View Full Version : (Re)calling all Wii-motes!

15-Dec-2006, 07:07 PM
From ActionTrip.com:

Nintendo Recalling 3.2 Million Wii Straps [Uros "2Lions" Jojic] 11:45 am EST @ December 15th, 2006
Here follows a story of straps gone all wrong.

Once upon a time, there existed a company which created a neat magic wand that allowed people to control little pixies in a magic box simply by waving their hands around. And all was well and people were happy with the wiird contraption, until an evil wizard who lived in a black house on top of a desolate hill, put a curse on it, making it attack the people who wielded it.

And so, Nintendo is offering replacement Wiimotes (with proper straps) for owners of Wii consoles who have experienced problems while trying to wield their Wii controllers (things would fly out of their hands cause they weren't strapped properly [faulty straps] and hit them in the eye or something).

We are talking about 3.2 million Wiimotes here, by the way. Let me repeat that: 3 point ****ing 2 million

lol ... that's pretty funny, the idea of millions of people flinging their Wii-motes into their poncy TVs cos their hands are all sweaty from swishing their arms around. :D

15-Dec-2006, 07:13 PM
Dang ...if a strap was so important I guess I should make my own ....

1 Wiimote....
1 dungeon ball n chain

jeeze people are idiots who are flinging these thigns at stuff...

Ive had more near accidents using the strap....attempting to throw the wiimote to the couch but forgetting it is stuck to my hand thus swinging and hitting a counter...

15-Dec-2006, 07:18 PM
Check out this guy http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/tag/you-do-not-talk-about-wii-club-221107.php :lol:

15-Dec-2006, 07:34 PM
Well, for starters don't swing it around like it was an actual nunchuck. :rolleyes:

15-Dec-2006, 07:46 PM
And here we have,what is known as a Wiitard :p


15-Dec-2006, 08:01 PM
Is he flipping people off? *L*

15-Dec-2006, 09:24 PM
Yeah, I saw the video. That guy in the Wii suit is flipping people off waiting in line for PS3.

15-Dec-2006, 09:57 PM
He should become the next mascot for Nintendo.

16-Dec-2006, 08:08 PM
:lol: That's a great picture.

17-Dec-2006, 11:24 AM
If he was indeed standing at a P$3 line then I think it's fantastic.

Mind you ... don't you think it's a bit daft to have an on/off button so close to the D-Pad? Surely you're finger is gonna slip from all the sweat and hit that button and turn off you Pee ... er I mean Wii when you're in mid-stroke? :D

17-Dec-2006, 02:58 PM
"mid stroke"?, sounds like someone only wants one to import japanese hentai games on.

*smacks him on head with rolled up newspaper* bad man.:lol:

17-Dec-2006, 04:53 PM
If he was indeed standing at a P$3 line then I think it's fantastic.

Mind you ... don't you think it's a bit daft to have an on/off button so close to the D-Pad? Surely you're finger is gonna slip from all the sweat and hit that button and turn off you Pee ... er I mean Wii when you're in mid-stroke? :D

The power button is a bit submerged so its like impossible to accidently hit it.....
Also you have to push and hold down on the button for it to actually turn the power off...

17-Dec-2006, 05:45 PM

Well looks who's got all the answers.....:eek::D

Hellsing - you just know someone out there is designing a Wii Hentai game ... mind you, with all the tentacles they stick in those games, it's set up from the off to be a multiplayer porn-o-ganza! :eek:

lol ... I would actually play a Hentai game in all (but not one of the tentacly ones), but I don't have any so I'll have to stick with reality based stroke material...:lol::elol::lol::D

17-Dec-2006, 06:27 PM

i think thats a new word for the oxford dictionary,lol.

well they but bling in so anythings possible:rolleyes:

18-Dec-2006, 04:13 AM

Hellsing - you just know someone out there is designing a Wii Hentai game ... mind you, with all the tentacles they stick in those games, it's set up from the off to be a multiplayer porn-o-ganza! :eek:

That game will come with the Wii Remote sex toy attachment to aid in the tentacle porn...

Now that I said that I feel dirty.

On to the subject at hand! The straps are breaking because people are letting go of their remotes during game play. Sure they are flimsey, but people need to use common sense and realize that throwing the Wii remote constantly is going to break the string that holds the strap to the remote.

But at least Nintendo is fixing the problem, not only did they immediatly change to thicker strings, they are now replacing the straps for those of us with the thinner strings for free...

All this talk has got me excited, I'm off to play with my Wii.

18-Dec-2006, 10:45 AM
Indeed, Nintendo are handling it like a decent bunch of folk ... somehow I think if it was Sony instead they're deny the allegations and blame the user for it all - then charge them for new straps, doing the least they possibly could to avoid legal action against them.