View Full Version : Help in finding Freeware prog:

20-Dec-2006, 04:52 PM
I hope it is alright to post this.

I am looking all over for a FREEWARE program that will allow one to rip audio from a movie dvd.

There is a song on a film that was made just for the movie that is NOT available anywhere else that I would like to extract and save as a MP3 file for myself.

Any ideas? I found MANY programs, but they are trial/demo versions that won't allow me to do what I want unless I fork over money for their stupid product. (I only want one song, and paying for a program that I am going to use one time is pretty dumb.)

I looked for freeware programs, but most of these nimrods don't understand what freeware truly is. It isn't freeware if you have to pay one dime for it! It is SHAREWARE.

I also found one site where all of the software on it is supposely free, but you have to become a member by paying a subscription to the site. Stupid. Talk about ripping people off.

Any programs out there? Links? And once again, I don't want a commerical product, but a freeware one!

:dead: Dawg

20-Dec-2006, 05:17 PM
...has tons of info on programs like that no I have never used one made specifically for that purpose.

Edited by Moderator

yeah, its all freeware.
Any questions ask away, I am heppy to help

20-Dec-2006, 11:57 PM
Thank you, I'll check them out!

:dead: Dawg

21-Dec-2006, 12:10 AM
Ripping audio from copyrighted dvd's is illegal. Having freeware software that performs this function is irrelevant with regard to the forum rules.

This is not the forum to ask such questions. Do a google search and get help on ripping elsewhere.

