View Full Version : Conspiracy theorist gets owned!

19-Dec-2006, 09:14 PM

:mad: I suddenly find myself liking Danny Bonaduce! :mad:

19-Dec-2006, 09:30 PM
thats pretty damn funny, the look on his face, how old was the dude 20?, im 18 and i know i dont know **** about the way the goverment works so what are the odds this guy did, or just another nut job who believes infowars.com?

19-Dec-2006, 09:47 PM
There are people who will belive anything, and then look down on those who don't. Case in point: the really, super religious and the atheists. They both go crazy on one another KNOWING they're right. The rub is that it's mostly the younger folks who do it.

19-Dec-2006, 09:51 PM
I find Bush to be possibly the worst President my country has ever had and did not vote for him (I'm Libertarian if anything) but I have too side with Danny; that guys is a loser and the idea of a conspiracy theory is asinine.

19-Dec-2006, 09:53 PM
Bush is a ****tard. But whoever believes he had anything to do with the 9/11 plannings is an even dumber ****.

19-Dec-2006, 09:53 PM
I agree with the Partridge Family guy. That interviewer was lucky he didn't get his teeth knocked out, you don't go interrupting people with those kinds of questions. Especially a washed up ex-celeb who's prone to punching out transvestite hookers and doing a bit of Bolivian marching powder. :D

20-Dec-2006, 12:01 AM
He voted for Bush. Good for him if he still wants to swallow all that crap.
Though that Illuminati stuff carries zero wight with me.
Skull and Bones is just a rich kid frat. So what if the fvck a sheep? Thats nothing new for frats. Mock sacrifice? Ha! and even if true, who cares?

Anybody who says don't be disprespectful of a president, king, PM whatever is a total tool who is everything the powerful and corrupt count on.
At least he didn't hit the interviewer.:)

The only thing Bush is guilty of with 9/11 is not giving a sh!t. If being dumb, self centered ,a spoiled botard and totally unqualified is a crime , then he is guilty.

There are people who will belive anything, and then look down on those who don't. Case in point: the really, super religious and the atheists. They both go crazy on one another KNOWING they're right. The rub is that it's mostly the younger folks who do it.
Young people do that because it's new to them. They think its brand new and they somehow discoverd it. Like "Holy crap! There is NO God! I gotta tell everybody!"
Plus kids know it all. I have heard that you know you're grown up when you realize you dont know sh*t.

20-Dec-2006, 02:24 AM

20-Dec-2006, 03:14 AM
Another way to say retard
Tart cart
Another mutation, thats all.
Pronounced Bow Tard

20-Dec-2006, 03:59 AM
you missed out "r2-d-tard".

20-Dec-2006, 11:00 AM
funny vid. but theyre both arseholes, john connor (leader of the human resistance! too f***in funny) has his head in the clouds, and bondaduce has his head in the sand. of course the ruler of the most powerful nation in the world isnt above a bit of skullduggery - DUH! do you honestly think you become the effective ruler of the earth by holding doors open for people?!

if it wasn't for the fannying about, black ops & stitching other countries up, america wouldnt be the greatest country in the world and one of the best places to live. if you don't like corruption and cloak n dagger stuff, get into politics! don't recycle other peoples research and post it on your pseudo-whistleblowing website!

i mean why the hell would a serious investigative journalist hastle a nobody like that on the street?

the way he just shoehorned in all the skull n bones stuff was tenuous and immature.


20-Dec-2006, 01:00 PM
The only thing I can say is some theorists give those who hold theories a bad name.

20-Dec-2006, 01:28 PM
Funny video. But I predict this will turn into another one of those political rant theads.....

I'm just glad you didn't spell "owned" with a "P", man.:)

20-Dec-2006, 02:32 PM
the way he just shoehorned in all the skull n bones stuff was tenuous and immature.

The interviewer seemes like he wasn't even actally taking with Bonaduce, just spouting propaganda. If Bonaduce just said "f**k off" I would have more respect for him, but he is obviously ignorant
The funny thing is that there is so much actual bad stuff going on at any time, you don't have to make up anything. Like Oil companies meeting secretly (sorta) with Cheney and actually writing Energy legislation. That is super corrupt, easy to understand, provable and believeable. There is so much garden variety old boy network, gaft and quid pro qou, why make up kooky Illumanti, satanic ritual stuff?

21-Dec-2006, 12:43 AM
I'm just glad you didn't spell "owned" with a "P", man

Came close, man, close! :)