cut aways and medium/close ups).

We were filming in Llangarron on this back road and were left completely alone except in between one of the final groups of shots when one of the landowners in that area came driving past. He pulled over (as he knows Knox) and had a quick chat. It's not everyday you see three blokes in the middle of nowhere with a camera - one bloke with his eyes blacked up and another bloke with a white face, sunken features and red eyes bags. :lol:

I got back and had a quick squizz at the footage and it looks rather good, I'm actually looking forward to editing it together. Usually I dread editing, mainly for the reason of actually getting into it than the actual clicking and such.

I'm the sort who prefers to film the stuff and then (if possible) hand the footage onto someone else to edit ... although I very rarely get to do that, hehe.

So it was 46 minutes of stuff from yesterday and 48 minutes from today. Plus about 10 from a pre-production day, then about another 8 from the other pre-production day, and I've got a good 2 hours of footage to pour over ... and only one hour of space on the hard-drive ... methinks it's time to get that external hard-drive plugged in and get some sh*t transferred! :D

Anyway, like I said before, I hope to get a teaser trailer up for a New Years treat as well as some screen caps. I'll also be looking forward to receiving some photos Knox took on his fancy-arse phone from today as well ... including the obligatory "director pointing" shot. :)

29-Dec-2006, 02:52 AM
did it really take more than a day to shoot?, dont take that in a negative way but i figured something like trapped might have taken that long but i thought something like this might have been a sit down and talk about it then go out for an afternoon and shoot it kinda jobs.

and oh aye, you gotta have a pointing shot, only recently i was watching some footage of a little "making of" i was starting to shoot for my zombie film, scouting locations and whatnot, and as i watched myself on screen, which is a rareity in itself, i DO point a hell of a lot at absolutely nothing:lol:

29-Dec-2006, 10:39 AM
Directors man ... they cree ... no wait, they use their hands a lot.

Nope, IAZM1 was very much off-the-cuff and was all shot in one afternoon. It was a mere 7 pages.

IAZM2 is 17 pages and has 3 locations in comparison to IAZM1's single location. There are two zombies in this one, not just one, and that involves make-up being applied to the face.

Also, being my fancy new camera there's so many options to play with, so with a much grander visual style to IAZM2, in comparison to the first film, it takes longer.

The first day, like I said, involved a shedload of set-ups and the second involved fewer set-ups, but much longer takes. So that in itself takes time. Then of course, there's no time for rehearsals ... well, not really anyway. I get those acting for me to go over the script in their own time so they have at least an idea of what's going on.

Of course, bringing Ben "Trapped/Smack Addict/VHS" Connell into the IAZM franchise, I had him come over for a pre-production day where we worked on his zombie acting and such, so there was rehearsals there.

There was also another pre-production day where I shot a bunch of inserts for one sequence, which also afforded me the opportunity to experiment with the camera.

Then of course, there's music to get sorted - fortunately Dj and Lou have been helping me out on that front, so IAZM2 is gonna sound great. Then there's all the dialogue to record and edit/filter.

And obviously, the whole scripting/planning process takes a lot of time and concentration as well. Prior to the first day of shooting I was up until the wee small hours planning shots and going over the script to kind of pre-shoot it in my head.

So as you can see, there's shedloads of stuff to do.

And, indeed, IAZM2 is very different from IAZM1. There's similarities, but I didn't wanna just do IAZM1 again - what's the point?

IAZM2 is to IAZM1 what Dawn of the Dead is to Night of the Living Dead ... or what Clerks 2 is to Clerks.

Here's a little wang-tickling screen cap to show off a bit of the visual grandeur you'll be seeing in IAZM2:

VISUAL GRANDEUR!!! (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4362683)

29-Dec-2006, 11:47 AM
yep thats the weather here too.:D

and aye, different locations double the time instantly, it seems, and i know of too other independent film makers in my area that if you have to go to as little as 2 locations within 2 miles of each other after one most of us are too stressed out, and by that i mean lazy, to do the next area on the same day.

29-Dec-2006, 06:06 PM
Some screen caps from the raw uploaded footage (this is stuff from Day One):

Day One Screen Caps (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4364643)

left to right, top to bottom:

1) ZM gouges some 100% coovan out of his nasal cavity between shots.
2) Ben providing "script girl" and fluffer relief.
3) ZM does a bit of air guitar.
4) ZM shuffling around.
5) ZM and Ben "get gay" with each other after a take. :D
6) That's right, ZM, you're maths is coming along nicely.

And - tada, a bit of IAZM2 postery goodness. :)

Touch my face... (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4364644)

30-Dec-2006, 04:29 AM
I love the poster man. :lol:

31-Dec-2006, 12:27 PM
Well I told you I'd do one, and here it is - the I Am Zombie Man 2 internet only trailer!!!

I cut this together last night, I was up until 2am making it (then had a great 10 hours of kip afterwards :lol:) It's 2 minutes long and is 7.2mb in size. It's best to let it fully download, then watch it in one go.

Enjoy and lemme know what you 'fink. :cool:

I Am Zombie Man 2 - internet only trailer (http://media.putfile.com/IAZM2trailer)

31-Dec-2006, 02:25 PM
Well I told you I'd do one, and here it is - the I Am Zombie Man 2 internet only trailer!!!

I cut this together last night, I was up until 2am making it (then had a great 10 hours of kip afterwards :lol:) It's 2 minutes long and is 7.2mb in size. It's best to let it fully download, then watch it in one go.

Enjoy and lemme know what you 'fink. :cool:

I Am Zombie Man 2 - internet only trailer (http://media.putfile.com/IAZM2trailer)

This looks awesome! Great shots!

31-Dec-2006, 03:06 PM
That was quite comical... I love it. :D

31-Dec-2006, 03:53 PM
Glad you like the trailer, it got a good belly laugh out of my Dad and it's not even really "his thing", hehe.

See that sh*t in one shot? A big chunk of sh*t a little further on got in my way and I did a comedy one-footed slide through it, but I didn't go down and kept the shot going regardless of poopy-boot. :lol:

You'll see that in the making of - which will be on the DVD only. I think I'll do a DVD for IAZM 1 and 2 and include Trapped on there as well and see about pimping it out ... my first DVD release, if I choose to do it. :)

31-Dec-2006, 06:08 PM
DUDE, you have to screen cap and send to me ZOMBIE MAN giving the Thumbs up... i wanna have it as one of my avatars. Please I beg of you. :D

31-Dec-2006, 06:17 PM
Awesome, dude. I can't wait. Friggin GREAT imagery you got there, to man.:thumbsup:

31-Dec-2006, 08:54 PM
Thats the power of a DVX100 man... Those cameras are fantastic.

31-Dec-2006, 08:58 PM
Great trailer, nice build up. :thumbsup:

Damn MZ, it looks f**kin' COLD in those shots!

31-Dec-2006, 11:19 PM
Freakin' sweet....

01-Jan-2007, 04:56 AM
damn funny loved the "owned all your asses" bit, but what was that music from?, i know ive heard it somewere befor ei just cant remember.:confused:

01-Jan-2007, 11:46 AM
I used Ennio Morricone's "Ecstasy of Gold" (from The Good, The Bad & The Ugly ... or the opening sequence of Jackass Number Two :lol:).

As it's the internet only trailer I figured "fudge it" as I hadn't cut to really cool music like that in ages, and it also fits the subject matter of IAZM2 really well ... and it has the "triumphant return" vibe.

Capn - aye it was cold alright, the first day (from which most of that footage was shot, some was from the second day when it was a bit milder) was rather chilly. It was a bit drizzly and you could see your breath and I wasn't wearing enough clothes so I got rather cold and chilled by it.

Mind you, I also had the camera set to a colder White Balance as that was part of the visual theme of the whole film, it's the cold sensation of death itself...ooooooh, spooky. :)

Indeed, that's the excellence of the DVX100. I'm looking forward to editing the film together, I might edit in a different style this time around (as in how I myself physically do my editing), I might pick and choose scenes rather than my usual 'fairly linear start to finish' style. There's a flashback with a song called "I Still Love You" which I'm chomping at the bit to edit as I've had it so clearly pictured in my head for weeks and weeks, that I just wanna get it cut together. :lol:

Glad you chaps are diggin' what you see. :cool:

Dj - I'll have that screen cap sent off to you soon. :)

01-Jan-2007, 08:17 PM
FYI, I just submitted "I am Zombie Man" as a film to imdb.com. Since it will be a special feature on the Deadlands DVD i can be added. So hopefully they will approve it and you will be on IMDB.com :D

01-Jan-2007, 08:59 PM
FYI, I just submitted "I am Zombie Man" as a film to imdb.com. Since it will be a special feature on the Deadlands DVD i can be added. So hopefully they will approve it and you will be on IMDB.com :D

Yeh! You can join us elite people on IMDB :)

01-Jan-2007, 10:22 PM
Eh? How will it be shown on IMDb? Excuse my retardation, but I'm rather slow with IMDb ... I just enjoy seeing which star was born on this day! :lol:

I was gonna get into the editing of the film today, but as you might have seen in the shoutbox I had an annoyance to deal with today, hopefully that's sorted now. Instead I fiddled around with audio, I revisited a short I made a while back called "DeadShed", the 2006 version, which I had an audio machination I was really, really chuffed with...so I'm gonna see if I can incorporate a chunk of that (remixed of course, for even more weird-audio-ness) into the soundtrack.

And like I said before, I can't wait to cut together the sequence which involves a song titled "I Still Love You", the spunky grin I had on my face when I envisioned that sequence in me noggin', I tell thee. :D

01-Jan-2007, 10:36 PM
if they approve it, the film will have its own page like DAWN, NIGHT, DAY, any film on IMDB. You will have a biography page, etc etc etc.

02-Jan-2007, 01:28 AM
So I go to watch your trailer on putfile and it's like, "I'm loading, I'm loading, JUST KIDDING! I'm not gonna work, I'm your piece of **** laptop and I'm not gonna let you watch the IAZM2 trailer!"

And that made me sad.

I just thought you should know

02-Jan-2007, 11:13 AM
Update your windows media player. It requires 9.0 or above.

02-Jan-2007, 11:29 AM
You can also download it to your computer as a file from Putfile now these days as well, perhaps download and transfer to another computer - as well as update to Windows Media Player 9. But now you've got an 'either or' situation on your hands ... just thought I'd complicate your life this morning. :D

03-Jan-2007, 12:44 PM
Finally got off my lazy arse and updated my site - www.deadshed.com - updated the schedule and added a page for IAZM2, and updated the list of films in the filmmaker forum accordingly.

03-Jan-2007, 10:48 PM
I have the most recent one, it's 10 or 11 I think...

04-Jan-2007, 02:44 AM
Interesting site you got there MZ. Liking the company logo man, very resplendent. :D

04-Jan-2007, 06:00 AM
better than mine right now, which is just a series of black windows:lol:

04-Jan-2007, 12:52 PM
Capn - aye, I'm rather chuffed with the logo. :)

Maitreya - 10 or 11 ... eh?

Otherwise, the editing process proper is underway, I've got a whole sequence in a rough cut rather nicely, was up till the wee hours of the morning last night editing away like a rabid badger. :D

04-Jan-2007, 12:56 PM
and i noticed youve given dj a swanky new avatar to boot.

zombie mans taking over.:D

04-Jan-2007, 01:44 PM
Ah kick ass, I'd forgotten I'd sent him that screen cap. :)

Noiiiiiiiiiiice ... I'm sure ZM is thumbing back the greenbacks right now as his empire grows ever larger...:D

04-Jan-2007, 02:02 PM
youll know hes really made it when he releases an exercise video and stars on 'the bill':lol:

04-Jan-2007, 04:36 PM
Mucho appreciated on that screencap. ZM is my new role model. You need to get stickers made up that push ZM as a role model.

04-Jan-2007, 08:50 PM
:thumbsup: Can't wait. :D

04-Jan-2007, 11:21 PM
I had to chime and say.. MZ, IAZM2 is looking like comedic gold just like IAZM. :D I cannot wait to see this thing once it's done! (I hear the music is kick ass. :lol:)

...and where is MY screencap of ZM? I need one too, albeit it different than Dj's, so I can let ZM infiltrate my avatar and sig too. He's gonna be everywhere before you know it! :D

What a role model.. "...waiting around for someone to invent an air powered television..." :lol: :thumbsup:

04-Jan-2007, 11:35 PM
i'll see about pimping you out a screen shot, ive got just the shot in mind.

04-Jan-2007, 11:59 PM
Okay, ladies and gents. Form an orderly queue please. :lol:

05-Jan-2007, 07:18 AM
yeah, next up the t-shirt campaign:lol:


05-Jan-2007, 12:41 PM
Next up - the obligatory behind the scenes photo:


More such pics will be found in the upcoming DVD only "making of".

05-Jan-2007, 02:02 PM
MZ< Check your PM and email ASAP. Just need to get through one hurdle to take care of IAZM situation.

05-Jan-2007, 02:46 PM
Cool MZ, good "behind the scenes" pic. I told you before, but i'll say it again - I think that the sexiest one in the pic is... well..... the DVX100B!

(had you worried for a second there, didn't I? :lol:)


05-Jan-2007, 04:16 PM
For people not "in" on the situation, calm down, I saw the myriad of alerts (nicely played) and quickly darted back and forth between computers doing the deed (no, not that kind of deed, ya filthy minded l'il porch monkies).

And yes ... yes ... the DVX100B is one hugely sexy bitch ... is marriage between man and machine officially outlawed? :rockbrow:

05-Jan-2007, 04:46 PM
And yes ... yes ... the DVX100B is one hugely sexy bitch ... is marriage between man and machine officially outlawed? :rockbrow:

I think so, but even if it's not, how do you plan to show your affection to the DVX100B?

**sits back and wonders if he should've even asked this question... :lol:

05-Jan-2007, 04:51 PM
Well the tape door does open... :sneaky:

I am sure MZ will find a way to consumate that marriage.

In other news X fingers kiddies... I sent the agreement over to the DIST.

05-Jan-2007, 06:14 PM
Well ... the eyecup is rather nice lookin' ... and there is the foam cover for the Rode microphone ... ;)

I'll cross my dick too ... as suggested by Randal.

05-Jan-2007, 06:28 PM
Has this become the "Who's got the best Zombie Man avatar?" thread?:rockbrow:


05-Jan-2007, 06:40 PM
im tempted to make a sig:sneaky:

05-Jan-2007, 06:44 PM
im tempted to make a sig:sneaky:
You flat out know you wanna. :)

05-Jan-2007, 06:54 PM
*look up*:D

im all for integrity between film makers but free advertising cant hurt:cool:

05-Jan-2007, 06:55 PM
im tempted to make a sig:sneaky:


I like it. Except for the whole "BRAINS" thing. Cool, though.

05-Jan-2007, 07:11 PM
All the ZM avatars rule. Because the character itself rules.

05-Jan-2007, 07:11 PM
Wooooo! Free advertising!

I guess "wafting swiftly" is too long in comparison to standing ... how about "shuffling"? :p


Next person who posts a pic of ZM dressed like some Mexican dictator wins ... (to quote Scotty Mo) ... my respect. :D

05-Jan-2007, 07:30 PM
Well i am the first with the IZM fan club membership SIG! :p

05-Jan-2007, 07:55 PM
Hey, MZ. You may have already covered this and I missed it, but is IAZM2 going to be online like the first one or are you going for some sort of profit?

And on a side note: any estimate on the length of it?

05-Jan-2007, 09:26 PM
I will release it online ... but I am also putting some serious consideration towards making a little, self-distributed "as they come", DVD for both IAZM1 and IAZM2 (with extra features for IAZM2 that will be exclusive to the DVD only).

The idea isn't final yet, but I might do it and any money from those DVD sales will go towards buying new bits and pieces for my camera as well as go towards a potential "IAZM 3" fund.

I'm thinking that I'll tweak bits and pieces in the film for a final, 'director's cut' of the film which will be DVD exclusive.

I feel guilty now, like I'm abusing trust or selling out or some other term better suited to my slice of guilt pie...but like I said, any money wouldn't go on hookers 'n' blow, but camera equipment and IAZM3 (if we do a third ;)).

Of course - it'd give you all the chance to own a rare copy at full DVD resolution with crisp sound. The visual quality is fairly lost online.

As for the length of IAZM2? ... well, the first was 7 minutes 30 and a 7 page script ... IAZM2 is a 17 page script, and 1 page = 1 minute doesn't always work out, so I'm guessing it could be anything from 17 to 30 minutes (probably somewhere in the middle).

So IAZM2 is indeed an expansion upon IAZM1 in all dimensions. :cool:

05-Jan-2007, 09:57 PM
any money wouldn't go on hookers 'n' blow, but camera equipment and IAZM3 (if we do a third ;)).


A) that money BETTER be spent on hookers 'n blow! What's the point of being a director if you can't get blasted and laid after making a film?


B) What the hell do you mean IF we do a third? :rockbrow: :lol:

..and if you release IAZM & IAZM2 on DVD, I'm first in line, dammit. :D

05-Jan-2007, 10:01 PM
lol ... I like saying "if" ... it keeps you all in end-of-a-season-of-24 style anticipation/panic/excitement/whatever. :elol:

I've certainly got a good idea for IAZM3 ... if I do it. :lol::D

*notices Lou's "Location" ... ROFLCHOPPER'S all over the place*

Maybe I'll borrow some of ZM's hookers 'n' blow ... mind you, I might have to try and get into necrophilia ... and I'm not sure if that's my bag, baby. :D

07-Jan-2007, 03:58 PM
Maybe I'll borrow some of ZM's hookers 'n' blow ... mind you, I might have to try and get into necrophilia ... and I'm not sure if that's my bag, baby. :D

As a wise man once said, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" :D

11-Jan-2007, 06:04 PM
A couple of things:

Started up the editing process again, been takin' a few days away from it to try and 'restart' my brain in editing mode (as well as be lazy and watch lots of TV and 24 and stuff...), so aye, started doing the opening segment (which in the script is like 3 pages, but will probably end up being about 4 minutes ... maybe 5 minutes) and cut and organised all the very rough clips, from which the actual rough edit will grow from.

So at the moment, in it's rough-rough-cut, it's 12 minutes + in length, ha! (but then again, that's including multiple takes and lots of 'just go for it' footage where I pick snippets from a whole buttload of stuff - e.g. air guitarin')

Also - I had my first Zombie Man dream t'other night. It was strange, because although filming was finished a while ago, it was a filming anxiety dream ... and it was a scene not in the actual film (not even one I'd previously even had one single thought of).

Anyway, so it's me and Zombie Man (yes, Zombie Man himself) and a bunch of (slightly chavvy) girls dressed kinda slutty and it's a picnic scene of some sort. I never found out what the scene was, because in my dream we never got to roll camera because the girls kept getting distracted by each other ... *ahem* ... and then me and ZM kept getting distracted ... and the girls in this dream weren't that smart either, and for some reason it was some overblown, really complex sequence to shoot in a single take and it was just a nightmare.

Then at one point we're all eating lunch in one somewhat-chavvy-girl's living room ... then back to shooting and once again, nothing happening because the girls keep distracted us. :lol:

So ... yeah ... a random Zombie Man related dream, ha!

12-Jan-2007, 12:22 PM
*wonders what the girls were doing to distract ZM & MZ*

Wait, now that I typed that, did anyone else notice anything odd? Zombie Man, Minion Zombie, ZM, MZ.. hmmm.. am I the only one who is noticing this? :lol:

Wait, it's a conspiracy! MZ is actually ZM! I KNEW it! The Illuminati were involved, I just friggin' know it!! :lol:

"Pinky! Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
(sorry, havng a pinky & the brain moment.. "YES!")

12-Jan-2007, 12:57 PM

THEY'RE ON TO ME!!! :eek:

*throws pile of 100% coovan into a suitcase and charges out of Monogrammed office in a red-eyed panic*

12-Jan-2007, 02:19 PM
QUICK! Grab him! He can't get out alive with all that Coovan!!!

I knew there was a MZ/ZM conspiracy, I just couldn't put my finger on it 'till just now!

Hmm.. I wonder what else is going on that we don't know about?

Ok, MZ, spill the beans or be hung as a traitor! :lol: We'll do you Saddam-style if you don't give it up! How exactly are The Illuminati involved in ZM?


12-Jan-2007, 03:18 PM
The Illuminati have nothing to do with it ... although the Masons might be (a little fact for ya'll, my grandfather was in the Masons and was a 'house leader' or whatever they called it - so therefore with my blood relation thing going on, I could become a Mason if I wanted ... maybe ... possibly ... unless they changed the rules :lol:)

So hmmm ... perhaps the Masons are involved, secret rings to open up underground roadways and give us free soda! :lol:

(Annoyingly the Masons weren't actually like that ... it was like a country club or something in actuality)...

Anyway ... you can't hang me!!! If you hang me you don't get IAZM3! ... ha-HAH! :D

And what conspiracy? You weirdo...:p

12-Jan-2007, 05:10 PM
Anyway ... you can't hang me!!! If you hang me you don't get IAZM3! ... ha-HAH! :D

Dammit! He's got us there. No MZ, no IAZM3. Sh*t on a shingle. :lol:

Ok, we'll let you live.... this time... and I don't buy the Mason's story.. it's the Illuminati, I know it is! :D :p

The conspiracy is the fact that you, "MZ" are indeed Zombie Man, "ZM" - we know it's true, so you might as well just admit it now. Save us the trouble of an ugly investigation.

coming soon, "I AM MINION ZOMBIE 2" :lol: :lol: :D

12-Jan-2007, 05:55 PM
I most definately am not Zombie Man ... he's got a smaller beer gut than me ... and there'll be PROOF that we're not the same person in IAZM2, ha-HAH! :lol::D:p

You fruity loop, tee-hee...

12-Jan-2007, 07:02 PM
I call BS! The camera adds 10 lbs, so it's all camera tricks! :lol:

12-Jan-2007, 07:27 PM
pfft ... this proof goes beyond that, chum! :D

MZ and ZM on screen at the same time, baby...

12-Jan-2007, 09:32 PM
Hmmm... dammit. another theory shot to hell.

There's still something strange going on though, I just know it... :shifty: I'll find out, whatever it is! :lol:

*thinks to himself.. "mz... zm... mz.. zm.. there's something to this"*


12-Jan-2007, 10:48 PM
Maybe ZM is a reflection of my living dead subconscious?

Or he's a vessel of my inner, pent-up sarcasm.

Or he's actually a bloke who's face was eaten off by a couple of zombies staggering around the British countryside and he in turn became living impaired ... and is now a celebrity zombie ... addicted to hookers 'n' blow. :D

13-Jan-2007, 01:03 AM
Something funny Gareth spotted recently (and then gave me), a t-shirt which looks strangely familiar ... or a co-incidence. :D

WEAR ME!!! (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4354352)
. :)

Now that suprised me

13-Jan-2007, 10:14 PM
Or he's actually a bloke who's face was eaten off by a couple of zombies staggering around the British countryside and he in turn became living impaired ... and is now a celebrity zombie ... addicted to hookers 'n' blow. :D

I've got my money on that one. :D

15-Jan-2007, 07:19 PM
Just a quick note to say I'm still editing away, it's a much more intricate film to piece together. For instance, today I was working on part of the opening, and edited for an hour and 15 minutes. In that time I edited a portion that was 1 minute and 15 seconds ... indeed, it's a long old process (some parts will edit quicker, others are very intricate and fiddly ... slop my obsessiveness on that as an accompanying sauce and you've got time consumption, my friends). :)

Anyway, I'm still looking to get it out when I said I would (with a full on DVD release shortly after with extras and a commentary by Zombie Man himself - which will shed more light on his life, post-IAZM2), just be patient ... it's coming ... it's coming ... just keep rubbing it and it'll arrive all over your face. :p:elol::lol:

Ewww...I took that analogy a l'il bit too far didn't I? :D

16-Jan-2007, 05:21 AM
So what's going on this dvd man. I take it both installments of IAZM with both commentaries will be present, don't be depriving us of the s**ty bollocks now. Seriously though, do you have a full list of extras yet?

16-Jan-2007, 12:58 PM
I haven't decided full yet, but aye it'll be both IAZM1 and IAZM2.

I figure the DVD version of IAZM2 will be a little bit different, I might tweak things after it's shown online, and the music will be changed around a bit.

There will be a commentary for IAZM2 by ZM himself, which in itself will continue the Zombie Man story, propel it further and look towards the 3rd film (if we do a third :D - I never grow tired of saying if about it, lol)

There will be a making of, which will include any goofs and gaffs and such. And the trailer - but with different music, because it'd be a naughty-no-no to use Morricone's track on a DVD I'm pimpin' out.

As for IAZM1 - it'll be the film, of course, beyond that I haven't decided yet. I'll have a look and make a decision after I've got IAZM2 edited.

Also, I'm thinking about putting my first zombie short - "Trapped" - on there as well as a bonus.

So you folk will be getting your money's worth, I'm making sure of that, I'm the sort of chap who likes to get their money's worth, so I extent the same courtesy to you folk. :cool::)

I haven't decided on a price yet, I've gotta take into account the cost of discs, cases, packets and postage first, but I haven't looked into that yet - again, I'm concentrating on editing IAZM2 right now.

The DVD will of course be in PAL, but I'll see if I can make an NTSC version too (hopefully it'll be possible, I think I can handle that using Sony Vegas 7) - but aye - PAL.

Finally - the edit continues to progress, I was chipping away at a bit more last night. The entire film is at least at the "rough-rough-cut" stage, with parts officially at the "rough-cut" stage. Beyond the "rough-cut" stage I just have to make tweaks and fiddles and then it reaches final cut, so it's coming along nicely.

I think it'll be out there to peep out at the beginning of February, perhaps a little earlier, but I think that's a fair ETA.

16-Jan-2007, 07:30 PM
There will be a commentary for IAZM2 by ZM himself, which in itself will continue the Zombie Man story, propel it further and look towards the 3rd film (if we do a third :D - I never grow tired of saying if about it, lol)

:finger: !!!! :D :p

Also, I'm thinking about putting my first zombie short - "Trapped" - on there as well as a bonus.

I think that would be an excellent idea. I really dug Trapped.

I haven't decided on a price yet, I've gotta take into account the cost of discs, cases, packets

"...the high price I have to pay for my coovan and custom gold razor blades..." (notice he left that part out. :lol:)

The DVD will of course be in PAL, but I'll see if I can make an NTSC version too (hopefully it'll be possible, I think I can handle that using Sony Vegas 7) - but aye - PAL.

Ya gotta make an NTSC version too - you know who to ask for assistance if you need it. ;) I know I wouldn't mind a PAL version as my dvd player will play pal or ntsc, but for those of us out here in the U.S. that are more addicted to Zombie Man than their own coovan, we're gonna need an ntsc version too y'know... :D

Finally - the edit continues to progress, I was chipping away at a bit more last night. The entire film is at least at the "rough-rough-cut" stage, with parts officially at the "rough-cut" stage. Beyond the "rough-cut" stage I just have to make tweaks and fiddles and then it reaches final cut, so it's coming along nicely.

I think it'll be out there to peep out at the beginning of February, perhaps a little earlier, but I think that's a fair ETA.

Boy, you titled this thread correctly - it is indeed a cock tease! :lol:

That's ok, I think we're all waiting in anticipation for the triumphant, wafting return of Zombie Man! (lets just hope he's found an air powered television by now, or he might be nuts at this point. :lol:).

Let the air-guitar begin!

20-Jan-2007, 11:13 AM
I got another chunk of it edited yesterday (as Lou already knew), it came out nicely too. So the film is somewhere between 2/3's and 3/4's done and it should most definitely be online for the beginning of February, at which point when people see it, I'll be looking for a 'fans of Zombie Man' list (people chime in with their names) and it'll go on the end credits of the official DVD version of the film - but I'll ask for that in a couple of weeks when IAZM2 is "out there". :cool:

23-Jan-2007, 05:25 PM
*taps his foot in a impatient manner and wonders if he will have a nervous breakdown before IAZM2 is complete*


j/k, man. Edit away - and don't post it 'till you're happy with it. I think all of us are waiting in grand anticipation of the return of ZM! Well, I know I am.

I'm still stoked thinking about ZM playing air-guitar to some of my riffs. :lol: I'm gonna be immortally connected in a vauge-sort-of-way to Zombie Man!

My life is complete. :lol:


25-Jan-2007, 12:30 PM
ATTENTION chaps and chapettes...

IAZM2 is now merely days away from being released all over your faces! :lol:


Anyway, yes indeedy - IAZM2 is very close to jizzing itself all over your broadband connection. The online version will be different to the DVD version (the latter will get some tweaks and such - including a 'friends of Zombie Man' list for the credits to shout out to all the supporters of the bone-headed one).

After it's online the bulk of editing will have been done (on the actual film anyway), and I'll then move onto the IAZM2 DVD - which will be available soon, packed with a whole host of extras - including an audio commentary by Zombie Man himself, which will continue the Zombie Man story and link up to the potential IAZM3!

Merely days left to wait folks, mucho appreciente for all the continued support and Zombie Man lovin'! :cool::)

25-Jan-2007, 04:57 PM
Merely days left to wait folks, mucho appreciente for all the continued support and Zombie Man lovin'!

Your welcome. Now get that fookin' video finished and stop teasing us like a one-legged Jade Goody teetering over the edge of a cliff on a windy day! :lol:

25-Jan-2007, 05:54 PM

Nice one Capn. :D

The edit is so winky-ticklingly close to completion, I was fiddling with the final couple of shots before din-dins ... now to tweak the audio of that final segment I've been editing and add the credits - then stick the four chunks all together, render it out, upload and bada-boom-boom-BOOM! :D

26-Jan-2007, 01:07 PM
looking on the mega 64 site it appears that zombie mans been moonlighting behind mz's back, maybe fames gone to his head?:lol:



26-Jan-2007, 03:08 PM
LMFAO! ZM has been caught red-handed!! :lol:

Me thinks Zombie Man has been hanging out with the wrong crowd. Look at 'em! They're all carrying 9's! :lol: Next thing you know he'll show up in a cameo in some gangsta rap video!

Actually, I know ZM has a fettish for metal music and rippin' (air) guitars so I don't think we'll ever need to worry about that, but my god, he needs to start hangin' with the right peeps! :lol: :D

26-Jan-2007, 03:57 PM

Hehe, top find Hellz. I always knew that Kermit was a bad influence. :D

26-Jan-2007, 05:46 PM

Excellent find Hellsing. :thumbsup:

I'm gonna have to have words with that Zombie Man chap, his inevitable self-destruction looms on the horizon if he doesn't quit the excessively exclusive lifestyle. :D

By the way - I'm uploading the online version of IAZM2 right-freakin-now! :cool:

30-Jan-2007, 10:46 AM
For those subscribed to this thread, but don't yet know - IAZM2 (the online version) is now ... err ... online.

Check out the post in the filmmaker forum index ("prepare your peepers").

I'm currently working on the DVD release of IAZM2, it's coming along nicely thus far. :cool: