View Full Version : Boy, I'm glad I live in the 'U.S.A.'

20-Dec-2006, 05:17 PM
Sarcasm, here is what freedom of speech provides to us:

Below is from an adult site that contains zipcodes of places in the United States where if you live, you can not have certain 'materials' sent to you via mail, supposedly Internet, etc.:



ALABAMA: 350,351,352,354 thru 369
ARKANSAS: 716 thru 729
FLORIDA: 320 thru 29, 335 thru 342, 344, 346, 347, 349
GEORGIA: 304 thru 310, 312 thru 319
ILLINOIS: 609 thru 620, 622 thru 629
INDIANA: 467 thru 479
KANSAS: 664 thru 679
KENTUCKY: 400 thru 427
LOUISIANA: 703 thru 708, 710 thru 714
MISSISSIPPI: 386 thru 397
MISSOURI: 634 thru 639, 644 thru 648, 650 thru 658
NEBRASKA: 686 thru 693
NORTH CAROLINA: 270 thru 289
OKLAHOMA: 730, 731, 734 thru 741, 743, 746 thru 749
PENNSYLVANIA: 153 thru 179, 192 thru 188, 193, 195, 196
SOUTH DAKOTA: 572 thru 577
TENNESEE: 370 thru 385
TEXAS: 750 thru 799, 885
UTAH: 840 thru 847
VIRGINIA: 226 thru 229, 239 thru 246
WEST VIRGINIA: 247 thru 268

NEW YORK MILITARY: 090 thru 098

:dead: Dawg

20-Dec-2006, 06:00 PM
That's pretty messed up, in fact the whole Bush Administration approach to pornography is disturbing...

20-Dec-2006, 06:32 PM
Cool! I can still get porn! :D

20-Dec-2006, 06:49 PM
I always love when some schmoe complains about his lack of freedom in the United States. What a shame you cannot have certain materials from a pornography site sent to you; get a girlfriend.

:rolleyes: :mad:

oh yeah, and go live in Mexico. :cool: :D

20-Dec-2006, 07:45 PM
That's pretty messed up, in fact the whole Bush Administration approach to pornography is disturbing...

Its that religious bible thumping Christian Coalition group. They give conservatives a bad rap. If you don't agree with them then your against them. It doesn't matter if you are a fellow Republican or not. They don't represent me.

20-Dec-2006, 08:01 PM
I just want to know what items are so desperately in need of ?

I know ! A double ended dildo !

No wait, a blow up sheep.


20-Dec-2006, 09:28 PM
I always love when some schmoe complains about his lack of freedom in the United States. What a shame you cannot have certain materials from a pornography site sent to you; get a girlfriend.

:rolleyes: :mad:

oh yeah, and go live in Mexico. :cool: :D

Shut the hell up, man. Just shut the hell up.

20-Dec-2006, 09:40 PM
Jeez Ned

If you look one post up you can see how serious I was/am. :confused:

20-Dec-2006, 10:57 PM
Jeez Ned

If you look one post up you can see how serious I was/am. :confused:

What made you any less serious in that post as in the first one? You ridicule people of a certain taste (uhm, or whatever you want to say...) as if their freedom wasn't worth anything, in both posts?

Anyway, if it was just sarcasm then I'm sorry.

Now shut the hell up.

20-Dec-2006, 11:54 PM
I always love when some schmoe complains about his lack of freedom in the United States. What a shame you cannot have certain materials from a pornography site sent to you; get a girlfriend.

:rolleyes: :mad:

oh yeah, and go live in Mexico. :cool: :D

Pal, you don't even know me so don't come here starting $hit. I'm happily married for over three years to a hot wife if you must know. (And if I wanted porn to begin with, I wouldn't pay for it anyway.)

And you know what, I was giving some facts about it, so if you don't like it, go live in Mexico yourself.

:dead: Dawg

21-Dec-2006, 12:02 AM


You'd know if I was starting ****. I was commenting on the suppression of porn items in your life. I am sorry if you took it any other way.

21-Dec-2006, 10:09 PM
In a web forum, one can take things different ways because you can never tell someone's tone through writing unless it is really implied.

Two, if I wanted porn I could get it many ways. I for one don't live in the Bible belt that 'outlaws' porn to be delivered to an adult individual who has the right regardless of any moral code to purchase what he or she wants, especially if it is legal everywhere else. The fact that we as a nation should be able to buy such things if one so desires, anywhere. But, the Supreme Court in their infinite 'wisdom', decided a long time ago to not even take up the challenge of defining if it is legal or not and instead let it be judged through this 'moral' code per each individual state, county, city, or backwater $hithole.

Tell me, what right does one person or even group of people have to tell you or me what we can read or look at that is perfectly acceptable in probably 90% of the rest of the country?

Anyway, I found that page referencing the zip codes from a site promoting a zombie porn movie parody of 'Re-Animator' in which I replied about in a seperate thread. (The one in which someone commented on about these things after someone else asked about nudity in 'Dawn of the Dead'.)


Cool, now shut up! Hehe... just kidding after 'Evil Ned' said that, I figured I would jab you about it. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

:dead: Dawg

21-Dec-2006, 11:48 PM
At the end of "America Land of the Free" they need to put an asterisk

21-Dec-2006, 11:50 PM
In a web forum, one can take things different ways because you can never tell someone's tone through writing unless it is really implied.

Two, if I wanted porn I could get it many ways. I for one don't live in the Bible belt that 'outlaws' porn to be delivered to an adult individual who has the right regardless of any moral code to purchase what he or she wants, especially if it is legal everywhere else. The fact that we as a nation should be able to buy such things if one so desires, anywhere. But, the Supreme Court in their infinite 'wisdom', decided a long time ago to not even take up the challenge of defining if it is legal or not and instead let it be judged through this 'moral' code per each individual state, county, city, or backwater $hithole.

Tell me, what right does one person or even group of people have to tell you or me what we can read or look at that is perfectly acceptable in probably 90% of the rest of the country?

Anyway, I found that page referencing the zip codes from a site promoting a zombie porn movie parody of 'Re-Animator' in which I replied about in a seperate thread. (The one in which someone commented on about these things after someone else asked about nudity in 'Dawn of the Dead'.)


Cool, now shut up! Hehe... just kidding after 'Evil Ned' said that, I figured I would jab you about it. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

:dead: Dawg

I saw page under the same circumstance than you and I cant say I was surprised. I agree with everything you said. Its hard to believe I live in the same country as a bunch of backwards, moralistic (When its convientient) anti freedom dickheads.
In some states if you sell a comic book that happens to have a bare tit in it you will be dragged throuigh court for years. THis guy in FLA sold a kid this comic that had a depiction of a nude artists model, in a story about Picasso and non sexual. and hes lookin at major time and has been dragged through courts for years and into backruptcy. And thats not even softcore porn. This counrty is full o' crap in a lot of ways. They ram all this freedom crap down your throat growing up, but the truth is real freedom is pretty rare.

my 2 pennies

At the end of "America Land of the Free" they need to put an asterisk
*Sometines, kinda, sorta was in a rose colored hindsight to a past that actually never existed.

22-Dec-2006, 03:21 AM
(shutting up)

Now that, is a democracy.

22-Dec-2006, 05:40 AM
Werd guys, i say we go on a liberal rampage and murder all white males. That will show those freedom hating facists! BURN AMERICA BURN HAHAHAHAH!!:rolleyes:

22-Dec-2006, 06:51 PM
I am fairly certain they actually do make zombie porn.. :evil:

22-Dec-2006, 07:06 PM
I am fairly certain they actually do make zombie porn.. :evil:
Yup, they do. and it sucks! Theres all kinds of gore porn going back to 70s filmed XXX.