View Full Version : i'm out on the mash tonight boys...

18-Dec-2006, 01:08 AM
what is your preferred form of alcohol?

myself i like dark rum (captain morgan or gosling) straight up in a shot glass with a coke chaser and bourbon- makers mark or jefferson reserve.

cannot stand mixed drinks (cocktails if you will). not much on beer either.

18-Dec-2006, 01:15 AM

18-Dec-2006, 01:15 AM
my freinds usually stick with "owt in a can" as there tipple, i dont drink myself, they would bring me along to make sure they dont get in trouble but im a kind of freind that falls into the "asshole" category in those circumstances and theyd probably end up with "nob-ed" or something equally eloquent written on there forehead.:D

18-Dec-2006, 02:44 AM
I'm all over the shop really (and literally), ales, stout, whiskey, tequila, cognac, red wine etc. I can go for dark rum too. My favourite tipple hands down has to be Remy Martin, expensive but worth every penny.

18-Dec-2006, 02:46 AM
I'm all over the shop really (and literally), ales, stout, whiskey, tequila, cognac, red wine etc. I can go for dark rum too. My favourite tipple hands down has to be Remy Martin, expensive but worth every penny.

forgive my north americaness- when you say tipple do you mean spirits in general?

"two pints of booze- tell me are you a badfish too?"

18-Dec-2006, 08:34 AM

18-Dec-2006, 11:14 AM
Currently - Budweiser (the American one, not the sh*tty Czech one of the same name people keep giving me at the bar).

I don't really drink that often at all, I didn't even at uni, but when I drank at uni I drank to get drunk - so it was Vodka and Orange (strong mix - not as strong as my housemates who'd have half a bottle each before going out, the mix would be a half pint or more of vodka with OJ to top it off :eek:). Or it was Vodka & Redbull, but I had to give that up as it was 1) too expensive, 2) sent me wild.

Also, Southern Comfort doubles were nice ... until I decided it was a good idea to drink from the early afternoon in the lead up to going out 10 hours later and promptly collapsed on the floor for the final count-out after doing flaming shots of Sambuka (or something - I didn't remember that part for weeks afterwards) ... then I was clutching onto a plastic wash basin proclaiming "oh god, kill me, i'll never drink again!" and the usual things. :lol: So I don't drink SoCo anymore.

These days however, if I drink then it's a couple of Buds in a quiet pub with friends/acquaintances for a quiet chat and a spot of pool ... I know, I've suddenly aged a few decades. :lol:

Well, if I bother to go out for New Years, I'll look to get "nicely drunk" on Budweiser ... and not "washing line drunk" on it, like I did a couple of years ago. I proclaimed I was only gonna have one beer and drive home in a couple of hours ... then my mates entered the fray with 40 bottles of Bud, so I threw that original plan out the window, drank as much Bud as I could manage, ran around my friend's garden with a lawn mower in tow before attempting to climb on a washing line (saw the photographic evidence a few weeks later, ha!) and then passing out on a sofa with my ass hanging out for a few hours.

Then drove home still worse for wear (very naughty I know - don't do it kids! *shakes finger and tuts at self*)

18-Dec-2006, 12:02 PM
A decent pint of bitter!

18-Dec-2006, 06:56 PM


18-Dec-2006, 07:25 PM
Precious Leffe Blonde, when I can get it.

Otherwise, Carling extra cold or Miller. :dead:

18-Dec-2006, 07:28 PM
Currently - Budweiser (the American one, not the sh*tty Czech one of the same name people keep giving me at the bar).

Of all the lovely beers available in the UK, you choose American Factory Piss.
I guess you really like hangovers
or somehow Bud is Exotic there:)

18-Dec-2006, 07:38 PM

Heh, if I wanted to eat my drink I would have brought a knife and fork!

/Hates Guiness.:|

18-Dec-2006, 08:38 PM
Bud is cool, in that 'familiar foreign culture' kinda way, like how we've seen so much American TV/films/whatever it's like a second - yet foreign - home.

Meh, I just like the taste, it does tend to affect me noggin' moreso these days, but like I said, I don't drink enough to earn a hangover. It actually makes me sleep better, after a couple of those I have a really nice kip and feel better the morning after than I do normally.

Fosters is also alright. I'm generally not too fussy, as long as it doesn't taste like complete swill, or complete sh*t (*cough* Lambrini - what is it with girls and that crap? it's hideous! *cough*) then I'll have a glug.

But again, like I said, I'm not a big drinker, so I don't get the opportunity (not that I could afford it at the moment anyway) to be a varied boozer...

18-Dec-2006, 09:07 PM
I'm quite partial to Corona Extra when it comes to beer myself, it's never let me down flavorwise and never left me with a hangover, even after blacking out on it once O.o.

At one time about a month ago I was also falling for Jager, until an unfortunate incident the night before Thanksgiving involving an entire bottle of said liquor and one of the worst hangovers I've had in two years.

Needless to say I haven't touched it since, and don't plan to for a long while.

18-Dec-2006, 09:40 PM
Bud is cool, in that 'familiar foreign culture' kinda way, like how we've seen so much American TV/films/whatever it's like a second - yet foreign - home.

Meh, I just like the taste, it does tend to affect me noggin' moreso these days, but like I said, I don't drink enough to earn a hangover. It actually makes me sleep better, after a couple of those I have a really nice kip and feel better the morning after than I do normally.

When I was a kid, warm bud was all we got to drink. You had to steal it or get it warm from a Pizza place or anyone of the crap establishments that would sell it to a kid. Warm bud is FOUL. Once we stole a case of bud bottles. Thecase had turned bad but we drank it anyway cause it was all we had. 5 degrees F out (supercold for you metric people), standing in snow gagging on warm bud. i can bearely stomach it now unless it's supercold.
I dont drink Michelob ever cause when I was 14 I went to see the kinks and ralphed on someones head from the upper deck:D

18-Dec-2006, 10:38 PM
Oh yeah, agreed, warm Bud is foul, it only tastes good cold - although it's weird, we have it in the fridge here at home and it's colder than when I get one in a pub or bar.

When out and about, Bud always tastes rather nice and goes down nicely and swiftly ... here at home, it tastes different and sometimes it's a bit rough...not sure if it's down to it being much colder from our fridge than at a pub and their temperature of fridge, or whether it's psychological - like in a pub situation my tastebuds prepare for the tastes, whereas at home I'm usually glugging down glass after glass of the orange dilute drink "Robinsons". :D

19-Dec-2006, 01:19 AM
Bud Light
Malibu Rum

However, since were all poor as hell, we tend to get 30 cases of natural ice (11.99 for a 30 case)
and a bottle of skol vodka (8.99 for a half a gallon)

19-Dec-2006, 01:37 AM
As fas as mixed drinks is concerned I love dirty martini with extra juice and olives!!! I also love a good whiskey sour made with Glenlivit 15 year old single malt Scotch Whiskey:D
When I drink beer at a bar I usually go for bud light or Budweiser. When I drink at home I go for the stouts like oatmeal stout and chocolate stout. If you ever try Young's chocolate stout you need to get the bottle. The canned tastes awful. That Blue Moon Belgium Wheat and Boulevard Wheat beer is fantastic. BTW Boulevard is made about 5 miles from me :D

19-Dec-2006, 02:35 AM
Warm beer is the only way Ill drink it....

Does that mean Im an alcoholic?

19-Dec-2006, 02:55 AM

19-Dec-2006, 03:22 AM

Blue Velvet ....Mmmmm.....

19-Dec-2006, 04:27 AM
Bud Light
Malibu Rum

However, since were all poor as hell, we tend to get 30 cases of natural ice (11.99 for a 30 case)
and a bottle of skol vodka (8.99 for a half a gallon)
When I was in college I used to get Busch 20 packs for 4.99.
Tastes like crap, but very economical!:)

19-Dec-2006, 04:38 PM
hehe let's see...

lagers -
becks (german lager, says on the label "brewed under german PURITY LAW!" - the eugenicist's choice?)
grolsch (dutch lager - my favourite lager ever - is this available in the US/canada?)
carling black label

ales/stouts -
bishops finger

spirits/liquers -
glenfiddich (when the moneys good!)
jack daniels & decaff coke (dunno why, just doesnt taste right unless its decaff)
any vodka
jamaican overproof rum - reminds me of bein 14, a cosy drink.
gordon's gin
sebor/la fee absinthe (with sugar & ice water and all that bollocks)

plus, living in the westcountry, i like a nice cider now and then, they do a good one where i live called "legbender", you can get legbender rough with bits of skanky apple floating in it :p good stuff!

and call me a fag but the only wine i'll drink is that pink rose (as in rose-ay) stuff.

19-Dec-2006, 05:39 PM
lol ... now that's a funny post ... the idea of you, in the Westcountry, supping on skanky cider and 'rose-ay' wine is rather amusing ... just don't get caught by the coppers in the middle of the night for "just bein' up lay't" :lol:

(Bill Bailey on Top Gear reference ... anyone? CapnKnut?)

Mind you, I like in Herefordshire, which is itself, and sits within 'cider country' so-to-speak ... it's the Forest of Dean, that's what does it ... and Cinderford ... that's sooooo close to Cider-ford isn't it? :D

19-Dec-2006, 07:17 PM
Cabernet / Schiraz / Merlot or blends are what I enjoy.

Wine gives a different buzz than beer or hard liquor; it has almost a euphoric buzz. Hang over's are different, not as 'debilitating', calorie content is easier on my lifestyle (I stay active; tennis, basketball, running, weights), not as filling (bloating), easier on the liver than the hard stuff, taste just perfect with beef or pasta meals ...

Eh, I'm a whino :rolleyes: :o :p

Another interesting note is that Wine (Unlike beer and the hard stuff) is made simply from the grape itself.

The grape

19-Dec-2006, 09:37 PM
sebor/la fee absinthe (with sugar & ice water and all that bollocks)

This is pretty much the way I drink it.

Pour a shot of Absinthe in a small tumbler. Take a teaspoon of sugar. Dip the teaspoon into the absinthe so that the sugar absorbs the liquor. Then, holding the spoon above the absinthe, set light to the sugar. Let it burn for a minute or so. The sugar will bubble and begin to caramelise. Once the flame is beginning to die down, stir the shot of absinthe with the sugared spoon (smothering the glass if it catches alight). Now add an equal measure of water and some ice if required.

Works well with an additional shot of vodka too. In fact, absinthe, vodka and lime is f**king gorgeous.

the idea of you, in the Westcountry, supping on skanky cider and 'rose-ay' wine is rather amusing... just don't get caught by the coppers in the middle of the night for "just bein' up lay't" :lol:

(Bill Bailey on Top Gear reference ... anyone? CapnKnut?)

:lol: :lol: :lol: