View Full Version : New Zombie flick? War of the Dead

21-Dec-2006, 07:30 PM
From Dread Central (http://www.dreadcentral.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1058)

Amazing how things tend to work out. A few days back I stumbled upon info about a new Olivier Gruner action-horror flick called War of the Dead that would pit the marble-mouthed French kickboxing asskicker against zombies during World War 2. I couldn't find any info other than a brief synopsis and assurances that it was a real film. I wanted to do a story about it but damned if I had much of anything to go on. And then this morning I surf over to Twitch Film and find that they've just filled in the blanks complete with trailer. What timing.

Now War of the Dead is definitely what I would call an international production: Finnish director and locales, French leading actor, Scandinavian cast, US and Lithuanian producers, and the dialogue will reportedly be almost completely in English. Directed by acclaimed Finnish director Marko Mäkilaakso - I'll just take their word for it that he's acclaimed since I don't know enough about Finnish cinema to dispute it - and produced by the people behind John Carpenter's Vampires, War of the Dead's plot goes a little something like this:

"In the frozen arctic forests, Captain Martin Stone is leading a finely-trained, elite platoon of American and Finnish soldiers as they attack an enemy bunker. Underestimating their enemy’s strength, they are quickly beaten back into the forest. As they try to regroup, they are suddenly attacked by the same soldiers they had just killed a few minutes earlier. Forced to flee deeper into Russian territory, they discover one of war’s most terrifying secrets and realize they have woken up a far more deadlier enemy."

Despite the fact that War of the Dead only began shooting last month there's already a teaser trailer online and I must say I'm digging what I'm seeing thus far. You certainly can't fault the cinematography. That said, "Fear has a new temperature" may very well be the lamest tagline I've come across in a long time.

- The Foywonder

Pretty funny...lamest tagline...and isn't that John Hurt doing the narration?

21-Dec-2006, 07:55 PM
zombies in world war two... could be good, if its like a resistance: fall of man type thing.

21-Dec-2006, 09:19 PM
Here's the trailer: http://thelittlefilmcompany.filmtrackonline.com/trailers/%7BD9DA0078-F51F-4955-870C-F1486996CF43%7D/OTD_TEASER_final_%7BCFF04597-8E56-4AC6-9878-4285B6E8B389%7D.wmv

Looks alright... if they weren't saying it was a ZOMBIE MOVIE! UGH! These things seem more like vampires to me. Did you see the one that was jumping like 20 feet in the air in one of the quick clips? :mad:

22-Dec-2006, 12:31 AM
Yeah ... Ummmmm, great title for a movie ... with a title like that it sure sounds promising ... i think ...

22-Dec-2006, 04:10 AM
Ummm, looks okay but hasn't the world-war-two-zombie-thing been done to death already?

22-Dec-2006, 04:11 AM
i wasnt aware it HAD been done.

excluding the nazi zombies in the swimming pool sorta things.

itd be cool to see a cross between band of brothers and the walking dead though, i mean youd all ready be in enemy territory and hundreds of miles from your family then it all goes bizaaro world on you and you got zombies?, that'd make a cool comic book.

Looks alright... if they weren't saying it was a ZOMBIE MOVIE! UGH! These things seem more like vampires to me. Did you see the one that was jumping like 20 feet in the air in one of the quick clips? :mad:


22-Dec-2006, 04:20 AM
i wasnt aware it HAD been done.

Well, I guess it hasn't been done technically but it's been touched upon many times. The Bunker and Deathwatch being two examples. Talking of which, 'aint there meant to be a Wolfenstein film coming out?

22-Dec-2006, 05:36 AM
Well, I guess it hasn't been done technically but it's been touched upon many times. The Bunker and Deathwatch being two examples. Talking of which, 'aint there meant to be a Wolfenstein film coming out?

Don't forget Shockwaves with Peter Cushing. Those were Nazi zombies coming out of the water too.

22-Dec-2006, 05:48 AM
Well, I guess it hasn't been done technically but it's been touched upon many times. The Bunker and Deathwatch being two examples. Talking of which, 'aint there meant to be a Wolfenstein film coming out?

deathwatch kicked ass, reminded me of dog soldiers, but better.

Don't forget Shockwaves with Peter Cushing. Those were Nazi zombies coming out of the water too.

heh, those undead germans love there swimmin' huh?

22-Dec-2006, 10:50 AM
Oliver Gruner? In a zombieflick?

There's a man who belongs in the trash genre. Unlike Will Smith.

22-Dec-2006, 11:16 AM
FFS... Who told the camera-man that holding the camera at an angle was artistic?

And we have superhuman dead people again? :(

22-Dec-2006, 05:34 PM
which reminds em anyone heard the rumors of a marvel zombies flick?, that'd be cool even though pretty much anyone who wanted to see it would know the outcome.

24-Dec-2006, 04:00 AM
this movie looks like it blows gorilla nuts!!!!!:(