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24-Dec-2006, 10:24 PM
Anyone else in love with this show? Anyone with comcast and HBO can get teh whole first season on "On Demand." Its being nominated by tons of awards, and I did a serach but didnt ever see a topic on it, It is alot more popular than I thought it was. I was wondering if anyone on the forums is with me?

27-Dec-2006, 12:19 PM
Engaging story, great acting, terrific plot. Really a good show. I'm looking forward to the next season.

By the way...its not HBO. Its Showtime which has really done a great job of succeeding HBO for great programming. If no one caught Sleeper Cell, they missed a treat.

28-Dec-2006, 10:40 PM
Yea, it is showtime... After reading this I checked it out and wow.

I haven't been sucked into a show this much in a while, I'm on episode 8 right now, and I TOTALLY called the ice truck killer. It's like a strong addiction to heroine that I can't seem to kick... As a matter of fact I believe I'm going to go watch it right now