View Full Version : The Empire should have beat the Rebellion you know....

19-Dec-2006, 11:55 PM
Am i the only one who see's that the Rebellion had no chance in hell of beating the Empire? I mean come on, the sheer size and military might of the empire would say otherwise.

Opinions please, feel free to get all nerdy if you choose, i'll add more of my thoughts later.

and i would think that Stormtrooper armour would stop wooden spears and rocks.....

20-Dec-2006, 12:08 AM
The Roman Empire fell, didn't it?

20-Dec-2006, 12:08 AM
Did the roman empire have 25,000 imperial star destroyers?

20-Dec-2006, 12:08 AM
No, because love conquers all



and i would think that Stormtrooper armour would stop wooden spears and rocks.....
Are you talking about Jawas? cause I havent seen Jedi since it was first released

20-Dec-2006, 12:13 AM
no no, the battle of Endor, Ewoks...i hate those friggin things

20-Dec-2006, 12:52 AM
Did they beat the Empire? I heard there was like a hundred others that came and ruled after Vader's death.

20-Dec-2006, 01:06 AM
The Imperial Remenet?

Pff the Empire's old news, these days it's all bout the Vong.

20-Dec-2006, 01:13 AM
Please Neal, and all you other British/English/UK'ers--

We did beat the greatest Empire the world has ever known--

Impossible is nothing.

Granted we did have help, but there was plenty of opportunity to bleed America dry---

Maybe the Empire just lost its will with the death of Palpatine/Sidious..


20-Dec-2006, 01:14 AM
:D It is just a story and only a movie series. Anything can happen. Nothing has to make sence

20-Dec-2006, 01:16 AM
The Imperial Remenet?

Pff the Empire's old news, these days it's all bout the Vong.

are what some call a fanboy...


Yeah, I lost interest after the Vong.... they didn't seem real enough for me---I mean, come on...BIOARMOR CRAP?!?!


ps just kidding about calling you a fanboy...

20-Dec-2006, 02:14 AM
no no, the battle of Endor, Ewoks...i hate those friggin things
Yeah, Ewoks. I think Jawas were the dinosaur thibgs they riode on. If you talking about the perquels, they just suck. Never saw part 3 and only 1/3 of part 2.

20-Dec-2006, 03:33 AM
Things at Endor would have been very different had Grand Admiral Thrawn been in charge instead of the Emperor. For one thing Interdictor class cruisers would have strategically placed to ensure none of the Rebel Fleet could have escaped the engagement.

Recall during the first part of the battle the Imperial Fleet stayed at a distance, not engaged in combat. Admiral Piett mentioned this was at the direct command of the Emperor. Grand Admiral Thrawn would have used the Star Destroyers to attack while keeping the rebels in range of the Deathstar II's turbolaser.

Also, think how different things would have been if wave after wave of TIE bombers firing anti-ship missiles and proton torpedos had attacked. Not to mention a Combat Air Patrol of TIE Advanced or Defenders would have made a snub fighter attack on the Death Star II nearly impossible.

Or for that matter forget building another Death Star and deploy the Sun Crusher and two dozen CVL carriers loaded with TIE Defenders. All the resources placed into building a space station the size of a small moon could have been redirected to procure MANY conventional starships and fighters.

20-Dec-2006, 08:52 AM
The Empire was too arrogant for its own good. Just look at the Imperial officers in the original 3. Most of them were so smug and helpless they couldn't have made a cup of tea without pissing Vader off, General Veers possibly being the exception. The Stormtroopers made the Ewoks look like Navy Seals. They were doomed to failure. The only thing that kept them going were their finances.

20-Dec-2006, 08:59 AM
Why don't you get 'Empire at War' and change the ending. :)

Excellent game.

20-Dec-2006, 09:28 AM
Did the roman empire have 25,000 imperial star destroyers?

No but it had it's legions which could be compared to the star destroyers.

20-Dec-2006, 10:04 AM
are these the things you think about when the power is off and you are bored? :D

I am sorry but I have to agree with Mo... There is no friggin way a battle ready empire with Storm troopers bred for combat could be over taken by a meager rebellion. They should have laid waste to the rebels then moved on to the next area to conquer.

20-Dec-2006, 12:30 PM
It's just a classic tale of how good will triumph over evil. I see what you're saying and all.....but in terms of telling the story it's pretty obvious.

After thinking about it for a few minutes.....this may be the reason that "Empire Strikes Back" is my favorite. It leaves you hanging at the end with Luke in distress and knowing that his father is basically the greatest incarnation of evil(well, it was that way until Lucas made the new trilogy:mad: ) and the rebels on the run.

20-Dec-2006, 12:48 PM
empire wasn't beaten, it was decapitated. i don't really count the books as canon, but they addressed that issue.

i think basically the end of jedi didnt mean the empire was totally defeated, but had had its arse seriously whooped, and the rebellion is stronger than ever - with the fishmen and that teletubby guy who rides in the falcon with lando joining the ranks, way more ships than before, and luke as a jedi. people like boba fett and jabba had been killed, generally the galaxy was becoming a nicer place.

coma -the third one is worth checking out, i hated the other prequels, but i was buzzing when i came out of the third one. it has it's sh!t bits, but definitely an improvement, anakin on fire with his legs chopped off, bits of flaming gristle glooping onto the floor as he screams "III HAAAAATE YOUUUU"..quality :evil:

20-Dec-2006, 12:58 PM
It was because the good inside ultimately triumphs. Vadar turned good and ****ed things up.

The Stormtroopers were told at times to deliberately miss and pretend to be defeated, the kind of disipline that takes >.> They should have just gone on an all out offensive.

20-Dec-2006, 01:17 PM
coma -the third one is worth checking out, i hated the other prequels, but i was buzzing when i came out of the third one. it has it's sh!t bits, but definitely an improvement, anakin on fire with his legs chopped off, bits of flaming gristle glooping onto the floor as he screams "III HAAAAATE YOUUUU"..quality :evil:

I agree. The third is probably the best out of the new trilogy. It's pretty cool seeing the final transformation from Anakin to Vader. Not to mention that it seems pretty friggin graphic for a Star Wars film. It would have freaked me out as a kid if I had seen the black, burned remains of a man slowly crawling up a hill with fire red eyes screaming "I HATE YOUUUU!" over and over.:eek:

And on top of that, Ewen McGregor pegged the Obi Wan role this time around....good stuff. BUT, the movie still has some negative aspects.

20-Dec-2006, 02:40 PM
I agree. The third is probably the best out of the new trilogy. It's pretty cool seeing the final transformation from Anakin to Vader. Not to mention that it seems pretty friggin graphic for a Star Wars film. It would have freaked me out as a kid if I had seen the black, burned remains of a man slowly crawling up a hill with fire red eyes screaming "I HATE YOUUUU!" over and over.:eek:

And on top of that, Ewen McGregor pegged the Obi Wan role this time around....good stuff. BUT, the movie still has some negative aspects.
Heres the problem, and veering off topic. Phantom Menace was total garbage. The second had all kinds of meaningless action. The whole thing is bogged down in convoluted - plot, myriad characer releationships and ever escalatingly stupid ass names for things, places and characters and Tons of obtuse and boring fake politics. If III was as good as Empire I would have a hard time seeing it, becasue I think you have to follow the previoui two and I think i'd rather get booted in the nads or watch waterworld.

I obsessed over Star wars as a kid to the point where I saved a ton of boxtops to get the mail order only Boba Fett toy. I saw Phantom Menace and just felt cheated. Bah!

Though a gooey and burnt up Annakin would be good. It would be betterto see that kid get it, though. Talk about wooden.

20-Dec-2006, 03:58 PM
If that one lazy imperial would have just shot the escape pod from the corvette containing c-3po and R2, the empire would have proceeded without a problem. I would have shot it just for target practice. Also, Endor should have been the death star's second target. Fecking ewoks.

20-Dec-2006, 04:32 PM
Blame George Lucas. The original script for 'Revenge of the Jedi' had the action taking place on the wookie home world. Lucas decided more merchandise would be sold to kids with a planet of teddy bears. And they changed the name to Return of the Jedi.

20-Dec-2006, 04:37 PM
Blame George Lucas. The original script for 'Revenge of the Jedi' had the action taking place on the wookie home world. Lucas decided more merchandise would be sold to kids with a planet of teddy bears. And they changed the name to Return of the Jedi.
Aw man, that would've been awesome. Wookies ripping off arms etc.
He's a dumass, NOBODY liked ewoks!
I did like the Ewok Xmas special o TV as a kid but only becasue it was bonus star wars.

I dont understand how he could go so wrong with the prequels.

20-Dec-2006, 04:56 PM
True the empire could have wiped the floor with the rebels,just as we could with the middle east if we really went for it,but as it stands we are being pushed out by rebels with the equivalent of spears and rocks against star destroyers & AT-AT's (petrol bombs,road side bombs & RPG's against main battle tanks & APC's)

20-Dec-2006, 05:19 PM
It's just a classic tale of how good will triumph over evil. I see what you're saying and all.....but in terms of telling the story it's pretty obvious.

Totally agree. For some reason Balboa vs Drago springs to mind. :D

20-Dec-2006, 09:30 PM
The Roman Empire fell, didn't it?
The empire never ended, Ned. Read VALIS.;)

21-Dec-2006, 08:43 AM
The empire wasn't really the problem, the fact that two Sith Lords were controlling it was, once there's no Sith Lords controlling it, most of the problem is gone.

And like it was said before, Palpatine was way too cocky, he wanted to strike fear into their hearts, so rather than send that hugeass fleet of Star Destroyers he had ready at them he decided to use fighters and the Death Star's turbolaser against the rebels.

It's the same reason Palpatine almost died when Mace Windu (now that was a badass jedi mother****er) came after him, he was overconfident in the worst way and thought he was untouchable because he was chancellor.

21-Dec-2006, 10:13 AM
Am i the only one who see's that the Rebellion had no chance in hell of beating the Empire? I mean come on, the sheer size and military might of the empire would say otherwise.

Well, look at Iraq... The greatest armed force in the world cannot stop that rebellion...

21-Dec-2006, 11:14 AM
the ewok thing in return of the jedi is a simple vietnam allegory - the technologically superior force loses out to the primitive force, because they outnumber them and make better use of the surroundings.

*strokes chin*

21-Dec-2006, 02:27 PM
the ewok thing in return of the jedi is a simple vietnam allegory - the technologically superior force loses out to the primitive force, because they outnumber them and make better use of the surroundings.

*strokes chin*
I always hated the Ewoks. Wouldn't it be cool if they did an "Ewok attrocity" featurette on the DVD?:evil: I'd buy it.

21-Dec-2006, 04:01 PM
heheh...that would be worth seeing, there's only one ewok death onscreen...we was robbed...

there was a funny clip on the 4th dvd ofthe boxset where the ewoks are beating up stormtroopers, you can hear the director screaming "alright KILL THEM! come on!!!"

21-Dec-2006, 04:32 PM
In the book series that come after Jedi, I think the Ewoks did get the Auschwitz treatment, if I'm not mistaken. I read them once but I can't remember.

I always liked the Ewoks. Hated Jar Jar, though. I want to see death camps with the Gungans. :evil:

21-Dec-2006, 05:20 PM
empire wasn't beaten, it was decapitated. i don't really count the books as canon, but they addressed that issue.

i think basically the end of jedi didnt mean the empire was totally defeated, but had had its arse seriously whooped, and the rebellion is stronger than ever - with the fishmen and that teletubby guy who rides in the falcon with lando joining the ranks, way more ships than before, and luke as a jedi. people like boba fett and jabba had been killed, generally the galaxy was becoming a nicer place.

coma -the third one is worth checking out, i hated the other prequels, but i was buzzing when i came out of the third one. it has it's sh!t bits, but definitely an improvement, anakin on fire with his legs chopped off, bits of flaming gristle glooping onto the floor as he screams "III HAAAAATE YOUUUU"..quality :evil:

Boba Fett didnt die.....I thought he survived falling into that Worm thingy

21-Dec-2006, 05:26 PM
Boba Fett didnt die.....I thought he survived falling into that Worm thingy

Are you talking about the movies or in the books that came later? I'm pretty sure he died in "Return of the Jedi". I don't know about all those books and junk, though.

21-Dec-2006, 05:45 PM
There is no way the Vietnamese would beat the United States in a War.

There is no way some Iraq insurgents would beat the United States in a War.

There is no way England would beat the Nazi Empire in an Air War.

There is no way some American colonists are going to beat the English in a War.


The Empire failed to win the hearts and minds of the solar system and they lost; that and constantly forgetting to prevent spaceships from flying into the middle of their Death Star's

21-Dec-2006, 07:08 PM
lol, indeed mutineer. probably the point lucas was trying to make.

boba fett survived the pit in the books, but that same book also gave his real name as jaster mereel and a gave him a completely different background, which probably renders it uncanonical.


21-Dec-2006, 09:20 PM
Why don't you get 'Empire at War' and change the ending. :)

Excellent game.

Or for those on a really tight budget, you can try building your own Death Star:


22-Dec-2006, 03:43 AM
Well, look at Iraq... The greatest armed force in the world cannot stop that rebellion...

Oh we can stop t, but we cowtow to the world opinion. To win, we have to say "f the world", go in and fight to win.

Not to be political and say the war is right or wrong, but to prosecue war with any intention to "not lose" is -- well akin to raising you kid then shooting him when he is 18.

War to the knife. The knife to the hilt.

Everybody fights, nobody quits.

..and all that jazz..


22-Dec-2006, 05:14 AM
Everybody fights, nobody quits.
What is that from, its on the tip of my tounge. Starship troopers?

The only way to "fight a war to win" is to basically indiscriminately kill everybody. I am not convinced the war in Iraq was meant to be won, just go on and on and on and on.

22-Dec-2006, 05:46 AM
The Roman Empire fell, didn't it?

not because of 1 little group of rebels.

Well, look at Iraq... The greatest armed force in the world cannot stop that rebellion...

what rebellion? you are under the impression that there is 1 cohesive force rebelling againt he iraqi govenment? you been watching CNN and msnbc again havent you?:lol:

22-Dec-2006, 02:46 PM
The Empire was really nothing compared to the Vong, they destroyed a huge portion of the galaxy, occupied corrusant and killed a a couple members of the Solo family

who died/

Chewbacca and Anakain( Han and Leia's youngest son)

22-Dec-2006, 04:27 PM
What is that from, its on the tip of my tounge. Starship troopers?

The only way to "fight a war to win" is to basically indiscriminately kill everybody. I am not convinced the war in Iraq was meant to be won, just go on and on and on and on.

Kind of cheesey, but it fits...


22-Dec-2006, 06:50 PM
Kind of cheesey, but it fits...

how about
"Not one step back" from Uncle Joe

22-Dec-2006, 06:50 PM
not because of 1 little group of rebels.
what rebellion? you are under the impression that there is 1 cohesive force rebelling againt he iraqi govenment? you been watching CNN and msnbc again havent you?:lol:

Just had a picture of GWB using the deathstar on iraq..


and the whole planet evaporates..

Heh.. oops. Hadnt planned for that eventuality.:bored:

:p Mission Accomplished!:p

23-Dec-2006, 03:00 AM
This is about Star Wars, not politics, fools... :rockbrow:

That being said, the Empire's greatest failing, was that Palpatine used his influence to fight wars for his people. In the books it talks about how once he died at Endor, the battle was over; all the other commanders were swinging in the wind without his direction. Who was another good military leader? Piett; dead. Vader; dead. Who else was there who was at Endor?

I guess it was Pelleon, if I rememeber correctly, and didn't he lead the escape? FFS, look at the Imperial fleet! Then look at the ragtag bunch of moolies that comprise the Rebel fleet! It's like a bunch of Cold War-era ships trying to take on a modern carrier battle group.

And truthfully, if you really want to know why the Empire lost...

It was a movie.

23-Dec-2006, 02:52 PM
It was a movie.

On one knee staring into the sky with one arm stretched upwards...

23-Dec-2006, 03:13 PM
Sorry, coma, had to burst your bubble; and at this time of year, no less! Wait until you learn the truth about Santa... :dead:

23-Dec-2006, 06:42 PM
Hey, it was so much more than just a mov... Woah woah woah.... Truth about Santa? What?

24-Dec-2006, 04:33 AM
Neeeeevermind. never shoulda mentioned it... :rockbrow:

24-Dec-2006, 10:12 PM
Sorry exa, but the Vong are retardly over powered. come on, their armour was resistsnt to light sabers, blasters, and their ampistaffs were the same way. Talk about uninventive. And the empuire at the height of it's power would have destroyed the vong.....your talking about a galaxy spanning empire with the most powerful ships in the galaxy...a ISD was far more advanced and powerful then anything the rebels had, and one had the power to destroy whole planets.

i know it's a movie, but I love the empire to death...cept for the evil sith origins. and the vong were destroyed btw....i still hate the idea of them being retardly over powered. again, look at the armour thing....But it caused the destruction of the new republic heh, and the vong attacking imperial systems were wiped out :) see, if the imperials were still in position, the vong would have been destroyed.

and Admiral Thrawn was a genious....i loved the idea of cloaked asteroids around a planets orbit....I never expected that in anyway whatsoever...Timothy Zahn is a great author...

24-Dec-2006, 10:45 PM
Come on guys. I know it's fun to dissect, but the truth of the matter is that the films are a morality tale of how good will always prevail over evil.

I've never read any of the books, but the main point of the films are to teach people that good is always within the heart. Just like the Superman flicks.

Just my 2 cents...

24-Dec-2006, 11:18 PM
Sorry exa, but the Vong are retardly over powered. come on, their armour was resistsnt to light sabers, blasters, and their ampistaffs were the same way. Talk about uninventive. And the empuire at the height of it's power would have destroyed the vong.....your talking about a galaxy spanning empire with the most powerful ships in the galaxy...a ISD was far more advanced and powerful then anything the rebels had, and one had the power to destroy whole planets.

i know it's a movie, but I love the empire to death...cept for the evil sith origins. and the vong were destroyed btw....i still hate the idea of them being retardly over powered. again, look at the armour thing....But it caused the destruction of the new republic heh, and the vong attacking imperial systems were wiped out :) see, if the imperials were still in position, the vong would have been destroyed.

and Admiral Thrawn was a genious....i loved the idea of cloaked asteroids around a planets orbit....I never expected that in anyway whatsoever...Timothy Zahn is a great author...

Just when you think all of us are a geek at heart; someone comes along and blows that idea out of the water.

The Geek curve just got larger

26-Dec-2006, 10:55 PM
lol, i love being a nerd, it's super awesome

26-Dec-2006, 11:21 PM
lol, i love being a nerd, it's super awesome

Apparently your not much of a nerd....because if you were you would never say "being a nerd is super awsome"...

you would say being a nerd totally pwnzores


27-Dec-2006, 12:56 AM
I am sure the Roman--East and West--

The British (sorry all)--

The French...

The Nazi's---?!?!

all thought their empire would never end. No Empire has lasted forever. No Empire has lasted so long as to have its citizens lose track of when the empire started... Only the Romans seemed to span that long-- well maybe the Egyptians, but I do not classify them as an empire.

In evolutionary terms, so far the betting man should never put his shillings towards any empire lasting forever-- not at at least right now.

With the inner human spirit striving to be free it seems like there is a measurable point that the needs of the few will outweigh the goods of the many. That is ok.

While SW is but a fairy tale, I think it is a very comment about the fall of man towards total power not being as satisfying as the singular feeling of truely being free. Mankind (and in SW case) being-kind will eventually win out over even the most ardent suporters ove evil. Why? Because in almost all cases good does win over evil. In inteligent species, most of the time the majority does not look out to screw their fellow man or being. True, humans are capable of the most heinous crimes against its own kind of any known species, but all in all the majority of all peoples-- be it Christian, Jew, Muslim, or non affiliated...black, white, yellow, red or green...almost all peoples just want 1) shelter 2) food 3) to procreate-- or plain sex 4) and to be happy.

So it is not a shock that Lucas "fell the Empire"..just that in the "real" wold, it may have taken more than 20 some odd years....

oh well....
