View Full Version : a pic of my little guy nick...

22-Dec-2006, 12:41 AM
here is my little dude nicky

darth los
22-Dec-2006, 01:00 AM
he's a very cute boy. God bless him. I just love his chubby cheeks. How old is he? My boy is two and man is he a handfull.

22-Dec-2006, 01:06 AM
he's a very cute boy. God bless him. I just love his chubby cheeks. How old is he? My boy is two and man is he a handfull.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww cute is correct. Gotta love the cheeks. So darth when can we see pics of you and your kids..

22-Dec-2006, 05:20 AM
He's really cute. Gonna be a heartbreaker.
I second the awwwwwww.

Ever have someone show you a pic of their baby and the babys fvckin ugly?
Thats hard. This guy I worked with who was real goony looking put me in that position. I said "he looks just like you". the baby did, Exactly. Poor kid

22-Dec-2006, 10:14 AM
Did anyone else think of Winston Churchill looking at that pic?

That's not an insult, it's just that Winston Churchill looked like a lot of babies do ... it's kinda cute in a way, imagine a toddler standing (shakily) upright, rattle in hand, proclaiming "we will fight them on the beaches" and so on.

hehe, cool pic, look's like a kid who knows what he wants. :)

23-Dec-2006, 08:57 PM
Did anyone else think of Winston Churchill looking at that pic?

hahahaha!! funny you should say that. when nick was born the first thing i thought was, "hey he looks like winston churchill!"

to answer darth los' question - he will be a year old on 29 dec. hard to believe. he is learning to walk now and has already had his first trip to the ER after faceplanting into our entertainment center- luckily no stitches were required nor were any teeth lost.

24-Dec-2006, 10:00 PM
Did anyone else think of Winston Churchill looking at that pic?

That's not an insult, it's just that Winston Churchill looked like a lot of babies do ... it's kinda cute in a way, imagine a toddler standing (shakily) upright, rattle in hand, proclaiming "we will fight them on the beaches" and so on.

hehe, cool pic, look's like a kid who knows what he wants. :)

See, this is one reason why I love HPOTD. After seeing Minion's pos, I decided to search for Churchill quotes, and found many a cool thing that the dude said. One thing he said, I could easily see that baby saying, and it would be a very good thing for President Bush to hear today. From the mouth of babes...

Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.

25-Dec-2006, 06:59 AM
at first glance it looked like alot of bootleg movies in the back ground, but then i thought, hey they maybe books? yes?